Author Topic: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion  (Read 69380 times)

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #60 on: October 07, 2021, 08:34:45 pm »
The update is out, it fixes the crash at startup. Hopefully I'm not missing any other errors and haven't caused any new ones to spawn. Let me know if anything goes wrong!

Gotcha, thanks! I've got it working for now by adding loftempsSet: [ 3 ] to armor types which were missing it, hopefully that won't break everything horribly. ;D
That's essentially what I did. You can keep your current version and it'll function just as if it were already 1.0.1.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #61 on: October 22, 2021, 08:12:43 pm »
Update 1.0.2 is out, with a few major changes!

All types of power armor in the game have had their armor values greatly increased. Power armors on Genius or Superhuman difficulty now have more armor points than power armors used to have on Beginner. This will most notably make a difference against heavy plasma and cyberdisc shots. Terror units across the board have had their attacks slightly buffed to compensate for this change, but you should still see power-armored soldiers lasting longer than before even against terrorist units.

Aircraft on all difficulties other than Superhuman have had their initial defense values increased. Interceptions should be easier now, and there is more room than previously to min-max your builds. (Unless you're playing on Superhuman.)

Alien Habitat now yields Habitat Flora when salvaged.

Fixed the bug with the Shotgun in hand sprite which was making it sometimes appear that the soldier was carrying it backwards.

Offline Firestorm_01

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #62 on: October 24, 2021, 03:13:53 am »
Congratulation with 1.0 Release.
Should not this topic moved to released Mods?

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #63 on: October 24, 2021, 08:51:46 pm »
Congratulation with 1.0 Release.
Thank you!

Should not this topic moved to released Mods?
It is in released mods! It is in the IDT modding hub, as I am an IDT member and this is an IDT mod project.

I suppose I forgot to add the IDT decal onto the post. Thanks for the reminder!
« Last Edit: October 24, 2021, 08:54:45 pm by The Reaver of Darkness »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #64 on: December 07, 2021, 01:39:04 pm »
Update 1.0.3 is out! It fixes some bugs, along with swapping the machinegun scope over to the rifle. I also iterated on the weapons that aliens carry. There's a lot less blaster bombs now, and pistols and rifles should show up a bit more. In the late game, heavy plasmas will be most common on attack-type ships. Unfortunately, this probably won't fix aliens blowing up the fuel. I'm still open to ideas on how to solve it, but I don't have a lot of good solutions that don't involve taking the boom away.

The most notable bug fixes are that you can now capture cyberdiscs, sectopods, and snakeman queens.

Unfortunately I am currently unable to upload the mod to the forum here, due to some redirect error. You can download the mod from the mod portal here:
« Last Edit: December 07, 2021, 01:41:30 pm by The Reaver of Darkness »

Offline Unmadesoldier

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #65 on: December 25, 2021, 09:15:37 am »
Dear Reaver,

I generally like the expansions this mod has over your previous megamod though I am finding that this megamod is suffers from the same problems that plague other megamods:

-excessively long research times for topics to advance in the game. I am having to throw too large an amount of scientists to any given topic to make any sort of progress at a reasonable time.

-pointless research topics. Why does alloy ammo need to exist in this mod? Its benefits are marginal at best and laser weapons are just simply better.

- the craft upgrade systems are very confusing and feature craft modules that dont need to exist. Like...really? Alloy fuel tanks? Alloy jet engines? Alloy armor plating? Really? It feels really redundant.

-upgrade packages are not well explained as to how you equip them onto your craft.

Other than those 3 things, the mod is pretty darn good.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #66 on: December 27, 2021, 09:30:37 am »
Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for the thorough feedback!

-excessively long research times for topics to advance in the game. I am having to throw too large an amount of scientists to any given topic to make any sort of progress at a reasonable time.
Yes. It is unfortunate that there aren't very many mods out there with shorter research trees. I suppose most of us modders like a longer story arc. I never liked the original game in which I could assign 100 scientists and clear out the research tree before I had even met the last aliens.

-pointless research topics. Why does alloy ammo need to exist in this mod? Its benefits are marginal at best and laser weapons are just simply better.
There is some feature bloat, but I've tried to cut it down where possible. Alloy ammo has several minor uses:
 - It is a stepping stone to lasers, and can be researched sooner.
 - Once you have alloy weapons, you can put laser research on the backburner (if that's what you want to do).
 - I've had at least two people struggle to find the laser research option. While it isn't my intent for it to be hard to find, having backup weapon upgrades helps ensure your power will not stagnate.
 - It penetrates armor quite well, and for that reason is good against armored opponents such as the Cyberdisc.
 - Some people might prefer keeping their old guns rather than building new ones.

