Author Topic: Dossiers wanted!  (Read 101205 times)

Offline RolandVasko

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #195 on: May 02, 2020, 02:00:19 am »

Offline Thermite

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #196 on: May 02, 2020, 11:40:27 pm »
"Ben & Lewis Save the world" is what got me back to Xcom after all these years and I assume enough people here have watched them, so I thought it would be nice if they would get their own dossier according to their playstyle.

Name: Lewis & Ben

Role: Terrorists

Affiliation: Men in Black

Details: 2 Commanders from MiB who campaign across the globe with no regard for human life, whilst posing as Xcom operatives. They leave a trail of terror & destruction behind wherever they go. Their main purpose is to tarnish the good name of Xcom and create international tensions, thus removing the main obstruction to the alien invasion.

Status: Xcom's most wanted

As for the picture, I was thinking of Lewis & Ben in MiB suits, having a "cool guys dont look at explosions" pose  8) . But before I went ahead with my mediocre photoshop skills, I thought it would be better to wait for your opinion on it.

Maybe even a mission where you have to capture them dead or alive, where they and their crew only use High-Ex, rockets and grenade launchers ;D

PS. Xcom Files is an amazing mod! Thanks alot for creating it.

I asked Ben about this.
His response:

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #197 on: May 02, 2020, 11:56:04 pm »
Well, why not, if it is done in a manner so that it can also be read straight.

Offline Thermite

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #198 on: May 08, 2020, 04:37:19 am »
Well, why not, if it is done in a manner so that it can also be read straight.

Time to edit that proposal then.


Offline mumble

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #199 on: May 10, 2020, 04:41:47 am »
Saw an imbalance in dossiers, so I figured I'd expand for a few arcs.

NAME : Jeffery Gerking
Role: Proliferation
Affiliation: Cult of the apocalypse
Details: A relatively quiet and unassuming looking man, but calculating : hes used laced cigarettes and weed to drug people in regions where the cult operates, making an easy time of indoctrinating people. Doesn't even smoke, but ALWAYS has some for a mark.
Status: Interpol notified

Name: Hailey Duwitt
Role: Recruiter
Affiliation: Cult of the apocalypse
Details: A nihilistic woman, riddled with sociopath tenancies, and a military trained manipulator (dishonorable discharge). She finds desperate, crazy, but skilled people and brings them into the cult. Shes not exactly loyal, but finds chaos amusing.
Status: Interpol notified


Role: Info Management and Unpermitted Network Intel Termination Infrastructure.
Affiliation: Men In black
Details: Short of the name, we know its some kind of tool the MIB uses to hide information, integrated into most common tech. parts stop working, data corrupts, and circuits fry, almost anywhere MIB deems it should, it seems. how? we don't know.
Status: Building a network profile

Name: Derek Anderson
Role: Distribution and remote assassination
Affiliation : Men in black
Details: A CEO for "Harsh Fizz" malt liquor, commonly had by vagrants, it can use the formula for a sort of catalyst for remote control of those who drink it somehow. As a plus, its very easy to pass off a hit this way as "just another schizo drunk".
Status: Company Audit, Attempting to recreate effect.


Name: Ode to sirens
Role: Shipping vessel
Affiliation: Orison
Details: Seemingly not different than any other minor shipping vessel, but after looking into it, it was always nearby other ships that went under due to a storm, while it never sinks. Sunken ships always held something "restricted"
Status: GPS monitoring, Surveillance

« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 04:46:49 am by mumble »

Offline RolandVasko

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #200 on: May 29, 2020, 07:04:43 am »
1idea, - upon 1movie, Doctor Sleep, as characters pool, (and amybe abit storyline awhile, too.. )

..just few another power *psychics,
and whole new type of "soldiers, /enemy, just new line, again new kind of persons - those such True Knot Ghosts (daemons, /angels)
( The True Knot are also semi-immortal vampires who feast on the essence of gifted, psychic children, and telepats, mentalist peoples overally )

