So in April of my first campaign, I just discovered how tough Zombie Troopers are. Grounded Medium very near my base turns out to be a smuggler (which I only recognized because I’ve been watching Meridian's play through from last year). Figured I would see what was there, and deployed. After 11 turns and some mild save-scumming, only 2 wounded girls and I’ve killed 2 of them, have 2 more downed & sleeping, and have a 3rd peeled out of his armor, and set on fire from a Molotov. There's another one that has been wildly sniping from the top of the UFO with some laser/plaz weapon, and I have 2 gals that have slipped through cover to board out of his firing angles. But I’m about out of “emergency” weapons (got a lucky crate early that had a sniper rifle and a couple of flamethrowers) - most of what I have at this point doesn’t scratch these guys. Including the shotguns I lugged along for Zombie duty. My assault cannon is down to one normal ball, I still have a clip of sniper, and a gothic blaster (with only 1 clip) for extreme emergency, and most of my explosives are used up. Now I see two more (one with another energy gun) to the north, and a Singer Z in the ship! I haven’t seen most of the map, been fighting along the southern edge the whole time. So I realize there could be even more. But I’m kind of committed at this point to try and retreat (plus there could be some amazing loot here). Put it aside to sleep on it, and today opened the save file for the first time in a text editor. There are 6 more (counting the Singer)! One I have nicked, that’s probably the sniper up top, the rest are full health. If I’m figuring out the locations, there one hidden in the ship, but it’s a little confusing to sort through.
The whole armor peeling thing is very cool, kudos to Dioxine or whomever thought of that! But it makes me more than a little nervous about trying to melee these guys. The blaster is probably good to do one. Should I just try to bail, or even just call it a waste, and go back to the previous general GeoScape save?
Next time I see these guys, I’m just getting back in my ship and bugging out.

At least, until I have much better gear!