Fairies can only be used by 2 out of 4 codexes. The "Lucky Star" sure looks fantastic and is quite useful but the one usage you had in your last youtube-video was one use for the lulz and it missed.
Sniping anyone and anything with a laser-"shotgun" (SR Shotgun looks to range-efficient for a close-combat weapon) did the job just fine and more reliable than the winged support-mage.
The SR Shotgun looks like it took the place of the Flechette gun before the nerfbat hit it so hard that the clipsize dropped to 8 (former 42 or something) and acc. penalty made the cross-map sniping nearly impossible. While the SR Shotgun can't be replicated, I see no use to toy around with expensive squishy flying suits.
Sentry-Class Vessels spawn frequently to get more shotguns and some ammo while gems are so rare that you never have any supply of them.
That XG-Assault sure blows past the snapshot range, that's why you should get the XG-Rifle, XG-Pistol and XG-Chaingun asap.
Tl;dr: SR Shotgun works too good in situations it should be bad, Fairies are too situational to be a reliable and XG-Assault works totally fine.
And Poet, don't forget that the new patch disallows the use of Ghost-Outfits if you picked the golden codex. I'll call you out if I see you use them