Massive flaw in that, I get horribly behind in research...I waited til late promotion 1 to even get advanced medicine. This run, I highballed toward advancement, but also screwed myself in getting mutant metabolism late : was it recently changed that chupacabras, large bugs, and other stuff didn't count towards it? Kinda frustrating. And a little RNG heavy for my liking... But in the end these are all my fault. Thats what I mean by flaw : flaw in my own gameplay.

Hey, I figured the minebae was a, somewhat, trade secret : blackops has a lot of money, but this kinda stuff is pretty secretive, I'd figure....then again we find that before combat armor. Guess not. But still kiryu kai was supposedly NEVER covered by news, and all elements of it were a secret. XCOM is a little different mind you, but I figure its a coin flip this data being either lost in a remote area of japan, in a government base, or as you think, on an obscure end of the free market : if so, I think such a gun would be fitting for black lotus warriors honestly, considering they are a little easy (Alternatively, maybe give them either berserk AI, or just more aggression...they seem really shy).
I was under the impression the spy pistol, and all blackops guns used a better powder, or at least pistols : the smg, pistol, all seem marginally more effective. Even if not gunpowder, it could be proprietary slugs inside the rounds. Heavier, or with a painstakingly engineered shape.
I still think a blackops mini revolver would be good. 20-21 damage is really pushing it after promotion 2, and even if it was just a 27 damage mini revolver (1 more than snubnose) it would be very nice to have. I was going to suggest a blackops tier double barrel too, but...nevermind.
If nothing else, about making a specific form of "storage area" similar to the HQ, with a small manufacturing zone (no bigger than 5) and perhaps being necessary for some tasks like HQ? Have it replace starting storage.... just a thought. Would be interesting to have small, but meaningful jobs, sawing off shotguns (I honestly think small shotgun should be made a later game item, seems a little OP, being 1 handed and 1x2 for quickdraw. It outdoes the kludge in many ways, and you have it at the start) Combining leather and kevlar for a bulky, but marginally more effective armor, or, possibly making simple, but custom rounds (poor mans dragon breath with steel wool, wax slugs for a highly inaccurate stun round, ect)....I suppose its more a pipe dream, but still.