More holes-see attached, trooper hyun in stormcharger.
I can't load your save properly because you have a lot of mods in use, some of which I can't even find. But after scanning through all your mods and your save file, it doesn't seem like any of the mods are causing it. Yet the copy of the tileset I have works perfectly. I guess just put this copy down below into your ReaverXcom Harmony\TERRAIN\ folder (overwrite the existing one).
I noticed you were using several mods which you probably don't need and which may be causing other overwrites and possibly errors:
UFOextender_Gun_Melee ver: 1.0 - While Harmony does not have gun melee, it makes so many changes to vanilla weapons that any number of them may accidentally be overwritten by this mod.
XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot ver: 1.0 - I don't think this will even affect the game since the vanilla Skyranger isn't even in it, but the Skyraider and Mammoth already have weapon slots. There could be conflicts since the mod references a craft which Harmony deletes:
- delete: STR_AVENGER
Extra Pockets ver: 1.0 - Is this an inventory mod? (I couldn't find it.) Harmony adds quite a lot of bonus inventory space to soldiers. It should be plenty. This mod could potentially be overwriting Harmony's changes or even causing an inventory conflict.
FireStorm ver: 4.0 - I couldn't find this mod, but Harmony's Firestorm is greatly overhauled and most likely doesn't need this update. Also, several of Harmony's changes to the craft are very nonstandard; a vanilla-style rework will be much less compatible with Harmony's craft equipment system.
Improved Avenger ver: 1.1 - Same as with the Firestorm, but may also cause conflict with the deleted Avenger.
The following list of mods are not likely to cause problems (assuming I understand correctly what they are doing), but are unnecessary nonetheless because of features already in Harmony:
Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons ver: 1.0 - Harmony even uses improved (generally increased) attraction values.
TFTD_Damage ver: 1.0 - Harmony uses 75-125% damage model which actually works better with Harmony's weaponry options.
XcomUtil_Improved_Heavy_Laser ver: 1.0 - Harmony's Heavy Laser is not this strong but it is much stronger than vanilla and also has armor penetration bonus.
XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot ver: 1.0 - All Harmony weapons have some kind of 'autoShot' even if it's just a 1x quick shot.
XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage ver: 1.0 - AE High Explosive breaks UFO walls. It's not available at start but can be unlocked fairly early.
Boolet (EU) ver: 1 - I might be wrong, but I thought this was default in OXCE.
eleriumflares ver: 1.0.1 - Large Electro Flare is available at game start.
oxceplus-visuals ver: 1.0 - The current OXCE is already merged with OXCE+ so this should be in the client.
Shotgun ver: 1.1 - Harmony contains shotguns.
Viewing Range ver: 1.0 - Harmony already increases soldiers' daytime sight range to 30. Larger values may cause client-side lag.
Some of the other mods could significantly affect game balance, though I'm hesitant to ask you to remove them if you're playing on Superhuman WITH Brutal AI
Naymore Mine ver: 1.0 - looks very strong
Railgun ver: 1.0 - I don't know what it is but it sounds strong
robin_extra_weapons ver: 1.0 - probably doesn't, depends what's in it, I couldn't find the mod
OpenXCom_Unlimited_Waypoints ver: 1.0 - Harmony actually reduces available waypoints. Yes, it does make it more difficult to land precision long-range hits with these weapons. That's intentional.
And just a few more appear to simply add items which should be fine in terms of balance and likely will not cause conflicts, but I mention them because they won't include some of the weapon updates that most Harmony weapons have, such as armor scraping, armor penetrating, advanced damage types, etc. It's not important, but it will make a big difference sometimes.
dart-rifle-mod ver: 1.6Electro Shocker ver: 1.0flamethrower ver: 1.1STUNBLASTER v1.1 ver: 1.1The last eight mods all seem fine as far as I can tell. As a general rule of thumb, Harmony doesn't play well with other mods. I'd like it to be compatible with stuff, but I often don't see good ways to implement it. I think optimally you'd do best keeping your mod list trimmed down pretty well when playing Harmony.
XcomUtil_Statstrings ver: 1.0 - Harmony changes soldier base and max attributes so it'll throw off the ratings a bit.
ALLOYS AND E115 ON TOP ver: 1.0
amiga-psx-plus-fonts ver: 1.3
BETTER UI v1.0 ver: 1.0
Varana-EU-MMcolors ver: 0.1
commendations ver: 3.2 - Big mod, I don't know everything it affects. But I don't see any potential conflicts.
V Music ver: 1.0