Author Topic: [ADDON] ROSIGMA  (Read 168516 times)

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2021, 12:31:09 am »
Found the likely culprit, missing kneel/standheights on the unit. Openxcom makes units default to invisible (instead of some default value like 20), with no warning.

Try replacing your ROSIGMA 40k.rul file (in the ruleset folder) with this fixed version:

Offline Gnelf88

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« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2021, 06:04:45 pm »
Found the likely culprit, missing kneel/standheights on the unit. Openxcom makes units default to invisible (instead of some default value like 20), with no warning.

Try replacing your ROSIGMA 40k.rul file (in the ruleset folder) with this fixed version:

I installed both hotfixes and replaced them into the appropriate folders, however now on startup I get:

[22-05-2021_15-58-14]   [ERROR]   Error processing 'STR_TRAITORGUARD_BATTLE_SERVITOR_HB' in units: Armor TG_BATTLESERVITOR_HBARMOR not found
I deleted ROSIGMA, 40k and re-installed everything however the issue persists. Should I just completely remove all my mods and just have ROSIGMA enabled to see if its mod conflicts?
the only mod conflict I could think of that I have is the Extra Stormtrooper Carapaces mod
Thank you for your patience!

[Edit] It seems to be the 40k rule file causing this issue, however, the sentinel issue was fixed! thank you very much.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2021, 07:03:38 pm by Gnelf88 »

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2021, 01:38:45 am »
Had hoped openxcom would ignore things not pulled by the mod for any racelist etc, but apparently not so.

I've purged the offending section in a new version, which should solve the 40k.rul issue (Same link).

Alternative solution, open 40k.rul, search for "STR_NURGLE_SOLDIER_BLESSED #CHAOS MUTON_ARMORNURGLE", add (without tabbing but with same spacing):
standHeight: 20
kneelHeight: 15
above "intelligence".

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2021, 09:03:04 pm »
Been messing around figuring out the map editor to make some ship variants.


On the menu is to make some non-chaos ships. Imperial/neutral + Ork ships especially.
There´s already tilesets for Imperial vessels and Space Hulks (perhaps lacking all exteriors).

Anyone who wants to create some can head on to the discord, we can help you out.

Offline Gnelf88

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« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2021, 02:28:23 pm »
Had hoped openxcom would ignore things not pulled by the mod for any racelist etc, but apparently not so.

I've purged the offending section in a new version, which should solve the 40k.rul issue (Same link).

Alternative solution, open 40k.rul, search for "STR_NURGLE_SOLDIER_BLESSED #CHAOS MUTON_ARMORNURGLE", add (without tabbing but with same spacing):
standHeight: 20
kneelHeight: 15
above "intelligence".

After installing the latest hotfix i haven't encountered the issue so far. great work and thank you very much for the help!

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #35 on: May 25, 2021, 01:58:22 am »
Great to hear.

Our friend the Battle Servitor is coming in the next update, working on expanding the traitor guard forces.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #36 on: May 30, 2021, 02:09:32 pm »
For those who've not checked out the beta-testing channel on the ROSIGMA discord, here is the latest weapon rebalance test that Buscher has been working on:

It's currently only for Imperial Guard Weapons, balanced around view distance of 30 in daylight, 20 in night time.
The file contains an excel file that shows the balance and changes to accuracy, TU costs and range (including drop off graphs).

Lasguns and most rifles tuned to ranges of 11-15, with drop offs into the 20ies. Range advantage vs bolters.
IG Heavy Weapons tuned to ranges of 20-25.
Krak Weapons given 20% armor ignore.
Krak weapons' damagetype turned to AP
Lasgun/Laspistols' damagetype turned to AP
Lasgun/pistols don't create wounds (cauterizing)
Normal lasgun ammo better at shredding armor
Renamed AP damagetype to "Standard".
Working on how lasguns armor damage will scale over tiers and into hotshot. Currently quite strong per shot.

All values are subject to change with future updates and testing. 

The 40k.rul hotfix on the first page of this thread is also updated with some more fixes discovered in playtesting.
-Gives weapons to two unarmed Chaos terminator/CSM units.
-Corrects a typo introduced by Tzeentch that gave some sorcerers 800 health.

Latest hotfixes
« Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 01:49:57 pm by Leflair »

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #37 on: June 05, 2021, 10:30:40 pm »
Update 1.02: 2021-JUNE - is now live on the!

