
Author Topic: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!  (Read 447848 times)

Offline cc

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #135 on: August 14, 2018, 11:18:40 pm »
We don't put thermal shielding on everything (much less on ISS modules), so I have my doubts that the traders' guild would make the whole station out of plastasteel as opposed to plain old aluminium. They have to protect their profit margins, you know.
The Brainers come from an Academy station, not a Guild one. The Academy is prone to overengineering, so let's go with the "they found the emergency re-entry subroutine in the station's control code and triggered it" explanation. ;)

Offline ivansanchez

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #136 on: August 14, 2018, 11:31:29 pm »
The Brainers come from an Academy station, not a Guild one. The Academy is prone to overengineering, so let's go with the "they found the emergency re-entry subroutine in the station's control code and triggered it" explanation. ;)

And the academy just happened to leave a perfectly good, functional & overengineered station on the hands of some not-totally-trustable Uber gals, completely unsupervised?  :o  And on top of that, the emergency reentry subroutine is able to calculate a reentry maneouver in order to land in a precise spot? (instead of just applying retrograde thrust and landing wherever is closest to their current orbital path)

It's just hard for me to accept that.  :-\

Offline Rince Wind

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #137 on: August 14, 2018, 11:42:48 pm »
They have star-god tech.


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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #138 on: August 15, 2018, 12:15:06 am »
And the academy just happened to leave a perfectly good, functional & overengineered station on the hands of some not-totally-trustable Uber gals, completely unsupervised?  :o  And on top of that, the emergency reentry subroutine is able to calculate a reentry maneouver in order to land in a precise spot? (instead of just applying retrograde thrust and landing wherever is closest to their current orbital path)

It's just hard for me to accept that.  :-\

Without being technichal, plot says it's an abandoned base! :) Well if we want to be really evil/masochist we may start only with an hangar, a vault and a barracks block, radar and other stuff may need to be researched first. Don't know if Dioxine may agree, maybe...?

Offline ivansanchez

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #139 on: August 15, 2018, 01:04:11 am »

Offline BBHood217

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #140 on: August 15, 2018, 02:39:55 am »
The engine at least has you covered there. If it runs out of spawn points with more soldiers to place, it just doesn't place them. We're just not likely to see this in effect in XPiratez . . . so far.


Offline khade

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #141 on: August 15, 2018, 02:52:26 am »
A while ago I suggested some variant of the Laser Musket from Fallout 4, but mechanically we couldn't seem to get past the recharge bit.  I thought about it some more(IE I totally forgot about it until sometime today), and I have an idea regarding it that might work:

The laser musket would be an upgradable homebrew early laser tech, probably would do around 20-30 damage and have a high number of shots before the generator blows, it's also a heavy and sturdy weapon, so a gunbutt attack is reasonable. 
Problems for the early version would be near musket level accuracy and a very high aimed shot ap cost, with either no snap, the exact same ap cost as aimed, or a high cost snap, to mimic the manual recharge. It would have to be a two hand weapon, can't shoot it if you've got your hands full.

Upgrades I can think of could include lowering the ap cost(better generator), sharply increasing accuracy(better laser focusing), removing the ammo count completely(better generator part 2) and increasing damage(meh, got nothing), also the standard upgrade of melee attack.

Another idea related to this if, if we could have a weapon that requires an action to 'cock' it, the laser musket could have a very cheap aimed attack, for aimed at least) and a good snap, but require an expensive recharge action before it can be fired again, with upgrades lowering recharge time and number of shots before recharge is required.  I think this was the point where this idea fell flat, but I can't remember if the coders ever said if it was possible.  It could be useful for other weapons, cheaper attacks with a cock action before you can start them, semi auto would just need to cock once per clip, and auto weapons wouldn't need it at all.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #142 on: August 15, 2018, 05:19:01 am »
The starting brainers were researching a dead, drifting piece of space junk. Suddenly, the STR_MENACING_HULL sparks to life, plots a reentry trajectory, and crash-lands right next to the hideout (probably still attached to parts of the space station/space tug/salvage vehicle they used to reach there). Maybe the brainers were sent into the derelict as guinea pigs.

Cue a scripted mission to rescue the friendly brainers from a tiny band of roving ratmen. This allows to put information in the mission briefing, e.g. "We heard this crash, and the faces of three Uber gals showed up in some of the hideout screens asking for help. They look brainy but not beefy. If we rescue them they might help us understand things around."

Yeah, this would need terrain assets  :( and I don't know if the game engine can spawh a mission right on top of the hideout  :( and every new game would need to grind this :( but this would explain the brainers and the menacing hull much better than a bootypedia article IMHO  ;D

Not a bad idea, actually, as it ties nicely together Brainers and the Hull. I might use it. However, 2 things:
1) You cannot disable purchase of Brainers, so they need to appear pre-game start;
2) I wouldn't want a mission a player HAS TO fight every time they start a new game. It'd be too much like the infamous Skyrim's tutorial...

Also... It was an Academy, not Trader station. If they wanted thermal shielding, they got thermal shielding. You're also forgetting that the primitive technology of Kerbal Space Program is a thing of the past... And no "Wizard did it" because the tech in question is used all the time and quite cheap... how much does the Fighter Hull cost, eh...?

Also, "completely unsupervised"? I don't think that's how it is described...
« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 05:23:57 am by Dioxine »

Offline sanyaskillpro

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #143 on: August 15, 2018, 06:13:59 am »
1) You cannot disable purchase of Brainers, so they need to appear pre-game start;
You can set the price to 9999999999 dolaroes or something, if you want to go with recruited-only brainers.

Offline legionof1

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #144 on: August 15, 2018, 06:50:33 am »
nah just set them to hidden 85% of the player base wont ever know they exist.

Offline Martin

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #145 on: August 15, 2018, 11:53:25 am »
It’s not suprising that Brainers escaped considering the Academy is clearly incompetent and corrupt. Remeber these people cut their talent pool by half due to being sexist and run their poorly trained Osiron dropouts along with relatively fragile and highly explosive cyberdiscs.

Offline Rince Wind

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #146 on: August 15, 2018, 12:10:28 pm »
They don't even bother to give weapons to the people that are supposed to catch the clearly armed and dangerous escapees, so the teams have to bring their own. That might be infighting though, as they don't really want Dr. X to succeed.


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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #147 on: August 15, 2018, 12:35:55 pm »
They don't even bother to give weapons to the people that are supposed to catch the clearly armed and dangerous escapees, so the teams have to bring their own. That might be infighting though, as they don't really want Dr. X to succeed.

Yes, also because is  more a "scientific" faction (pheraps rather sexist) than a "military" one, so fighting tasks are delegated to Osiron.

Also, would be nice to see an outfit inspiered by drifter, don't know if alreasy exist one, maybe it could be called "wanderer", a casula version between ganger and adventutrer, provided might be room for it, i repat ;)

Offline LouisdeFuines

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #148 on: August 15, 2018, 09:14:50 pm »
I`d like to see a solution about the sewers. It is a pain to search an enemy down there.

Offline wolfreal

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #149 on: August 15, 2018, 09:17:58 pm »
Aye phone, dogs, cats with sense, armor with sense, there are tools. It is a pain, but it is not unsolvable.