A lot of the extra bits are just there to fill a hole that you could easily miss. But I try not to have anything be completely useless. I disliked having research projects in the original which served no purpose beyond filling your UFOPedia with information that often lied to you anyway.

- the craft upgrade systems are very confusing and feature craft modules that dont need to exist. Like...really? Alloy fuel tanks? Alloy jet engines? Alloy armor plating? Really? It feels really redundant.

-upgrade packages are not well explained as to how you equip them onto your craft.
I've used all of the upgrades in my own play. Alloy fuel tanks probably gets the least use out of me, but I love me some alloy engines. I think what I am struggling with most here is communicating to the player how to use these modules effectively. They are very strong once you know how to take advantage of them.

I've used a simple system for sizes: small, medium, and large--also certain items are specific to aircraft (which use free fuel) or to spacecraft (which use manufactured fuel). All medium weapons/equipment are mounted in a medium pylon.

Defense modules do best when min-maxing for greatest effect: armor plating is particularly strong against UFOs that deal low damage, while evasion airframes are particularly good against UFOs that have a low accuracy. You can check their attributes in the UFOPedia after you have researched their datacore (landed) or gotten it via an alien engineer.

Any advice you have on better ways to communicate this info would be much appreciated! I also recognize that I may be tossing too many options at the player all at once. I am also considering ways to space the options out further.

Offline Unmadesoldier

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #67 on: December 30, 2021, 01:54:35 am »

Another thing I have noticed is that the plasma weapons are kind of underwhelming for their tier. I have had a lot of trouble taking down basic mutons with them. I have seen mutons take 3+ hits from the heavy plasma without going down.

The most reliable weapon to use against mutons is the plasma shotgun. I have been able to consistently take down mutons with 1-2 shots from the plasma shotguns.

It also does not help that celatids and silacoids are almost as resilient as the mutons themselves. And if I'm not mistaken, the celatid is supposed to have a corrosive acid arcing projectile. It seems to do absolutely nothing to armored soldiers. Is that a bug or was that intended?

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #68 on: January 04, 2022, 01:10:37 am »
Just installed your mod today Reaver. It looks pretty cool man. cant wait to get going in this. great ideas.
Thank you for your efforts.

Offline Crimsoness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #69 on: January 05, 2022, 05:52:08 pm »
Have been playing your mod for the past three days, really digging it so far. I'll try to post detailed feedback once I'm finished with my playthrough.

I've run into two minor bugs so far, don't know if it's tied to my usage of OXCE 7.3 (too lazy to downgrade, I'm afraid)
1) Mammoth storaging project cannot be commensed for lack of requisite materials even though I have one in the hanger.
2) Elites and specialised soldiers cannot take part in Psi training, only normal soldiers can.

Thanks for your hard work on the mod!

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #70 on: January 06, 2022, 05:27:29 pm »
I think I've found a couple small bugs.
- Mammoth in route will sometimes try to engage with UFO's when not asked to.
- Mammoth has no way to disengage flying UFO's (See screenshot).

But overall, I really like some of these mods you have made. I just hate losing so many solders. I mean people are dying on every mission. A lot harder even on beginner than the vanilla version.
But the time unit mods for weapons are great. I don't like that High explosives can not be thrown that far. but I guess this is for a reason (to even things out). great work Reaver.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2022, 05:31:16 pm by Chuckebaby »

Offline Cristao

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #71 on: January 07, 2022, 05:12:02 pm »
I started playing this mod in December and it has been beautiful playing it. Could you upload the red armor mod you made for Hadriex?

I am almost close to the final mission and am currently building STARBLAZER. I can drop my thoughts on the mod later on.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #72 on: January 09, 2022, 10:44:10 am »
Oh my! I've been away too long, I have comments! :D


Another thing I have noticed is that the plasma weapons are kind of underwhelming for their tier. I have had a lot of trouble taking down basic mutons with them. I have seen mutons take 3+ hits from the heavy plasma without going down.

The most reliable weapon to use against mutons is the plasma shotgun. I have been able to consistently take down mutons with 1-2 shots from the plasma shotguns.