Offline Hashirama015

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #201 on: July 10, 2020, 09:14:01 am »
"Dossier: Silent Ghost"
"ROLE: Infiltration/Black Ops
"AFFILIATION: Freelancer"
The only surviving subject of the 'Maharlika Project', a brutal and secret super soldier project backed secretly by the Xenonauts in the Philippines in 1981. His existing records showed him being involved in assassinating Communists, possible extraterrestrial threats and Biohazard containment. He took lots of evidence and alien tech that he found during the infiltration of Procyon City in 1988 where he disappeared."
"Notes: If you can find me, then we'll talk."
Still haven't given up yet xD. I hope it matches your taste this time.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2020, 06:18:19 pm by Hashirama015 »

Offline anothrgamer1234

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #202 on: July 10, 2020, 02:54:36 pm »
I had an idea as well- what about dossiers for specific individuals among the aliens themselves? I have ideas for a few that could easily be integrated into missions. This particular dossier and its mission would also be dependent on Ethereal Origins and Alien Brain Remains- otherwise it would make no sense due to lack of context.  I even have an idea for its reward- a portable shield generator that would allow the user to generate a Gold Shield like an Ethereal's.

Dossier: The Ancient
ROLE: Renegade Ethereal
AFFILIATION: Ethereal Order (Formerly)
Details: Claiming to be one of the few Ethereals who opposes the status quo among the Ethereal Order, this individual claims that their division of the species into "elites" and "plebs" holds them all back and that the dependence on the alien brains is nothing short of slavery. It says that it wishes to defect and has information vital to the war effort, but can it be trusted?
STATUS: Contact in progress

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #203 on: July 10, 2020, 04:44:33 pm »
Still haven't given up yet xD. I hope it matches your taste this time.

Not bad. However, please rephrase this sentence "His existing records showed him being involved in assassinating communists, possible extraterrestrial threats and biohazard containment including lots of evidence and alien tech" - I honestly can't decipher it :)

I had an idea as well- what about dossiers for specific individuals among the aliens themselves?

A very intriguing idea. I like it, but we must be careful to not make Cydonians too "normal". Also, such ideas beg for their own missions or events. I think it's worth a try, though!

Offline anothrgamer1234

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #204 on: July 10, 2020, 05:00:13 pm »
Quote from: Solarius Scorch
A very intriguing idea. I like it, but we must be careful to not make Cydonians too "normal". Also, such ideas beg for their own missions or events. I think it's worth a try, though!

My idea precisely, on both counts. Other ones would be more along the lines of "this is what it can do and why it's more dangerous enough to deserve a dossier"- I just figured that for the Ethereals they needed a special touch and remembered a passage in the Ethereal Origins UFOpedia entry that sounded like it warranted a follow-up.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2020, 05:03:51 pm by anothrgamer1234 »

Offline Hashirama015

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #205 on: July 10, 2020, 05:58:47 pm »
Not bad. However, please rephrase this sentence "His existing records showed him being involved in assassinating communists, possible extraterrestrial threats and biohazard containment including lots of evidence and alien tech" - I honestly can't decipher it :)

Sorry bout that. Seems I overlooked that part. Gonna change it right away!
Edit: Done! Is it okay?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2020, 06:01:33 pm by Hashirama015 »

Offline tarkalak

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #206 on: July 11, 2020, 10:37:08 am »
Staff report, Intelligence officer:

... so I got a few drinks for the council observer's assistant, that truth serum is awesome by the way, commander, mixes perfectly with gin tonic, and the guy was all happy to tell me everything.

So, back in 1990, there is this guy Commander Kane, or Colonel Keen, or something, who builds a spacecraft in his backyard. Yeah, right. Then he goes to Mars and gets his rocket stolen by the locals, but he beats the shit out of them and comes back to Earth, but they come to bomb Earth, but he beats the shit out of them again, and then he goes to their home planet and beats the shit out of them a third time for, um, I don't remember what. And you haven't heard the weirdest part yet. He is 8 years old at the time.

