Author Topic: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion  (Read 85347 times)

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #105 on: February 17, 2023, 03:46:42 pm »
Found some people playing your mod on a video website and it made me want to get xcom again to try it out. Will probably have some questions/bug reports etc -- I assume this thread is the proper place for that?
I'm not a very experienced xcom player so forgive me if I misunderstand some features.
1) Bug(?) Psi Lab conflict with barracks training -
  • After building a large barracks I can assign soldiers to 'training' via right clicking the 'rax and/or clicking the 'soldiers' tab
  • If I then build a Psi Lab I can no longer assign soldiers to the standard 'training'. Right clicking the PsiLab allows you to assign soldiers to 'psi training'
  • Note: If you raze the Psi Lab you can access the standard 'training' again AND all soldiers that were initially set to being trained are still being trained. It seems as if the Psi Lab training conflicts with allowing the user to access the standard training until the Psi Lab is destroyed.
2) I tried using the grenade launcher as it seemed like it would be useful for indirect fire/arcing a grenade over buildings etc.
After trying the launcher a couple times I stopped using it so maybe I am mistaken about it but it seems like normal grenades are superior in every way? A normal grenade can be thrown much further and with more accuracy, the AE gren can be thrown even further. The grenade launcher requires as much TU as priming/throwing a normal 'nade but is extremely inaccurate after a certain range. Am I missing something that makes the gren launcher better than normal throwing grenades?
Really enjoying the mod, any questions I have are because I like the mod enough to actually take the time to ask so that I can better understand the mechanics.

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #106 on: February 19, 2023, 12:04:50 am »
Found a bug on this map. Sectoid couldn't move out of that corner. The chair is blocking his move. Tested it in other wing. Same discovery.

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #107 on: February 19, 2023, 10:16:01 am »
My comments so far. I am in August of the second run and it is the invasion season. It has been a beautiful run so far. My earlier experience helped me to avoid some areas and beeline directly for certain areas. I am happy to see that it is much easier to find materials. I am yet to start building my flagship but I look forward to using my spreadsheet again. Delighted with space management. I also found myself enjoying and sometimes preferring night missions due to the PSI and Night armours (not the starter pack).

I am also happy with the mods for recolouring the PSI armour (Redshirt) and the Assassin armour (white looks very lovely). I have no area where I find fault with this mod's gameplay.  I wholeheartedly endorse this mod. One other thing that came to my mind - I played on Experienced level and totally bypassed Alloy Weapons. I did however use a lot of AE grenades.

New learning for me in this run - Celatids can see through smoke and are dangerous, very dangerous.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2023, 04:49:22 pm by Cristao »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #108 on: March 10, 2023, 12:50:06 pm »
1.1.0 Harder Better Faster Stronger Update

This is a significant patch which strongly affects the progression curve of the aliens. They kept taking too long to get anything done, well not any more! Harder aliens will show up sooner, and elite alien forces will actually show up a lot in the end game before you go to Cydonia! This will also make it easier to obtain the ultimate technology before you go! And of course, the alien hordes will put up more of a fight!

All changes (also available in the metadata file as always):
#  1.1.0:   MAJOR PATCH: 'Harder Better Faster Stronger'
#           Primary focus: Speeds up the progression curve, so the aliens ramp up in difficulty much faster.
#           - New alien types appear sooner.
#           - Elite alien forces appear sooner.
#           - Aliens' destroyers defend critical missions sooner.
#           - Alien equipment progression happens faster.
#           - Elite alien weapons appear sooner.
#           - There are now much fewer non-elite alien forces in the late game.
#     *** ==> It will be easier to access fourth-tier technology before Cydonia, finally!
#           CAUTION: Installing this patch in an existing save may cause the aliens to suddenly jump forward in
#             progression, and one race might fail to build a base. This should not cause any bugs or crashes.
#       * Repositories now yield a bit less items, a lot less money, and WAY less points!
#       * Very Small UFOs now contain fewer aliens on lower difficulties.
#       * Increased Plasma Shotgun accuracy similar to shotgun change in 1.0.9.
#       * Patched some holes in the Mastodon and the Mothership maps. Abductor maps also tweaked slightly.
#       * Fixed bug with Flagship manufacturing costs on difficulties other than Superhuman (Very Hard).
#       * Fixed Snakeman Queen dissection appearing too early.
#       * A few other minor gameplay tweaks.
#       * Minor tweaks to UFOPedia and other in-game text.

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -

Found out about this mod. Looks great to play!

