
Author Topic: A thread for little questions  (Read 1423068 times)

Offline Dioxine

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2910 on: March 18, 2021, 02:25:07 pm »
Don't mind RSSWizard, by my knowledge of the game he's full of crap - either he's savescumming like crazy each turn, has cheated in stats, and/or camps like crazy. Clearing a Cruiser with 3 gals with shitty early equipment is not realistically possible.

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2911 on: March 18, 2021, 03:49:51 pm »
Don't mind RSSWizard, by my knowledge of the game he's full of crap - either he's savescumming like crazy each turn
Maybe saved every few turns with some bottlenecks.
Night Mission.
There happened to be 2 mobs outside the ship. They ate grenade launcher, I used molotov to reveal their position.
Killed 2 in the lift and scurried into nearby doors. Melee shot denial at the door for others. Battleaxe to the back to kill the Bodyguards.
Most if the kills in the ship were Male Hero using Heavy Laser/adv which id captured from previous missions. Also lady with Battleaxe and another lady with Commando Rifle that I got from Old Earth Weapons Box (the one with +50 clips).
Hardest part was the VIP, yeah I savescummed that part, took 3 tries. But it was kill not capture so I didn't totally cheese. Used gothic ray guns from all 3 to remove his shields then Heavy Laser to the back, took about 4 shots. Melee shot denial on his heavy plasma too, even with 3 hands surrounding him he managed to hit somebody once which was improbable (hardly ever see that happen). This took an annoying 3 turns to fully resolve, the first turn seeing him show up at the grav lift on the 2nd floor, then the ambush.

Guild Rep got caught in the top floor office thing, Hero Male beat her up with fist - and stole her heavy plasma and grenade so she'd stay disarmed in case she got back up. She Did get back up, noticed ZZz body had disappeared, so I sent another lady running back up there to Bop her again.

2 more mobs seemingly left the ship running and screaming while I wasnt watching - bughunt mode kicked in so thats how I found them. Frag Grenades and Grenade Launcher were used.

Somebody did get Wounded but it was worth it.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2021, 04:00:37 pm by RSSwizard »

Offline Dogbarian

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2912 on: March 21, 2021, 11:24:20 pm »
Couple of questions
- My secondary base got found and an Academy team dropped by, managed to fight them off with 5 peasant militia and 2 fresh hands (and a cat).  Do the aliens remember where a base is, and continue to visit, or does it have to "found" again each time?

- in Meridian's play last year, he occasionally showed a longer "hit results" screen in Battlescape, similar to the Ctrl-H screen, but showed the sequence of reaction fire back and forth.   Is that a built-feature, or a mod he added, and if not a mod, what is the key command for that one?  I tried a couple of variations on Ctrl-H (adding Shift & Alt, and so on), but it did not appear.  If it is a mod, is it published?

Offline Nilex

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2913 on: March 22, 2021, 12:56:26 am »
Not sure about base. I'd say successful defense 'resets' their awareness until they find it again in some later crackdown mission. At least that's how I understood it from my experience. I vaguely remember it was explained for sure before so someone might follow up more precisely.

Extended hit log: CTRL+ALT+H (HIT = damage > 20% of total HP)

While we're at it, other undocumented but useful keys I found:
Code: [Select]
Pan Geoscape - left/right buttons also scroll through BootyPedia
CTRL+MMB - force bootypedia entry if researched and available
ALT in minimap - map borders
CTRL+END - two brightness levels, alternative to night vision
RMB on approach type icon during interception - orders ALL vessels simultaneously
« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:05:59 am by Nilex »

Offline Dogbarian

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2914 on: March 22, 2021, 03:26:43 am »
Ooo, thanks for the map borders one, I was wondering about that one too!

I'd already found out the Ctrl-End for the night visibility levels, I use that way more than night vision.

And the other question I wanted to ask (couldn't remember it earlier when writing), I was ready to do my codex choice, decided on Red for this first pass, and noticed that the research for the Scorpion wasn't unlocked when I did so.  It's gated behind something I don't have, Shadowmasters.   In Meridian's playthrough, he had Snake and Scorpion unlocked right away.  Is this something that Dioxine changed in later versions?  Or did Meridian have a lucky unlock from an interrogation for that tech?  I don't remember it occurring, but it very well could have and I didn't know the significance at the time.

Offline Nilex

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2915 on: March 22, 2021, 07:56:03 am »
Yea it's very possible Dio tweaked things around. It's done every update. Research Tree of Life must grow.

Shadowmasters were marked as important even since I started playing 5 months ago in all guides I looked. But what isn't for a newbie? Interrogations are best path forward, not only can you get lucky but they also yield a lot of important stuff and can save a bit of time when a low research cost prisoner rewards more costly topic (later on even more time can be saved by patiently targeting interrogations).
Funnily enough I didn't pick a Codex until much later because I mistook manufacturing rewards for raw material requirements, lol. My Shadowmasters were long ago researched and forgotten by then. Red is a good choice btw, even best my most people's account. Just continue following your intuition :)

Offline Dogbarian

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2916 on: March 22, 2021, 11:31:56 am »
Okay, cool.  :)  I'm just getting tired of watching these ships fly by unmolested.  The Little Bird is the only thing that can carry a weapon and it's too slow.  Guess I'll start pushing towards shipyard contact (and keep interrogating to see if I get lucky). 

Appreciate the answers!

Offline Nilex

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2917 on: March 22, 2021, 12:13:00 pm »
Np, it's been ages since I've been there so it nostalgic to remember all but forgotten early struggles. You even made me notice I missed one of early tweaks in this update so I must go about researching it.