Requires at least OXCE 7.0.0 (2021-03-13),5258.0.html

Bug fixes:
- Added Sound Effects to Adeptas Sentinels. (stomp stomp)
- Fixes to pixelart for handheld launchers (ork/sister faust).
- Added deathSounds to Deserter Guards, previously too cowardly to even whimper.
- Fix for Adeptas Sentinel Crashing (not into the enemy).
- Invisible Plague Marine cured through squat & stand regime. Will no longer haunt your bed.
- Former Khorne aligned Ungor has now joined the proper Khrone faction.
- Tzeentch Sorcerer blessing dispelled by the Imperial Choir, health reduced from 800 to 80.
- Added a weapon loadout to some unarmed Chaos undivided Terminators and Chaos Traitor CSM, who previously felt like fist fighting the Imperium.
- Corrected minor spelling error in the Cantus Ufopedia and added recoil info.

- ROSIGMA updated to work with the latest OXCE version (7.0.x) once the 40k mod also updates.
- Ork Warbosses can now be encountered in the highest tier Ork Fort.
- Early game enemy deployment changes, smaller chance of encountering CSM and high tier sisters in the first months. Traitor Guard and Cultists lists reworked.
- Reduced Hunter-Killer spawn rate
- Reduced spawn rate of Traitor Guard/Orks/Cultists missions by 50% to reduce overwhelming spam.
- Swapped out Slaanesh Devoted Origins codex artwork to a better version.
- Tzeentch Sorcerer changed from Leader to Commander to help research efforts.
- Chaos Sorcerer will also help you now ending the Warp.
- Small buff to Undivided Terminators, Navigators and Engineers stats. They should no longer panic as often (or at all), and now have decent accuracy.
- Buffed Chaos Marines morale in general so they are not as panic prone.
- Small front and side armor buff to Undivided Terminators.
- Buffed CSM accuracy slightly.
- Buffed some unarmored Daemons health slightly.
- Made Bloodletters very charge happy.
- Corrected some chaos loadouts so more mixed heavy weapons will appear at the highest tech tier.
- Added berserkChance to Khorne units who are now much more likely to berserk rather than panic. CSM in general have a higher chance to berserk as well.
- Added a chance for high ranking CSM and navigators to fire out of their own LOS if your soldiers have been spotted.
- Added slightly better vision and sensor abilities to CSM power armor, turrets and dreads, smoke nor night will not provide quite the same protection anymore. Most values are in the 20-33% range.
- Added heatVision values to officers, specialists, turrets and sentinels of the Traitor Guard. Same deal, except Sentinels have 50% values and high vision. Take them out quick.
- Added varying levels of heatVision and PsiVision to chaos daemons. Rule of thumb, smoke doesn´t do much to hide you from these guys. On the positive side, few of them have ranged weapons.
- Big updates to many raceLists with the introduction of 7 new enemy types at the low tiers. Some sisters have been removed from mixed lists due to this.
- Added (new chaos) hotshot lasgun ammo to traitor guardsmen at highest tech tier. Their navigators get them at first tier but then switches over to specialist weapons afterwards. This means the basic traitor guardsman can threaten (at least damage) power armored foes later in the game.
- Nerfed the Inferno pistol to 60% of the power of the two-handed meltagun (fewer pellets).
- Buff: Implemented RandomType on all flamethrower weapons, now 50-150% or 50-200% (heavy flamer).
- Buffed Priest Eviscerator to 120 dam.
- Put Sentinel Plasma behind Plasma cannon and not heavy plasma (research).