Been playing Twots and Piratez before this one so I probably will get the hang of most of the new mechanics.
Thanks! I hope you are enjoying it!

Picked this up today again. Stumbled on Yeti playing it. Do you intend to integrate the commendations mod in future into this mod?
It is one of the things I would like to include someday, but it is likely to never happen unless someone else builds a working model for me to tweak. The first thing I want to include which might never happen is proper integration with Community Map Project's vanilla expanded geoscape.

Found some people playing your mod on a video website and it made me want to get xcom again to try it out. Will probably have some questions/bug reports etc -- I assume this thread is the proper place for that?
I'm not a very experienced xcom player so forgive me if I misunderstand some features.
1) Bug(?) Psi Lab conflict with barracks training -
  • After building a large barracks I can assign soldiers to 'training' via right clicking the 'rax and/or clicking the 'soldiers' tab
  • If I then build a Psi Lab I can no longer assign soldiers to the standard 'training'. Right clicking the PsiLab allows you to assign soldiers to 'psi training'
  • Note: If you raze the Psi Lab you can access the standard 'training' again AND all soldiers that were initially set to being trained are still being trained. It seems as if the Psi Lab training conflicts with allowing the user to access the standard training until the Psi Lab is destroyed.
2) I tried using the grenade launcher as it seemed like it would be useful for indirect fire/arcing a grenade over buildings etc.
After trying the launcher a couple times I stopped using it so maybe I am mistaken about it but it seems like normal grenades are superior in every way? A normal grenade can be thrown much further and with more accuracy, the AE gren can be thrown even further. The grenade launcher requires as much TU as priming/throwing a normal 'nade but is extremely inaccurate after a certain range. Am I missing something that makes the gren launcher better than normal throwing grenades?
Really enjoying the mod, any questions I have are because I like the mod enough to actually take the time to ask so that I can better understand the mechanics.
This place works for reports, but you can get a faster response by pinging me on Discord. My contact details are in the metadata file.
I haven't experienced the training bug, nor seen anyone else have it. I wish I knew what was causing it. Try going to the soldiers menu to get to training, perhaps that route will work instead. If it still is broken, then I recommend mentioning the issue in the openxcom discord because it sounds like a bug with oxce, and not my mod.
The grenade launcher attributes are a work in progress. The goal is for it to be a bit less powerful than a hand grenade, but able to fire snap shots in significantly less time. I may have to boost its accuracy. Feedback like yours is important for improving this mod, so thank you! I have written this down in my notes.

Found a bug on this map. Sectoid couldn't move out of that corner. The chair is blocking his move. Tested it in other wing. Same discovery.
Thank you for the report! I have determined why this bug was occurring and it will be fixed in the next update.
I really should have checked the comments here before I published this update. >.>

My comments so far. I am in August of the second run and it is the invasion season. It has been a beautiful run so far. My earlier experience helped me to avoid some areas and beeline directly for certain areas. I am happy to see that it is much easier to find materials. I am yet to start building my flagship but I look forward to using my spreadsheet again. Delighted with space management. I also found myself enjoying and sometimes preferring night missions due to the PSI and Night armours (not the starter pack).

I am also happy with the mods for recolouring the PSI armour (Redshirt) and the Assassin armour (white looks very lovely). I have no area where I find fault with this mod's gameplay.  I wholeheartedly endorse this mod. One other thing that came to my mind - I played on Experienced level and totally bypassed Alloy Weapons. I did however use a lot of AE grenades.

New learning for me in this run - Celatids can see through smoke and are dangerous, very dangerous.
I am so happy to hear you are enjoying the mod!

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #109 on: March 14, 2023, 12:32:52 am »
realized this was a wall of text, excuse my autism I have over this mod its just a lot of fun
I figured out the issue with the training I was having, I needed to click on the SOLDIERS tab then click the drop down combo box. All is well!
Playing it on genius iron man despite being new. Had to restart a few times. Ended up getting the star blazer. The starblazer is great. Armed with 2 devastators, the attack suite and a heavy tractor (also ran it with 2x tractors for forcing ships to land while trying to capture aliens alive)
 I used it as my primary ship transport. I like the various doored exits it has and it works great as a platform for staging my attacks.
A bit of a 'noob' moment but I wasnt sure how to get to cydonia despite doing all of the interrogations. I skimmed hadrien's stream and seen I can access it via the intercept screen on geoscape. I think this issue is only because ive never really played xcom to completion before.
I got a bit sick irl so I havent went to cydonia but since the new patch came out I may just re roll a fresh game on genius or maybe even superhuman (im the kind of weirdo who likes games that make me want to consider throwing my PC out the window).
I use the motion scanner a ton (every troop has one) and 1 troop stays in the transport dedicated to using the mind probe. I dont see many people using either of these items and they seem to be some of the most powerful in the game. The probe lets you see how many TU a target has so you can determine if youre safe to attack without getting reactioned. The scanner has a feature where you can see the blips via pressing alt key which changes the game completely.
Not sure if this is too much a spoiler but the elite mutons.. I tried alot of diff things on them but not everything. RAPID PLASMA seemed to be the best on genius. They arent impossible to deal with by any meams and I dont think they need nerfed, was just curious if the machine gun aka rapid plaz is the best tool for the job?

