
Author Topic: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!  (Read 448452 times)

Online shinr

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1020 on: July 05, 2024, 05:30:22 pm »
1) as for the "defend the fort" mission i'd like a more western feeling: that is to say horse-mounted enemies instead tha APC! Better yet such mission should come in two variants, an early one with horses and a second one with the mentioned vehicle. Alongside, how about to have a western outfit for gals, paeasants and slave soldier each?

Dio said that one of the reasons for the Fort Defense is to give the early-game heavy/explosive weapons some use, so the APC have to stay regardless.

But speaking of horses and APCs...

1) Tachanka/Toyoya/Technicals as a lesser APC equivalent for other missions. For example, a Ratman Rodeo could spawn a stationary cart/wagon with a machinegun on it.

6) related to point 5) a new enemy, "bounty hunters" that hunts gals and/or bandits, might appear in some missions...

IDK, it seems that are plenty of existing enemies that can be easily slotted into the Bounty Hunter role, like the Drifters, Highwaymen and the Brigands.

Offline Psyentific

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1021 on: July 06, 2024, 10:49:11 pm »

But speaking of horses and APCs...

1) Tachanka/Toyoya/Technicals as a lesser APC equivalent for other missions. For example, a Ratman Rodeo could spawn a stationary cart/wagon with a machinegun on it.
Reaper Cavalry already exists for the ratmen raiders. Might be a good addition to Ratmen Village and Defend the Fort.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2024, 12:29:36 am by Psyentific »

Offline ontherun

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1022 on: July 10, 2024, 04:35:23 pm »

5) a bank assault mission, where gals have to fight bandits escaping after a bank robbery to get their loot, and simoultaneously fighting local police/locals/bounty hunters defending the aforementioned bank...might be a messy mission...

6) related to point 5) a new enemy, "bounty hunters" that hunts gals and/or bandits, might appear in some missions...

well actually as for gangster stuff, while gals have some sort of outfit (ganger), how about to have a similar one for the males maybe named mobster? See the video i posted before for some inspiration..

and well as for gangster related stuff i think the BAR might fit well into xpiratez framework; it should be a rifle couterpart of big iron  with bad accuracy on snap aimed and auto. Rather heavy and slow to reload, damage 29, not suro how to name it ingame, pheraps "long rifle" would be ok?

attached some sort of drawing i made myself,  use if you want...

edit: oh armored corset should provide  also sone protection against piercing (bullets) like that plate in "a fistful of dollars"

« Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 02:49:58 am by ontherun »

Offline Psyentific

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1023 on: July 11, 2024, 01:21:06 pm »
Gangster/Mobster outfits could work as an alternate variant for the male Pirate outfit, maybe even a Gal outfit too. For males it could give bonuses to shooting and bravery.

The BAR could fit somewhere between the Ol' Rifle and Light Machinegun  (Old Automatic? Ol' Auto?), maybe with a shooting profile like AMG where it only has snap-burst and autofire (ie no single shot, no aimed). If you wanted to take it a step further you could make a Type 11 Machinegun which is fed by Old Rifle clips and features a built-in bayonet. Give it an Auto5-only shooting profile and let it capture the reload-after-every-shot feeling of sawed-offs.

Offline ontherun

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1024 on: July 16, 2024, 12:59:21 pm »
Gangster/Mobster outfits could work as an alternate variant for the male Pirate outfit, maybe even a Gal outfit too. For males it could give bonuses to shooting and bravery.

nice idea, im on it 8)

If you wanted to take it a step further you could make a Type 11 Machinegun which is fed by Old Rifle clips and features a built-in bayonet. Give it an Auto5-only shooting profile and let it capture the reload-after-every-shot feeling of sawed-offs.
maybe can we have both ingame? Name that mg "fuso gun"? But i'd not give a bayonet to that type 11,  but actiually id like to see at least a couple more of rifles with a bayonet, as of now only homefront rifle and super self charger got it.

other ideas:

1) humanists should use only armored cars like ratmen/highwatymen, since both are a minor faction, then the  humanists tank test should feature instead an indiana jones mark vii tank! not dure but it needs a brand new sprite instead of havin the usual modern tank

2) what about a pistol duel mission? an 1in1 gunfight  like a dog's hideout mission  but only with one gal from the player

3) as forn ground vehicles enemy has cars trucks  and varius apcs types while player motorbike, cars and convoy, how about to give the latter a wheeled bus? round version if the flying dutchman , with a couple of hand class  weapons

4)  a straight clip for tommy, less rounds but more lightweight (lile boardin gun ammo)? The latter might be mounted on vehicles as an hand weapon?
« Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 01:53:48 am by ontherun »

Offline Psyentific

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1025 on: July 18, 2024, 01:11:25 am »
1) humanists should use only armored cars like ratmen/highwatymen, since both are a minor faction, then the  humanists tank test should feature instead an indiana jones mark vii tank! not dure but it needs a brand new sprite instead of havin the usual modern tank