**Additions/New Stuff:**

Traitor Guard and Chaos:
- Added a new ride, a Valkyrie Wing to the Traitor Guard.
Introducing some more variety to spice up the ol´ traitor guardsmen.
- Traitor Guard Weapon Servitors (Heavy Bolter, Rocket Launcher). A mix of captured and reprogrammed Battle Servitors, and captured Imperials turned into Battle Servitors by the Dark Mechanicum Hereteks. Very grim, and very dark. Their limbs are replaced with heavy weapons such as Heavy Bolters and rocket launchers, with ammo and sensor pods to offset the weight, making them serve as somewhat mobile and stable gun platforms to reinforce the traitor guard with heavy firepower. While sturdy and hard to kill, they are slow to react and show little initiative of their own. They are hapless in melee.
- Added Chaos Ogryn variants. Heavy Stubber & Ripper gun, a light armor and a heavy armor version. Might introduce shielded variants and other weapons later. These Traitor Ogryn are tough as they come, wearing heavy carapace plating and wielding a mix of (new chaos variant) ripper autoshotguns and heavy stubbers. They provide the Traitor Guard and Chaos Cultists with brawn. Dangerous up close, they are best dealt with from afar. While well protected from the front, their rear is less armored.
- Chaos Penetante (Penal) legions. Captured Guard, PDF and civilians who refuse to turn Chaos, yet are too cowardly to die for the Emperor. And maybe a couple of traitor guard/cultists thrown in to make an example out of. Outfitted with explosive collars and vests before being sent in human waves against Imperial forces and outposts, they are used as cannon fodder by Chaos forces. Explodes on death and some can touch off their own explosives, comes in a few variants. Expect these mixed into many chaos cultist and traitor guard lists. Later pure CSM and Chaos Sister lists do not employ them as much.
- Chaos Heretek, a floating ball of joy and science that uses grav tech to levitate both body and guns. Is shielded and likes to wield a beamer meltagun or light lascannon. Will appear in several lists to various extent in the engineer role.

Adeptas Sororitas:
- New Animated battlesprites for the Adeptas Sentinels. Their little chimneys now let out little flames, courtesy of Xom126.

Imperial Guard

- Some Psykers are available from Mid-Tier
- Fixed Shell Breaker Exitus Armor to hit right armor side
- Long serving Penitents can be pardoned to Guardsmen
- Firing Range mission can be done in one click now
- Fixed missing vapor trail for Sentinel Multimelta
- Commissar Yarrick may join your forces once the Ork Warboss is defeated
- Hellgun is now manufacturable

Space Marines

- Buffed Bike in terms of armor, gun and melee
- Added Rhino as ground transport option
- Added Crux Terminatus commendation as a requirement for Terminator Armor (new soldier promotion)


- Krak weapons now using armor piercing/standard damage type with additonal armor piercing
- Item Piles on crafts are moved back to avoid any explosion hitting the first row destroying the item pile
- Refinery map does not have the huge pipes anymore
- Added Air Superiority mission for the enemies
- Some additional crafts may employ escorts

Traitor Guard arsenal expanded
-New Chaos Ripper Gun added. Used by the new Chaos Ogryns. A close range, big, autoshotgun.
-Added chaos hot-shot/hellguns. Highest tech tier weapon for certain elite infantry and future additions. More damage than a normal lasgun. Can probably tickle a space marine.
-New Chaos hot-shot volleygun for highest tech tier. Rapidfire, close range las weapon, akin to a infantry handheld multilaser. Meant for Traitor Guard Blackstone elite infantry and stormtroopers.
-New handheld light lascannon and bipod version added.
-New Deserter/Traitor Longlas. Right now used by the Deserter Scout that has joined the Traitor Guard forces as their sniper.
-Battle Servitor mounted Heavy Bolter. Excellent range, but with less impressive autofire count and reaction ability than its imperial counterparts. It is belt fed a large amount of rounds from a ammo pod, ensuring it is very unlikely to run out of ammo.
It can come with 3 types of ammo:
A poor quality low power heavy bolter round. Starting round.
A AP heavy bolter round. Mid-tech round.
A HEAT-like heavy bolter high power round. Armor piercing, explosive. Appears only at higher tech tiers.
-Battle Servitor mounted Rocket launcher pod. Fires multiple warheads, of 3 types:
A standard HE round with a small AoE.
A KRAK warhead with minimal AoE and armor piercing capability.
A Melta warhead with a small AoE with armor damaging properties.
Can unleash a midranged Missile Massacre with poor accuracy.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #38 on: June 06, 2021, 10:07:23 am »
when looking into the "Wiki" (thru the New Battle option) I encountered multiple Crashes it seems following items are missing STR_CHAOS_HELLGUN or STR_CHAOS_VOLLEYGUN and STR_IG_BATTLESERVITOR_MISSILEARMOR_ARMOR is and some items like the Burna, etc don't have a entry (what is better because then it dont lead to a crash

Offline The Martian

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« Reply #39 on: June 06, 2021, 10:33:48 am »
I noticed that the sprite sheet for Stormboyz.png only had metal boots when stationary.