Lastly, the FATE, Doom lazer and Scourge are all cool but I wasnt able to tell what their strong points were based on reading their info text. The doom laser is great for 1 shotting sectopods and the scourge is a powerful shotgun that seems to be able to delete walls as well which is incredibly useful. Anything about the fate pistol? Is it just like a stronger version of the plasma rifle but 1 handed? Any properties I may be missing?

Offline Xilmi

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #110 on: March 14, 2023, 01:32:45 pm »
I may just re roll a fresh game on genius or maybe even superhuman (im the kind of weirdo who likes games that make me want to consider throwing my PC out the window).
In that case, may I recommend combining Reaver's Harmony on Superhuman with the Brutal-OXCE-client? I suppose it should be a good combination for that purpose. :>


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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #111 on: March 14, 2023, 01:37:44 pm »
Really enjoying your mod atm. I'm playing v1.10 on superhuman and it's very challenging. I'm also playing it through brutal ai v3.80(see attached) which ramps the difficulty up another notch.

Edit by admin: replaced zip by a link:
« Last Edit: March 14, 2023, 01:40:15 pm by Meridian »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #112 on: March 15, 2023, 09:00:37 pm »
realized this was a wall of text, excuse my autism I have over this mod its just a lot of fun
I figured out the issue with the training I was having, I needed to click on the SOLDIERS tab then click the drop down combo box. All is well!
Playing it on genius iron man despite being new. Had to restart a few times. Ended up getting the star blazer. The starblazer is great. Armed with 2 devastators, the attack suite and a heavy tractor (also ran it with 2x tractors for forcing ships to land while trying to capture aliens alive)
 I used it as my primary ship transport. I like the various doored exits it has and it works great as a platform for staging my attacks.
A bit of a 'noob' moment but I wasnt sure how to get to cydonia despite doing all of the interrogations. I skimmed hadrien's stream and seen I can access it via the intercept screen on geoscape. I think this issue is only because ive never really played xcom to completion before.
I got a bit sick irl so I havent went to cydonia but since the new patch came out I may just re roll a fresh game on genius or maybe even superhuman (im the kind of weirdo who likes games that make me want to consider throwing my PC out the window).
I use the motion scanner a ton (every troop has one) and 1 troop stays in the transport dedicated to using the mind probe. I dont see many people using either of these items and they seem to be some of the most powerful in the game. The probe lets you see how many TU a target has so you can determine if youre safe to attack without getting reactioned. The scanner has a feature where you can see the blips via pressing alt key which changes the game completely.
Not sure if this is too much a spoiler but the elite mutons.. I tried alot of diff things on them but not everything. RAPID PLASMA seemed to be the best on genius. They arent impossible to deal with by any meams and I dont think they need nerfed, was just curious if the machine gun aka rapid plaz is the best tool for the job?

Lastly, the FATE, Doom lazer and Scourge are all cool but I wasnt able to tell what their strong points were based on reading their info text. The doom laser is great for 1 shotting sectopods and the scourge is a powerful shotgun that seems to be able to delete walls as well which is incredibly useful. Anything about the fate pistol? Is it just like a stronger version of the plasma rifle but 1 handed? Any properties I may be missing?
Dang, for a sec there I thought you were saying you have autism. I was going to be like "me too!" X) Hey I love walls of text.

Ah, another Starblazer fan! (Dang, nobody has gone for the Amaranth yet (that I know of).)
Yes, a lot of strategic tools are very strong, but people sometimes just don't feel like bothering with the extra hassle. If you enjoy that sort of stuff, I'd love to hear what cheese you can invent with the Cerberus tank!
I couldn't really tell you what is the best weapon for fighting mutons, but there are plenty of good ones as well as poor ones. But I'd rather leave it up to the playerbase to discover, anyway.