2) what about a pistol duel mission? an 1in1 gunfight  like a dog's hideout mission  but only with one gal from the player

3) as forn ground vehicles enemy has cars trucks  and varius apcs types while player motorbike, cars and convoy, how about to give the latter a wheeled bus? round version if the flying dutchman , with a couple of hand class  weapons

4)  a straight clip for tommy, less rounds but more lightweight (lile boardin gun ammo)? The latter might be mounted on vehicles ss a hand weapon?
2) Pirate Pistol Duel could be a fun concept for an early anti-ninja mission (ex. 1v1 a Ninja Gal or Ninja Warrior), or perhaps as an opportunity to encounter a faction higher-up or VIP (ex. Academy Esper). Use the smallest possible map, or maybe re-use the Tavern or Bandit Warehouse. Limit the player to concealable or infiltration weapons (ie handguns only) and give the single enemy a similar light one-hander.

3) I've been shilling the GLA Battle Bus for a long time now. Once destroyed (or here, deployed), the Battle Bus serves as a fortified bunker for its occupants to safely shoot out of. The only thing this idea really needs is someone to map out a Craft with appropriate space and spawnpoints for 10-18 units. It could probably re-use a lot of assets (and the turret?) from the Truck (ie 40k IG Taurox) or maybe from the necroplane wreckage or crashed bandit zeppelin maps.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 01:13:23 am by Psyentific »

Offline ontherun

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1026 on: July 30, 2024, 02:13:03 am »
3) I've been shilling the GLA Battle Bus for a long time now. Once destroyed (or here, deployed), the Battle Bus serves as a fortified bunker for its occupants to safely shoot out of. The only thing this idea really needs is someone to map out a Craft with appropriate space and spawnpoints for 10-18 units. It could probably re-use a lot of assets (and the turret?) from the Truck (ie 40k IG Taurox) or maybe from the necroplane wreckage or crashed bandit zeppelin maps.

Actually that is a rather small vehicle, i meant something more like an ordinary bus, maybe similar tu US schoolbuses, between 15/20 crew capacity, more fast than an expedition and less detectable, with x2 lt and x2 hand class weapons. A bit of reference below (from 4:20 and on)

As for missions, a variant of a distress call mission might be added, where we have to save a gal from a gallow execution. Maybe a lvl D bounty mission? It only needs sprites for it (the gallow and the pole, i mean)

2) a new enemy like"RCF colonial trooper", [...]
to be used in a sort of winter palace sequel mission, "assault on summer palace"?

As for stuff:

1) A vintage motorbike helmet would be nice, to be used with ganger and other armors which does not come with an helmet, would also play nice with "bikes craft". Might give +1 armor piercing to all sides (while the armored corset i wrote about above +2 but only front); for image see:


2) A double-bitted axe, as an upgrade if the "ax", more heavy and less accurate vut more deadly. I know there is already a barbaric axe, but think of it as a lighter version

3) in the "rebel no remorse" mod (some footage here) is feature a pipebomb, it might also be added to xpiratez? For instance might be manufacturable as dynamite research is completed; need n1 pipe and n 1 he grenade to be produced but instead of a circular, features a rectangular blast radius, for certain tactical approach..

4) If the gals can make a custom version of the lasgun, why not to have a custom laspistol too? Less powerful but with a bit more range with no autoshot? I don't have clue for a possibile sprite so might someone draw it?

5) vibro sword is a 3x1 item but it could be use a broader sprite, to give better the feeling of being taller than vibro blade
« Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 07:58:31 pm by ontherun »

Offline Psyentific

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1027 on: July 30, 2024, 11:23:21 pm »
Helmet could work as a 2x1 Hat item, similar to the Gas Mask and Pirate Hat, so that any helmet-less pirate can simply wear a helmet. Give it 10% Piercing and 10% Concussive damage resistance and +1 morale regeneration, tech unlocks with Kevlar Parts and can be manufactured for 2 kevlar to 3 helmets. An upgraded helmet crafted from plastasteel becomes available with Metal Armor and adds plasma and/or laser resistance.

Pipebomb could fit in the "aimed throwing explosive" niche between Black Powder Bomb and Stick Grenade/Stikkbomb. Rather than using HE grenades, make it out of dynamite and scrap metal; for example 3 dynamite and 9 metal to make 12 Pipe Bombs. 55% TUs to make one Lit & Throw-type attack at 15-20 range and 90% accuracy, 60 concussive damage.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 11:25:00 pm by Psyentific »

Offline Delian

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1028 on: August 27, 2024, 01:14:55 am »
Make Antarctica a real country. Populated by Antarcticians. Antarctician lives matter!

