Dropping more sprites, hit animations that im using for my custom x-pirates modification, but the vanilla set directly modify the standard hit#26-46 for bullet/laser/plasma (ive modified lasers to be blue so they have a blue hit sparks, just more sparks than the standard bullet hit). In the x-piratez mod started with index 256 for the upgraded hits to bump up reasonably past the ones diox has defined
Harpoon Stun Hit
Flak/Shotgun Pellets Hit
UAC Plasma Gun hit
Tiny Explosion (I put it on most of the cannon ap rounds)
Gauss Hit
Plasma Shotgun (plasma blunderbuss) pellet hits
Acid Round hit
Laser Explosion hit (used for all high powered laser weapons and ES lasers)
Reticulan Laser Gun hit (green)
BFG pellet hits, or a high powered green plasma hit to suit your fancy.
Big Blue Plasma impact (I used it for the Heavy Plasma)
UV Nastiness hit used for the gazer aliens