The Doom, Scourge, and Fate weapons don't particularly revolutionize your arsenal but they have some distinct advantages if you're willing to pay the cost (the weight). Doom is not just very powerful but also highly accurate over long range. Scourge, yes, can destroy walls. (So can power swords!) Fate is like a stronger plasma rifle except one-handed, yes. It also has pistol-like shot types, in particular the aimed shot having a much lower TU cost but with less range and accuracy. They also all have small ammo clip capacities but quick reload times, which primarily serves just to add even more weight.

In that case, may I recommend combining Reaver's Harmony on Superhuman with the Brutal-OXCE-client? I suppose it should be a good combination for that purpose. :>
That sounds unbelievably difficult!

Really enjoying your mod atm. I'm playing v1.10 on superhuman and it's very challenging. I'm also playing it through brutal ai v3.80(see attached) which ramps the difficulty up another notch.
I really want to see this gameplay on video!

P.S.: I realized that one or more of you may have tried to talk to me on Discord and got ignored. Please send me a message and not just a friend request. I often ignore friend requests if there are no servers in common, no message attached, and I can't send a message back without accepting. Sorry for any inconvenience.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2023, 09:08:52 pm by The Reaver of Darkness »

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #113 on: March 15, 2023, 10:49:05 pm »
Years have passed until my last play in Ufo (Xpiratez) and now it's time for Harmony. Well I saw Yeti playing, and I'm interested.

Can you folks tell me, where is a download link for 1.1.0? I can se 1.0.8 in the original post, but no 1.1.0 :/
I think I should be fine with isntallation itself, I'm quite sure there is a guide nearby ;-)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2023, 11:54:02 pm by Adak »

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #114 on: March 16, 2023, 05:47:25 am »
The new version can be downloaded from the mod portal -

Perhaps it would be worthwhile to add this link to the first post, I think it is not there. But apparently most people know about the place and find the necessary mods there is not a problem.

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #115 on: March 16, 2023, 10:21:38 pm »
Does anyone know if its better to wait to upgrade your troops to super soldiers? Does transitioning a freshly bought 'Sniper' soldier to the Supersoldier medical procedure have any downsides?

Also im not too sure on how to word this next question but:
I see that the cost of a fresh SS bought off the market has a much higher price and that means it would cost more money per month for wage, right?
example: if I buy a sniper for 80k, that means I pay 80k for it each month. If I transition that Sniper to a SS via the bio lab, does the cost of the sniper stay 80k?

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #116 on: March 16, 2023, 11:51:02 pm »
The new version can be downloaded from the mod portal -

Perhaps it would be worthwhile to add this link to the first post, I think it is not there. But apparently most people know about the place and find the necessary mods there is not a problem.

Aye, I've got it! Everything is installed, Harmony mod - here I come :-)
Thank you!

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #117 on: March 17, 2023, 09:28:49 pm »
Flagships taking 9000 scientist days is really bs. Assuming the "standart" research base of 250, that's 36 days on average. Meaning sometimes you get lucky and do it in 18, and sometimes you get screwed and stalled for 54. Research time randomization works fine for multiple small projects, because luck averages out with enough rolls, but having one super-long outlier project messes that up.

I also feel you've misunderstood the root of the progression speed problem. The aliens don't need to tech up faster, they are fine. Players progress too fast, mostly because they get near infinite money from too many UFO landings. You get like 10 landed mediums every month, plus smalls. It's both tedious, and overpowered for the player, because selling the loot enables degenerate strats, like rushing 500 scientists before the first summer. Instead of making aliens progress faster, they need to spam less landed mediums.

Exploding deuterium pods need to go. It's funny the first time the entire map blows up, but it gets old real fast. Sometimes you literally lose people before the first turn on the crash sites because the initial explosions reach troop transport if it landed right next to the UFO.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 09:30:45 pm by Amoebka »


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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #118 on: March 25, 2023, 08:38:03 pm »
Are there holes in this craft as troop selected can see 2 aliens through the shut door-see attached? Is this the same for opposite door?

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Re: Reaver's Harmony Megamod - A Massive X-Com Expansion
« Reply #119 on: March 27, 2023, 07:39:33 pm »
@SIMONI have also noticed the mastodon getting fired upon despite not opening any of the doors. Maybe it has just been luck but I dont think any of the shots made it through so maybe it is a small hole. Also occasionally notice troops having vision outside the front of it on certain angles
@amoebka I have played quite a bit and never have been killed by deut pods exploding on turn 1 maybe I am just lucky though. Occasionally happens if I poorly place my dudes inside bases/outposts