EDIT: 30/01/2023 The mod is LIVE!
Hi hello from Poland!

A few days ago I started working on a total conversion mod called NuclearWorld (name to be changed, any ideas?)
Here are some information about my mod:
1. Mod HIGHLY based on Fallout 1/2 world, but with different lore.
2. No aliens. (WHAT!?)
3. No filler research, every topic should give you SOMETHING
4. Almost every weapon is useable in the end game, no more than 56743 variants of one gun- every weapon has advantages and disadvantages and should be different from the others.
5. You start with one Shelter- you will be able to build more in the MID/LATE game. But in the EARLY/MID game you are stuck with one- choose carefully what to buy.
6. High replayability- You can/have to choose between factions. Who is gonna be your enemy? Who's gonna be your ally?
7. You cannot build everything in your shelter. Do you want farms? Drills to get scrap metal? Maybe you need a weapon workshop to craft better weapons? Or maybe biolab with Stimpaks? You have to choose. Your base cannot provide EVERYTHING.
8. You start without radar. WHAT? HOW I'M GONNA SHOOT UFOs!? Well, guess what, first of all, there are no aliens! You will be able to take down human aircraft later in the game.
9. Factions are very important. You can choose to side with them giving you the option to recruit members of the faction and more stuff to buy. But you can also just rob them... it's up to you!
10. Limited space in every shelter. You have to decide what to do. Maybe workers, so you will be able to farm, get resources or craft stuff? Maybe researchers? Or maybe you just need that space for soldiers? Your call.
11. Limited storage space. You cannot have 657843 same items- decide what's useful and what's not.
For now, nothing is set in stone- many things I will change later probably. But I will try to stick to what I wrote. I will try to update this topic daily so I can keep track of my progress.
Looking forward to ANY suggestions/opinions!