Here is an altered version of the legs with metallic boots. They currently lack the metal claw toes when walking but I'm hoping that this may save you some time when you start to create the proper clawed version.

Amazing work on your Heretek unit, it looks great.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2021, 12:24:09 pm »
Hot fix for 1.02

Fixes some codex crash issues for weapons not yet in the campaign + naming for one weapon, and two art pieces for the codex.

Thanks for the metal boots Simi822, will look into fixing that as time permits. The Heretek isn't quiiite finished, waiting for the Unitsprite studio to support floater drawingRoutine. But he looks alright for now.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2021, 12:27:05 pm by Leflair »

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #41 on: July 25, 2021, 09:17:18 pm »
ROSIGMA version 1.03 is now up!

1.03 (20210725 - Third Update Patch)

Adapted to 40k Version 030

Bug fixes:

    Corrected a inventory sprite mismatch for the Adeptas Dominion armor, the militia inventory sprite will no longer display.
    Some codex fixes (Thanks EttyKitty)
    Hotfix integration from 1.02: Corrected codex crashes in the mission gen codex, added a name for the Deserter longlas and 2 pieces of codex art.

General Changes:

    Starting cash returned to normal 40k levels, this part will now be handled through the new difficulty settings system.
    Engineer and scientist costs changed to default for now. More changes will come in future updates.
    Fuel costs for Promethium guzzling crafts were reduced so they don't take exorbitant values.

Guard changes:

    Choice between Guardsmen and Scion strategy. The Guardsmen is the same strategy as now. The Scion/Elite strategy gives access to mid-tier units in low-tier but reduces recruitment and heavy weapon options.

Marine changes:

    The Marine training mission also uses the same script as the IG training mission now (Thanks EttyKitty)
    Space Marine Fixed items were moved to the other hand. Same will follow for the other factions.
    Marines face all directions in the drop pods now (even if all sides don't open up)
    Changed requirements for Firstborn Marine Sergeant and Captain Armor to research progress instead of specific corpses.
    Altered the Firstborn Marines bike bolter and melee attack
    Altered requirements for Mortis Dreadnought (Lascannon) to Craft Lascannon (from Plasma)
    Limited Terminators from running and kneeling (similar to Chaos Gate)

Enemies changes:

    Enemy may only use Psi from the second turn on to avoid the enemy mind controlling units inside the drop pods.
    Removed STR_NURGLE from STR_NURGLESISTERS. Slightly easier list now without the nurgle CSM leader.
    Added Ork Kommandoz to some ork race lists.


    Added Ork Snipers capping your officers. Currently uses the same outfits as other kommandoz, but do have a brand new big orky sniper rifle (alright, it´s more of an autocannon).
    Imperial Guard has a new disposable KRAK rocket launcher like the Adeptas one. unlocks from heavy weapons research, after guardsmen strategy.

Offline oxcuser0003

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« Reply #42 on: August 03, 2021, 09:58:13 pm »
Cool mod, thanks for all the work, I played up to unlocking the last mission but then got distracted 

Some thoughts:
- the additional soldier types are cool but complicates everything, seemed hard to upgrade them even with lots of missions and kills? then after spending a lot of time with the novices I finally unlocked the actual sisters lol, then certain armor types are locked to the different classes 
- similar to the base mod it seems like a lot of the unlocks are sidegrades and not straight X-COM style upgrades? ended up just spamming heavy bolters and lascannons
- similar to base mod the tech tree felt complicated
- love all the new enemies but the stealth orks seems a bit OP, i have had to literally go tile by tile and sometimes Im right next to them and still cant see them
- love the voices
- i do like the cheaper upgrade costs for armor and MC ammo, very expensive in the base mod 
- is mind control in the game? thought the inquisitor armor would have something but it didnt, finished a base SM run and didnt find it either
- how viable is melee? didnt try it much

Overall cool mod, keep up the great work!

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #43 on: August 04, 2021, 02:11:47 pm »
- the additional soldier types are cool but complicates everything, seemed hard to upgrade them even with lots of missions and kills? then after spending a lot of time with the novices I finally unlocked the actual sisters lol, then certain armor types are locked to the different classes

That is intended, and extends the "early" phase of the Sisters campaign. Although, we are working on introducing several "strategy" options for both guards and sisters (currently, guards have their Scion Strategy implemented alongside the normal strategy). Right now looking at giving Sisters some sort of "Veteran" Strategy and a Repentia Strategy, with a Seraphim Strategy as the 4th option.

