Author Topic: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion  (Read 61967 times)

Offline Meridian

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #135 on: January 06, 2024, 10:57:08 am »
Hi Reaver,

Harmony uses alien race attribute `retaliationMission`, which will be removed next week in the new oxce release.

Please update to replacement attribute `retaliationMissionWeights`

Offline gfzuglian

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #136 on: May 22, 2024, 03:03:03 am »
Hello, reaver
I'm currently playing your mod after xcom files and really enjoying it. I really like the extended tech tree and the smaller maps, like the outposts, which make the middle and late game less of a chore. I guess I'm close to the end, after the three stretches.

Thanks for putting do much work in this mode! Will it have more updates?

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #137 on: May 31, 2024, 08:33:36 am »
Ever since I updated from v1.10 to v1.11, I'm getting the following errors:

1. The ufopedia article can't be looked at without crashing the game.
2. A lot of the missions are now coming up as STR.....

See attached

Sorry for the late reply! I haven't been on the forum much lately. You can reach me more quickly on Discord, I am thereaverofdarkness there and I am in the OpenXcom discord.
I am not getting this error without other mods and I haven't installed Brutal OXCE to try it out, but I believe you can fix this error by moving Harmony to the bottom of your mod list.

Hello, reaver
I'm currently playing your mod after xcom files and really enjoying it. I really like the extended tech tree and the smaller maps, like the outposts, which make the middle and late game less of a chore. I guess I'm close to the end, after the three stretches.

Thanks for putting do much work in this mode! Will it have more updates?
I just released an update! Harmony is essentially complete, so any updates from here on out are mostly going to be balance passes and bug fixes. I may add more features, but only small things and only if they feel like they fill a hole.

There's a handful of larger changes I did want to put into Harmony eventually, such as a globe overhaul, but it's not seeming likely for these to happen at this point. You can play Harmony with the Community Map Project globe, though it does have some known compatibility issues and I haven't worked out what to do to fix them. For best results, make sure Harmony is underneath other major mods in your mod list.

Offline Draemock

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #138 on: July 17, 2024, 08:59:22 pm »
Im not sure if this has been asked before, Im not sure how to conduct a search on this thread to find the answer.

I am unsure as to how damage is worked out when it comes to Ballistic and AP ammo.

Looking at the info for each. It has the following information.

Machinegun Clip: Armor Effectivness 75%, Armor Pre-dmg mult 7.5%
Rifile Clip: Armor Effectiveness 60%, Armor pre-dmg mult 6%

Am I right in assuming that Rifles reduce an enemies armor effectiveness by 60% so they take 40% more damage from my shots? understanding math and things like these has never been a strong point for me. Apologies in advance if this has been asked and answered before. Many thanks!! Am loving the mod so far!

Offline CrazedHarpooner

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #139 on: July 18, 2024, 11:42:18 am »
It's not that it reduces the effectiveness by that %, but how much of that armor will be taken into account to reduce incoming damage. It doesn't equate to dealing 40% more damage as it does depend on how much armor the target has to begin with, but it will do more damage than a weapon with similar power but the armor effectiveness being at 100%. So if the target unit has 100 armor, it will block up to 60 damage from that rifle, if the unit has 50 armor, it will block up to 30 damage.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2024, 01:18:34 am by CrazedHarpooner »

Offline Draemock

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #140 on: July 19, 2024, 10:50:16 pm »
Ahhh, thank you for clearing up my confusion!!