My pre-codex interceptor progress went AIRCAR > SHARK JETBIKE (great little thing). Transports went AIRBUS > BLOWFISH (underwater capable) > PACHYDERM.

Once you get more bases going (radar coverage is essential) you can start experimenting with other vessels. LITTLE BIRD felt weak so I didn't use it. Also, don't expect for shipyard to magically unlock new ships (I fell into that trap) - it's main use is for post-Codex ship parts. After Codex and first proper interceptors are built the air war is basically won, with rare exceptions for comfortable period.

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2918 on: March 22, 2021, 08:58:28 pm »
Okay, cool.  :)  I'm just getting tired of watching these ships fly by unmolested. 
Pretty sure you get Airspeeder and Aircar early on, well before the Little Bird, and the Aircar flies at 2000 with a Light Weapon. Airspeeder is 3000 and has a missile (which is almost useless in the first game year)
The Little Bird as far as I can see is supposed to be a real cheap garrisoned craft specifically to go after Bandits and Armored Car Patrol since they're a threat up close and go slow. The slowest civilian traffic moves 360 so that declares its purpose. This is something you put in auxiliary bases that may only be storage/dojos/plantations.
Also - if a ufo lands near your base on the other side of the world from your main base, you can get up to 6 into that helicopter I think. Ive never done a mission with it though.
I think the Necropirate planes will eat it btw.

Some questions of my own...
- Where are the Industrial Railroad Depot (pogrom) maps I remember? Which have the 4 or 5 story railroad station in them.

- When if ever do the Traders use the Boomosaurus in Pogroms now? Do the Traders even do Pogroms now? I haven't seen them in either of my two latest playthroughs

- Whats the point of Light Cannon/EP ammunition... I just opened up two full blasts of EP on a Traders Security Guard and it did nothing to him. Its supposed to be like 35x4 each.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 09:08:07 pm by RSSwizard »

Offline Dogbarian

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2919 on: March 22, 2021, 11:53:30 pm »
Well, I wrote a reply, but I think that window went away without being saved when Chrome wanted to restart to update itself.  Whoops!

Anyway, I totally missed that the Aircar had a weapon pod!  I even looked at the air speeder, and saw it had a missile slot, but I didn't have any missiles.  So yeah, time to buy that.

And I did use the Little Bird to shoot down some roving Necropirate swarms, but I haven't seen their airplane yet and I've avoided the ruffians and their armored car, since I saw in the LP that they have significant range.  But I can ditch it for an aircar.

Offline RolandVasko

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2920 on: March 23, 2021, 02:39:54 am »
Yea it's very possible Dio tweaked things around. It's done every update. Research Tree of Life must grow.

Shadowmasters were marked as important even since I started playing 5 months ago in all guides I looked. But what isn't for a newbie? Interrogations are best path forward, not only can you get lucky but they also yield a lot of important stuff and can save a bit of time when a low research cost prisoner rewards more costly topic (later on even more time can be saved by patiently targeting interrogations).
Funnily enough I didn't pick a Codex until much later because I mistook manufacturing rewards for raw material requirements, lol. My Shadowmasters were long ago researched and forgotten by then. Red is a good choice btw, even best my most people's account. Just continue following your intuition :)

ha! ..and dont go to Zahadum!, will you even dare to fly there?   :  D  :P 8)

those SHADOWS! ( *Stíny, Tiene" ) - and, in PiratezPedia Shadowmaster´s Page - definately the unforgettable black spider -like design of such Shadow´s Ship! i see there shadow battle Cruiser

(well, some spoilers,
..for those who didnt still watch (/read)  EXCELLENT  sci-fi serial (tv-show)  Babylon-5 (and even more, unfinished B5:Crusader.. )

those SHADOWS! ( *Stíny, Tiene" )
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 03:58:18 am by RolandVasko »

Offline legionof1

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2921 on: March 23, 2021, 02:17:09 pm »
Some questions of my own...
- Where are the Industrial Railroad Depot (pogrom) maps I remember? Which have the 4 or 5 story railroad station in them.

- When if ever do the Traders use the Boomosaurus in Pogroms now? Do the Traders even do Pogroms now? I haven't seen them in either of my two latest playthroughs

- Whats the point of Light Cannon/EP ammunition... I just opened up two full blasts of EP on a Traders Security Guard and it did nothing to him. Its supposed to be like 35x4 each.

Most likely purged in the great dehobbesifcation.

They do do pogroms but only one of the two setups has them, the other is full of pest control managers.

Damage type mostly, in this case electrics "ignore stun immunity" flag. It's still a shotgun style round so is easily mitigated by armor. Each pellet is calculated separately in regards to dmg roll, armor, ect. LC/EP is 30x6, Osiron is 50 front, side 40, rear 30.

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2922 on: March 23, 2021, 07:51:59 pm »
dehobbesification? come again?
Ive got older versions of X-P do you think itd be possible to pry that mapset out and plug it back in somehow?

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2923 on: March 23, 2021, 08:20:09 pm »
dehobbesification? come again?
Ive got older versions of X-P do you think itd be possible to pry that mapset out and plug it back in somehow?

Hobbes didn't wanted his work to be put in any project that receives cash in any way, so because X-Piratez takes donations, those maps had to be deleted and replaced.

If you would want them back, you either have to "somehow" get X-Piratez version before the purge, or put them yourself for personal use. Any other way would be against Hobbes's wish.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 08:21:44 pm by JustTheDude »

Offline Dogbarian

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2924 on: March 23, 2021, 11:32:37 pm »
The maps were beautifully done, but did create some massive bughunt situations, you have to admit.  :)