How do I enable portraits instead of ranks (in battlescape) (And tiny ranks too obviously) ?
I can see in Piratez that it adds individual rank sprites and tinyranks in extraSprites. But I suspect there's more.
Portraits are enabled by defining a background image for the portrait:
- type: AvatarBackground
singleImage: true
0: Resources/....
Then for each soldier type, you can/need to define, which paperdoll is used (empty=current armor, set=given armor) and which section of the paperdoll is used (x,y):
armorForAvatar: STR_BARBARIAN_RAGS_UC # leave empty for currently worn armor
avatarOffsetX: 66
avatarOffsetY: 43
Tiny ranks are enabled by defining an image, which contains the tiny ranks:
- type: TinyRanks
width: 42
height: 7
subX: 7
subY: 7
0: Resources/...