This will deliver different sets of weapons and starting soldiers depending on Strategy picked. Novice strategy being the more forgiving in terms of starting numbers of troops and resources.

- similar to the base mod it seems like a lot of the unlocks are sidegrades and not straight X-COM style upgrades? ended up just spamming heavy bolters and lascannons
- similar to base mod the tech tree felt complicated

The upgrade path looks like:
Starting:-"Novice Habit Armor"
- (Optional) Cantus Armor
- Standard Adeptas Power Armor (what you start with in base 40k mod, or upgrade to from Novices)
- Elohim Armor (small upgrade for veterans, think "Tactical" armor) / Retributor Armor (good for heavy weapons, equivalent to Devastator armor) / Seraphim Armor (Flying/Assault)
- Sister Superior Armor (Required to upgrade to Canoness)
The later Honor guard/Dominion/Celestial (Flying) armor sets are advanced upgrades with better armor/"shields" (like in the base 40k mod).

This maps to "Tactical" (your high reaction, run and gun infantry), "Devastator"(heavy/fire support) and "Assault" (flying) trifecta of mainline armors.
I do have some plans to add some form of Zephyrim melee flying armor, Sacresants heavy infantry armor and a "Terminator" equivalent. Paragon will take longer, as 4 tile units are quite complicated to make. GW haven´t made any huge visual (or practical) differences in the armor sets of Zephyrim and Sacresants though.

Different tracks of upgrades for support armor:
Medicae Armor (Novices) - Hospitaller armor
Repentia Armor - Assassin Armor - Death Cult Assassin armor.
Adeptas Sentinel (HB, Shamsiel Pattern) - Sentinel Melta Lance (Sariel pattern). Can be piloted by either the Adeptas Pilots, or the standard Sisters (not Novices).

The late game armor upgrades are currently very close to the 40k base mod, what´s new is the Novice/Cantus/Medicae tier, the Elohim/Retributor/Superior tier and the Pilot/Sentinel "armors".

- love all the new enemies but the stealth orks seems a bit OP, i have had to literally go tile by tile and sometimes Im right next to them and still cant see them.
There are some options for you:
The Heavy Bolter Sentinel has 45 vision and 30% heatvision (through smoke). The later Sentinel (melta lance) has 60 vision.
The Medicae/Hospitaller armor sets have 5-10 antiCamo ("heartbeat sensor"). Probably the easiest to get early.
The Assassin armor have some (5) antiCamo for detecting stealthy enemies. Later, the Death Cultists have both +6 visibility and 10 anticamo detection. The Repentia is lacking though.
Later on you can use the Celestian, Inquisitor and Canoness Armors for this too.
The Living Saint has similar vision as the best sentinel but that´s late game.

- love the voices
Thanks, took quite a bit of work tracking down and putting together the extra voice packs. Might be more coming in the future to add some variety (Trying to avoid ballooning the size of the mod however).

- i do like the cheaper upgrade costs for armor and MC ammo, very expensive in the base mod
Nice to hear. We are looking at a more comprehensive economics and balance overhaul. If you (or anyone reading this thread) has suggestions or opinions on the current state of such, feel free to post it! Because everyone plays a little different, and there´s a random element to it, any extra playtesting input is valuable.

- is mind control in the game? thought the inquisitor armor would have something but it didnt, finished a base SM run and didnt find it either
Currently quite limited. There´s one Marine unit/armor, and the Psykers (Guard) that have some options here. There´s not really a suitable Sister unit for this, and MC is quite overpowered.
Now the enemy, well, they have some (especially Tzeentch).
On the plus side, Sisters should be quite resistant to MC attempts.

- how viable is melee? didnt try it much
It´s very viable if you´re using Repentia/Assassin armor, that give a big movement and reactions (Dodge) buff. Just try to drain enemy reaction fire as much as possible, and that you´re not leaving any potential counter-threats alive before sending in your living tomahawk missiles. It´s a decent way to conserve ammo, and most enemies are quite weak to melee damage (might want to be careful with some Khorne enemies however, melee experts that they are).
Other options are the Neural Whip (it has several attack options, suitable for capturing enemies), the added Power Axe and Halberd options (before the Sacresants were even announced, funny coincidence there!).