Then he spends the next 6 years beating the shit out of any alien that even pokes his nose in the Solar system, and even goes "rearrangeing" their own planets. But wait, then in 1996 he hits puberty and his new girlfriend says that aliens are dull, so he throws everything up. I am going to wait until that little bitch grows up and *I* am going to beat the shit out of her. How dare she say that aliens are stupid.

Anyway, the council panics and that is how we come around.

Um, ..., what commander. Well, let me see, that truth serum does induce hallucinations if you are allergic to strawberries.

Oh, not that much, the assistant passed out after the first bottle and I had already opened the next, and I couldn't find the cap, and we can't let a whole bottle of gin go to waste, am I right? The accountant has these things locked and *accounted* for, you know.

It might also work for the quarter master with a little rearranging.
I was thinking about making a dossier, but Commander Keen is a bit too humouristic for the mod.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #207 on: July 11, 2020, 01:24:33 pm »
My idea precisely, on both counts. Other ones would be more along the lines of "this is what it can do and why it's more dangerous enough to deserve a dossier"- I just figured that for the Ethereals they needed a special touch and remembered a passage in the Ethereal Origins UFOpedia entry that sounded like it warranted a follow-up.


Sorry bout that. Seems I overlooked that part. Gonna change it right away!
Edit: Done! Is it okay?

Much better!

It might also work for the quarter master with a little rearranging.
I was thinking about making a dossier, but Commander Keen is a bit too humouristic for the mod.

Haven't checked, but it looks like 2 or 3 times more than would fit...

I think it's worth working on, though :)

Offline the nomad

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #208 on: July 18, 2020, 02:41:45 am »
I am watching Fringe these days, and it gave me an idea. How about a scientist that specializes on contagious diseases and bio-terrorism?

His M.O. will be like this: He will synthesize a biological and/or chemical agent (possibly using alien tissues/viruses) which will cause symptoms and fatal reactions that no other illness etc. will show, prepare a dramatic demonstration by killing civilians in a place he has chosen (a cafe, a diner, or a social gathering), and then sell the agent to the highest bidder among the crazed cults. He may even have a mission to catch him in the act, like a timed mission in a crowded area before he unleashes his newly produced agent.

If it seems interesting, I can write the dossier. Sorry if there is already a dossier like this, I still haven't played this wonderful mod fully.

Offline tarkalak

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #209 on: July 23, 2020, 04:29:02 pm »
Staff report, Intelligence officer:

... so I got a few drinks for the council observer's assistant, that truth serum is awesome by the way, commander, mixes perfectly with gin tonic, and he told me this story.

Back in 1990, there was this guy Commander Kane, or Colonel Keen, or something, who built a spacecraft in his backyard and used it to fly to Mars. Then the Marsians steal it and he had to beat the crap out of them. And you haven't heard the weirdest part yet. He is 8 years old at the time. Can you believe it?

Then he turns into a sort of one man, err, one child X-Com. Saving Earth, traveling to alien planets and "rearranging" their politics. He is everywhere and no alien dares show up near Earth for many years. In 1996, he hits puberty and his new girlfriend says that aliens are dull, that little bitch, so he throws everything up. The council panics and that is how we come around.

Oh, not that much, the assistant passed out after the first bottle and I had already opened the next, and I couldn't find the cap, and we can't let a whole bottle of gin go to waste, am I right? The accountant has these things locked and *accounted* for, you know.

I hope the above fits.

Another one:
NAME: 008
AFFILIATION: The Queen and expensive martinis (stirred, not shaken!)
DETAILS: The latest Mark 00 top-secret super-spy. 008 has spent decades honing his skills and style, while waiting for that upstart, 'the previous number', to 'do his duty'. He can wait no more... Has been spotted, taking a dump, near Crop Circles in Europe.
STATUS: Spying
NOTE to female agents: Mark 00 spies are irresistible, but any woman that 'bonds' with one dies mysteriously within a week.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2020, 08:11:11 pm by tarkalak »