Offline Psyentific

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1029 on: August 27, 2024, 04:31:00 am »
Is it at all possible to redraw the Geoscape? To change the shape of landmasses and oceans? If so, I'd love to see a more messed-up, post-apocalyptic globe. Recognizable landmasses with visible chunks missing (ex. submerged florida), deserts where there ought to be jungles (ex. Amazon) or outcroppings of forest where there ought to be desert (ex. Sahara). Take some bites out of various coastlines and make some suspiciously circular lakes in formerly populous regions (ex. Ghostgates). Come to think of it, if we're in the business of creating suspiciously circular lakes out of population centers then we can't neglect Sydney, Australia

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1030 on: August 27, 2024, 01:19:50 pm »
Is it at all possible to redraw the Geoscape? To change the shape of landmasses and oceans? If so, I'd love to see a more messed-up, post-apocalyptic globe. Recognizable landmasses with visible chunks missing (ex. submerged florida), deserts where there ought to be jungles (ex. Amazon) or outcroppings of forest where there ought to be desert (ex. Sahara). Take some bites out of various coastlines and make some suspiciously circular lakes in formerly populous regions (ex. Ghostgates). Come to think of it, if we're in the business of creating suspiciously circular lakes out of population centers then we can't neglect Sydney, Australia

Technically it is possible, even if very time-consuming. However, any battle damage visible from such a high altitude would completely wreck the entire ecosystem, making the very existence of humans questionable, much less in such great numbers (as opposed to just some vaults). Also, the energies involved would conflict with the lore, which states that the most devastating weapons used on Earth were nukes, which are far below the necessary power threshold.
Therefore, cool as it is, I don't think this idea is viable, sorry.

Offline Juku121

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1031 on: August 27, 2024, 03:17:34 pm »
Chryssalid-Caused Climate Change, not Florida-Busting Cannons, man! ;D

Offline rafaelwow

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1032 on: August 27, 2024, 07:54:01 pm »
- A mission with more "Romero" zombies, danger in numbers not in strength.

The mission could block explosives, be in closed space. The main reason is I would love to use the minigun at a horde :D

- Rise of the Machines

Government lab studing the terminator robots lead to a slave ai or a hub of slave ai getting sentience and using the machines of the lab to kill everyone, you are sent there to clean the mess. Only robots, could have some jury rigged robots like Avenger 2 movie start, made with scrap.

- To be able to use the HK 801 as units/auxiliar units
« Last Edit: August 28, 2024, 06:00:47 am by rafaelwow »

Offline ontherun

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1033 on: August 27, 2024, 08:22:50 pm »
Helmet could work as a 2x1 Hat item, similar to the Gas Mask and Pirate Hat, so that any helmet-less pirate can simply wear a helmet. Give it 10% Piercing and 10% Concussive damage resistance and +1 morale regeneration, tech unlocks with Kevlar Parts and can be manufactured for 2 kevlar to 3 helmets. An upgraded helmet crafted from plastasteel becomes available with Metal Armor and adds plasma and/or laser resistance.

Pipebomb could fit in the "aimed throwing explosive" niche between Black Powder Bomb and Stick Grenade/Stikkbomb. Rather than using HE grenades, make it out of dynamite and scrap metal; for example 3 dynamite and 9 metal to make 12 Pipe Bombs. 55% TUs to make one Lit & Throw-type attack at 15-20 range and 90% accuracy, 60 concussive damage.

Oh yes, nice maths! And what about a nock gun, that could  pair with the pepper pistol already in? I was thinking also iff a "proud fifthineer" an in between the small revolver and rusty niner with 15 rounds, if course, sprite similar to a beretta 92? Or even a "big revolver", a big brother with more more range..

What would be nice i think might be the chance to "modify" early game weapons though manufacturing, like happens with the shiny niner, for example the rusty blade might become "renewed blade" while tommy might become "short tommy", without the stock and therefore more lightweight

- Rise of the Machines

Government lab studing the terminator robots lead to a slave ai or a hub of slave ai getting sentience and using the machines of the lab to kill everyone, you are sent there to clean the mess. Only robots, could have some jury rigged robots like Avenger 2 movie start, made with scrap.

+1 on that robot mission!

Edit: i wonder some more longg ranged version of the assault cannon would be implemented, for instance  a 12 pounder long gun (there were 18, 32 and so on variants too) as a light class craft weapon of the current pirate cannon (an hand clas weapon that actually is an assault cannon mounted on primitive vehicles). Otherwise make it as a vessel weapon version of the hand assault cannon, reserchable and manufacturable once the "ballistic" research topic has ben completed.Name it as...i don't know..."long cannon", or "12 libs cannon"?! or whatever.. ;D

it's sn early game thing, to add more variety, don't know..
« Last Edit: September 01, 2024, 11:11:25 pm by ontherun »

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #1034 on: September 02, 2024, 12:21:35 am »
I'd like it if people stopped turning XPZ into a gun museum.