For the future update(s), along with the new strategy options, will be both guard "Tactics/Commands/Strategems" and Sister "Miracles" (names not final) that will map to what´s in their codex. Both big and small things, that can help you shift the battlefield in your favor (give your soldiers extra TU/Energy/Morale/Accuracy/Shields, or draining the enemy etc), with cooldowns and/or some sort of "points generation".
Still working on the implementation so it feels balanced and well, works as intended.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2021, 02:16:50 pm by Leflair »

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #44 on: September 02, 2021, 10:07:53 pm »
ROSIGMA version 1.04 is now up!

ROSIGMA 1.04 (20210902- Fourth Update Patch)

Works with 40k Version 030.

Bug fixes:
-Corrected sprite errors with the Heretek battlesprite
-Corrected sprite errors with the Melta Beamer handOB
-Added support for 40k 030 unitSprites.
-Fix for weapons loadout dualwielding (re)introduced with 40k 030, using livingWeapon to ensure the units load with their own loadouts.
-Gave the Genestealer leader a weaponLoadout.
-Gave the megarmor nobz ammo for their twin shootas at the highest tier (previously missing).
-Corrected a couple of pricing errors for live captures and corpses that would bring huge amounts of dosh. Adjusted some prices downwards and a few up to be more in line with other prices.
-Corrected the loadout of the Elite Heretic Sister, who previously held two lascannons (and a third somewhere else).
-Corrected Firstborn Marine strategy not disabling Primaris strategy.
-Drop pod requisition is now manufacturable (for the initial one).
-Added explosionSounds and hitAnimations from X1.pck that were missing for some enemy spawner grenades.
-Removed hair and face color script code leftovers from enemy sisters that could cause issues with their pixels.

General Changes:
-Unified Unit stat ranges with 030.
-Increased the loftemp size of Marines and Terminators to 4 and 5 respectively. This means Terminators will be as easy to hit as Ogryns, and Power Armor Marines will be a little easier to hit than guardsmen or sisters. This goes for both player armors and enemies like CSM, Terminators, Havocs etc.
We've not touched Primaris yet, that's coming with a later overhaul.
-Added morale loss reduction/boost to various enemy units. A Chaos Penetante will cause very minor morale losses for other Chaos units, while enemy leaders will cause more Morale losses.
-Added Panic immunity to some enemy terror and high end chaos units.
-Added Mind Control immunity to some enemy terror and high end chaos units.
-Buffed health of enemy Ogryns to 130/140 range.
-Changed enemy Ogryns to lofttemp size 5 from size 3 to equal player Ogryns. They are now easier to hit! This offsets some of their increase in health.
-Added some mixing Ufopaedia entries for recently added Chaos weaponry.
-Reworked enemy deployments for the new enemy lists, see NEW notes below.
-The Value of base Space Marine soldiers has increased by 10 points and by 20 for Terminators.
-Buffed the Juggernaut health by 100 with tu, stamina, mind control resistance and armor recieving small buffs. They also have leeroyJenkins now, so these big doggos will be more aggressive.
-The Chaos Juggernaut is now extra stompy (sfx).
-Lowered heatvision for some enemy units. Its now slightly safer to use smoke, don't stand too close to the edges and expect to be invisible however! Recommended to keep at least 4 tiles of dense smoke between you and the threat.
Be aware, that enemy Sentinels, Daemons, Psykers, Power Armor enemies and Sorcerers are not particularly impeded by smoke. This goes for the new Blackstone Stormtroopers as well.
Ork "Techy" units like mekboys, burnas, kommandoz, flashgitz, megaarmor users have heatVision values in the 10-30 range.
-Removed or lowered psiVision for some enemy units.
-Increased the effective range of enemy lascannons and longlas to slightly above 20 tiles (from 16/18).
-Added some armor damage for the alien grenade.
-Added a 10% damage buff for the chaos Heavy Stubber.
-A 20 point nerf to the Slaanesh Dominion armor.
-Changed Plaguebearer spit to have a small AoE effect and energy drain.