It also does not help that celatids and silacoids are almost as resilient as the mutons themselves. And if I'm not mistaken, the celatid is supposed to have a corrosive acid arcing projectile. It seems to do absolutely nothing to armored soldiers. Is that a bug or was that intended?
Mutons have been buffed a LOT. Don't think the plasma is weak before you try killing Mutons with lasers first! It gets much easier once you get used to them, but they are a real hassle at first!

Yes, plasma shotgun is one of the best weapons to use against Mutons. Try different weapons against any enemy that you find hard to kill. Often, one weapon will be much more effective than another! Also use the mind probe to figure out how effective a weapon is! The UFOPedia articles about them can help show their weaknesses as well, autopsies in particular.

Check your soldiers' armor after they take a hit. Any hit will damage armor; celatids damage armor a LOT.

Just installed your mod today Reaver. It looks pretty cool man. cant wait to get going in this. great ideas.
Thank you for your efforts.
Thank you! Let me know what you think!
I think I've found a couple small bugs.
- Mammoth in route will sometimes try to engage with UFO's when not asked to.
- Mammoth has no way to disengage flying UFO's (See screenshot).

But overall, I really like some of these mods you have made. I just hate losing so many solders. I mean people are dying on every mission. A lot harder even on beginner than the vanilla version.
But the time unit mods for weapons are great. I don't like that High explosives can not be thrown that far. but I guess this is for a reason (to even things out). great work Reaver.
That's a hunter-killer attacking your ship. You should either put a weapon on your Mammoth or fly an escort with it for protection!

You find Beginner difficulty harder than the original game? I may have to fix it then. What ways are the aliens killing you the most?

Have been playing your mod for the past three days, really digging it so far. I'll try to post detailed feedback once I'm finished with my playthrough.

I've run into two minor bugs so far, don't know if it's tied to my usage of OXCE 7.3 (too lazy to downgrade, I'm afraid)
1) Mammoth storaging project cannot be commensed for lack of requisite materials even though I have one in the hanger.
2) Elites and specialised soldiers cannot take part in Psi training, only normal soldiers can.

Thanks for your hard work on the mod!
1) Yes I discovered that bug. It is fixed in upcoming version 1.0.4 which should be coming out soon. The bug is that your Mammoth is the wrong type, due to an error in the startingBase ruleset. You can fix it in your game by selling the Mammoth and buying a new one. Or if you upload your save file here, I can edit in the fix and send it back.

2) I can't replicate this issue. Make sure you are using the right transformations. Most soldier types can either do psionic implantation or become a super soldier. Super soldiers can get super soldier psionic implantation to become super psiborgs, or regular psiborgs can get super psiborg transformation. Only super psiborgs can get psi strength implantation. Use the transformations overview to see how many transformation options you have available and how many soldiers are eligible for them. If you are still experiencing the issue, please upload a save file to help me diagnose it.

I started playing this mod in December and it has been beautiful playing it. Could you upload the red armor mod you made for Hadriex?

I am almost close to the final mission and am currently building STARBLAZER. I can drop my thoughts on the mod later on.
I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Nice choice of flagship BTW. I suspect you will like it! :3

Ask and you shall receive! :D
« Last Edit: January 09, 2022, 10:54:58 am by The Reaver of Darkness »

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #73 on: January 09, 2022, 04:36:14 pm »

You find Beginner difficulty harder than the original game? I may have to fix it then. What ways are the aliens killing you the most?

Yes, my first or second mission, I lost the whole crew and mammoth (had to restart and skip mission (it was a small craft) but it was launching a blaster bomb or something into the craft on 1st or 2cnd turn.

I'm up to July now in first year and learning different things. i think the thing I have to get used to is this is a little different from vanilla and FMP. I actually like this. It is nice to have something a bit different.
I really enjoy your research tree (a bit slow) but very interesting. So is your flying craft upgrades and base facilities.  Hospital, training, etc. this stuff is genius.

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #74 on: January 12, 2022, 12:10:10 am »
Oh my! I've been away too long, I have comments! :D

Hey Reav,
Been playing your mod now for a week or so and I really love this mod.
It is a little confusing because I'm so used to the vanilla and FMP but you have thrown some features in this game that are so awesome.
The PSI armor (where solders can see through walls) OMG, the coolest thing ever.
i still haven't figured out how to get plasma working yet. I know i need some sort of implants but thats about all i know LOL.

Thank you so much for a great mod.