Is there a way for strip armor from Sindicate Security and/or MIB Enforcer?
No, not right now anyway.
The Cyberweb robot captured "alive" can be reprogrammed?
No, although I'm considering something like that.
I just found Kitsune, amazing.
It is.

X-Com Files 3.2 has been released. Happy New Year, people!

- New missions: Den of Villainy (terrain by Brain_322), The Exorcism, Environmental Alert with Men in Black.
- New outfit: Clergy (most graphics by Dioxine).
- New unit: M.A.G.M.A. Representative.
- New item category: Religious Gear.
- New Ufopaedia articles and research tree adjustments.
- 4 new Caves maps (3 by Dioxine).
- New Junkfarm map (by Dioxine).
- More general enemy base destruction message.
- Increased Hovertanks' night vision range.
- Excluded Assault Suit, Power Suit, Flying Suit and Stormtrooper Armor from underwater missions.
- Gillman Hero gives Power Armor instead.
- Chasers have dodge.
- Overhauled civilians' dodge values.
- Position Markers now actually have anti-camouflage.
- MiB Commanders yield Personal Armor on research.
- Increased chances for Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate to 100%.
- Improved Car, Luxury Car and Van sprites (by 0xEBJC).
- Improved Fenrir, Werecat, Black Werecat and Shambler sprites (by ImpMontezuma).
- Improved Fat Tourist and Bikini Babe sprites (by Osobist).
- Improved Celatid paperdoll (by Mikkoi).
- Improved Mongorn Fist sprite (by Dioxine).
- Improved Colt Commando sprite (by Alex_D).
- Added description to the M.A.G.M.A. Chainsawbot Blade.
- Reclamation of Aether Laboratory map is bigger (to fit any craft).
- Hybrid convoys no longer travel on the globe.
- Bats are excluded from science-themed missions.
- Renamed Durathread Vest for dogs to Durathread Gear.
- MiB Commander drops Damaged Personal Armor.
- MiB Lunar Base awards Spacer.
- Enabled Osiron Goon Disguise article.
- Moved Scientist's Data Floppy from Vincent's pocket to a table.
- Fixed Trident capacity (from 14 to 15) and interior.
- Fixed Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing prerequisites.
- Fixed .308 cal Sniper Rifle's minimum range.
- Fixed Haunted Farm terrains.
- Fixed some cars' height.
- Fixed destroyed streetlight height.
- Fixed cult retaliations.
- Fixed UAC Aerospace Lab roof.
- Fixed Caves, Cargo Ship and CYBERPIPES walking sounds and SCANGs (by Dioxine).
- Fixed MiB Engineering Ship lift.
- Minor fixes.
As usual, many thanks to everyone who helped making this release richer: ImpMontezuma (better monster paperdolls), Osobist (better civilian sprites), 0xEBJC (better vehicle sprites), Mikkoi (better Celatid paperdoll), Alex D. (better weapon sprite), Dioxine (outfits, maps) and Brain_322 (nightclub terrain).