Adeptas Changes:
-Dropped stats requirements for Novice promotion.
-Lowered some max stats and training caps for Adeptas (across the board). Still slightly higher than base 40k, but not quite as extreme.
-Moved Dominion halberd, power axe, dominion bolter, potestas heavy kombibolter and galgalim assault cannon to high tier (was purchaseable at midtier)
-Buffed Aimed range of Arche sniper to 25 tiles (was 18, 1 lower than snap).
-Introduced research for Hellspite/Mephisto midtier kombibolters
-Buffed the Harmonic Beamer Melta snap fire accuracy and effective range.
-Buffed the Harmonic Beamer and Potestas Melta anti-armor damage. Reduced range power drop off (after 12 tiles) by 30%.

Imperial Guard Changes:
-More Damage Range for Imperial Guard Bayonets
-Added Vox Caster Armors (replacing Laser Designator)
-Revoked isPilotArmor on Guard Pilot

Price changes, right numbers are the new prices, left are the old:
Smoke drum 800 # 7500
NEW: smoke bomb 15000
Krak drum 800 # 10000
Frag drum 800 # 5000
Photon drum 800 # 6000
Inc drum 800 # 3600

New for Imperial Guard:
-Normal smoke grenades got their blastRadius reduced by one.
-New Smoke Bomb: You get smoke bombs when you research smoke and ogryns. Weight is 20, cost is 15 000 credits (10x smoke grenades). Use where it's vital.
-Added Hologram Grenades that creates a decoy target that may confuse the enemy AI. Cost: 15 000 credits.
-Introduced a spotter/support gunner role (think of the tabletop two-man Heavy Weapons Teams) as a heavy weapons kit, to buff Heavy Weapons like Heavy Bolters. For full effect, the player will need to bring a weapon specialist team to truly make use of their heavy weapons.
"This heavy weapon toolkit supports any troops wielding heavy weapons with bipods. By 'attacking' the heavy weapon soldier, the toolkit finishes deploying the heavy weapon or enables the soldier to move again on the same turn."
-Added new Command ability to officers. Regimental Officers are capable of issuing battle wide commands. All commands use command points which depend on the composition of the commited forces. Depending on rank and soldier type, each soldier contributes to the command point pool. The higher the seniority the more command points they contribute. Soldiers such as Penitents or Ogryns do not contribute any points. The cost of a command depends on the number of all soldiers commited (dead or alive). Commands can only be issued by Officers.
Following commands can be given per turn. Only one command can be active per turn:
Blitzkrieg: The reaction score of all troops is increased. All enemies will be slower to react but will also react in greater force once they get the opportunity to do so.
Fix Bayonets: All troops will get a melee accuracy and damage bonus. The accuracy shown will not reflect on the actual (improved) melee chance.
Hunker Down: All soldiers will take defensive positions. Incoming damage will be reduced, even more so when kneeling.

Imperial Plasma Weapons now overheat. The bigOB of affected Plasma weapons will have the blue plasma gradually turn red as the weapon is fired. Note: This only updates on new turns. Firing several autoshots in a row will cause rapid overheating and within a few turns (maxing heat), the weapon to self-destruct. No fancy explosion possible yet, so it's just the gun that goes poof.

Enemy Weapons:
-Added Chaos Hellguns and Volleyguns. These pack quite the punch. They sport new chaos flavored sprites.
-Tzeentch Flamers now have a melta alt-attack to offer more ranged threat.
-Added a heretical light bolter based on the De'az pattern to the Chaos ranks, replacing the normal De'az bolter. This Heretek modified version has a double tap snap fire.

Upgrading Enemy bases:
-Cultist and Traitor Guard bases now upgrade their racelists with level. A randomRace system has also been introduced per level, so you may encounter some alternative lists of a suitable tier. This also means that the level 3 (highest) bases will be a tougher, while level 1 bases will be easier. Plan your raids accordingly.
Note, the first base of either Cultists or Traitor Guard counts as level 2 rather than level 1.
Some examples: Deserters, Traitor Squats, Traitor Guard Shock Force (elites), Blackstone Stormtroopers and more.

