
Author Topic: [Resolved] UFO/TFTD - Buggy scoring of failed base defense and artifact missions  (Read 6629 times)

Offline Countdown

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*UPDATE 2: Was fixed in a later version of the nightlies.

*UPDATE: "objectiveFailed" in the alienDeployments ruleset isn't applied when you lose the mission through a squad wipe, only if you abort mission.

I'd consider this to be wrong, but I'm not an expert on the original game so I'm checking if it is a "bug" or just the way the game is. It's certainly illogical.

Failed base defense missions yield negative points for craft lost if you abort the mission, but not if you lose the mission by everyone dying. I assume you should get the negative craft loss points no matter how you lose.

In TFTD artifact site missions you're supposed to get a score of 750 points if you win and negative 750 points if you fail, negative 2000 if you ignore (source ... you can also look this up in the OXC alienDeployments ruleset). However, in losing the mission with a total squad wipe, I found out the negative 750 isn't applied. You only get the negative 750 if you land and then retreat.

See the attached screen shots. First is a total squad wipe; I actually come out with a positive score! Second screen shot is taking off with 3 survivors and recovering some equipment/corpses. I get a negative score. Obviously that just doesn't make much sense. Both should be negative, the total squad wipe being worse.

So is it a mistake that the -750 was left off or just an XCOM loophole that is supposed to exist?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 07:22:38 am by Countdown »

Offline Countdown

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PS - On a related note (and this goes for TFTD and UFO), if you lose a mission with unconscious soldiers left in the battle, they are counted as KIA instead of MIA on the post-op screen.

Back in base, the soldier diaries correctly identifies them as MIA, but I don't know why the post op screen adds them to the "XCOM operatives killed total" instead of the MIA total. It doesn't create any major issues since the scoring doesn't change, but it's slightly annoying for those using the commendations mod because it leads to the incorrect medal being awarded.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 12:14:30 am by Countdown »

Offline hellrazor

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Once you have cleared if this is indeed a bug or not, please be so kind to post it on the openexcom bugtracker.

The bugtracker can be found here
Username and login are the same as on the forum.

Offline Countdown

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Yup will do, that was my plan. I've used the bug tracker before (although I created a new account, I didn't realize my same login would have worked), but wanted to double check.

I did confirm what I noted is a bug. I played a quick and dirty campaign in vanilla TFTD in DOSbox (sooo much clicking, sooo tedious :P) and observed a negative 750 point score when having a squad wipe (photo attached).

Plus, for those modding their own custom missions, it seemed most likely that the devs intended "objectiveFailed" to be applied in any instance of a mission failure (squad wipe or abort). Otherwise the language in the wiki probably would have been different if it was just for aborted missions.

EDIT: Bug report here.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 08:47:31 am by Countdown »

Offline Warboy1982

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ack! what happened to your screen?

Offline harre

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ack! what happened to your screen?

Probably a 100% shot that missed and his whole squad was wiped.  8)

Offline Countdown

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Yup, I got so angry after the last squad wipe I just punched my computer in the face. >:(

... The real story is less cool. Computer in back pack on front seat in my car. I stop short. Back pack falls on floor. Screen broken. :'(