New Enemy Forces:
Chaos Squats
-Chaos Squats are introduced. They come in several flavors, Cultist, Traitor and Chaos. Cultist and Traitor are mixed in with existing Cultist and Traitor Guard lists, as well as a few new lists. Chaos Squats have their own dedicated raceList.
-Enemy Squats come in Leader (Cultist/Chaos), Ranger (Chaos), Heavy and standard configurations. Each with their own inventory sprites and modified battlesprites (resuing BigOB/floorOB for now).
They favor hotshot weapons, grav- and meltaguns. They sport more armor and health than their human counterparts, ranging from carapace to pseudo-power armor. They have low TU, but high stubborness and morale. They are not as skilled as CSM, and have lower throwing stats.
-Chaos Squat Exoarmor enemy added, Chaos Squats terminator tier unit. Slow, but very tough.
-Reworked enemy deployments for the new Squat lists, weightings have been changed for much of the early/mid game so you will encounter different mixes of enemies (the vanilla Cultist list has reduced chance of appearing as a result).
I´ve made new sprite sets for all of these.

Blackstone Stormtroopers
-Added new Traitor Guard Blackstone Stormtroopers. They come in normal, heavy, sharpshooter, jumptrooper and elite versions. They use the new chaos hellguns, volleyguns and hotshot longlas, some plasma carbines and rifles. Powered armored player units can survive 2-4 shots from these weapons, just don't get too close.
-9 Racelists have been added that are all, or mixed Blackstone Stormtroopers. They will primarily arrive by month 3 but some of the easier lists can appear earlier (low %). They can appear in most mission types, depending on which Chaos faction they are mixed in with and they have a low % chance of building bases. You can find enemy commanders with these forces.
I´ve made new black and red stormtrooper sprite-sets for them. Sniper and Jumptrooper each use a different set.

-Papa Nurgle has sent his best Nurglings to join the fray! These little buggers have a acid-blight spit attack and festering talons. Not particularly dangerous on their own, they can still pick off wounded troops and cause plenty of fatal wounds.
They can appear with low tier Nurgle lists (one new list has been added), as well as from "spawner" weapons and units.
Blight grenades and rockets will now spawn Nurglings near their impact area.
Most Nurgle units now carry Nurgling spawning grenades (on higher tech levels, Plaguebearer) that they will happily throw around. Better than getting hit by a alien grenade, perhaps.
Battlesheet by Xom and color adjusted by me, I´ve added new BigOB/FloorOB/Inventory art as well.
-Added a Nurgle Sister with a new spritesheet, that will spawn a Nurgling on Death, bursting forth to spread cheer and cholera amongst your troops! She can appear in most Nurgle lists.

Cultists and Daemon Undivided

-The Chaos Cults have been expanded with not just Cultist Squats, but also Aspiring Champions, Dark Disciples, Dark Apostles and more! These form the elite members of cults and are better equipped, armored and trained than the rank and file chaff. Expect up to carapace level armor, better stats and more health than the normal cultists.
-A Favored Chaos Cult has been added to the racelist, well stocked with these new cultists.
It will have a few surprises.
-One new enemy type is the Neverborn Chaos (Undivided) Daemon, losely based on several semi-obscure daemons with no particular god-bent. Namely the "Blade-Thing", "Walking Nightmare" and "Warp Predator" from the 40k RPG rulebooks. They're shadowy (sneaky), dark, spiky and very very nasty to meet in a dark alley. A pretty good fit for the various undivided racelists.
They´re resistant to normal weapons fire, but energy weapons, meltas and fire will sort them out.

Unverified and Redacted Marine foes
-Ultramarines have been spotted defacing imperial monuments, spray-painting imperial trams and hanging up indecent posters within our cities! This is most non-compliant behaviour with the codex astartes. Be alert if you encounter them and investigate.

New Enemy Lists:
As mentioned in all the new additions like Chaos squats, all the new factions have new raceLists that populate the world with missions, craft etc.
Existing lists are also remixed with some new units and frequency/chance of appearing changed. Older lists (if they're not the main CSM threats) are generally less likely to appear.
Frequency of the enemy Penetent legion and Slaangor lists for example has been reduced early game to make room for the new lists, leading to overall more variety in encounter types.

New lists:
9 Blackstone Stormtrooper related ones
5 new enemy (Chaos or otherwise) Squats lists, one being mixed with Blackstone.
1 New early cultist list
1 Late game cultist list
1 new Nurgle one (early game)
1 New Elite Traitor Guard list
1 Neverborn Cult list
2 new Slaanesh lists
4 Redacted lists of Redacted Force of Redacted.
Probably a few more I've missed, and I don't want to mention too many details for sake of you discovering them (and their fun, wholesome, surprises) yourself in action.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2021, 11:37:28 am by Leflair »