This branch is not about writing a new OpenXcom engine.
I want to make mostly usability and QoL improvements like:
- remove epileptic effects (flashing explosions)
- add more hotkeys and shortcuts (ufopedia, change armor, hit log, don't stop walking, unit facing ...)
- display more info and stats (stat improvements, recovered items, manufacturing previews, ...)
- allows sorting and filtering stuff (items, soldiers, ...)
- add various indicators and alerts (refuel, bleeding, visible but far away enemies, ...)
- some more immersion (avatars, nationalities, dog memorial, ...)
Since the fork got more popular than originally expected, I added also some requests from modders:
- improved experience system
- mission starting conditions/restrictions
- some new weapon attributes, etc.
All these changes can be easily backported to original OXC.
I won't be messing with:
- palettes
- engine (especially any stuff required to use the UFO1994 assets)
- battlescape mechanics/physics
- alien AI
... as such changes cannot be easily backported and should be done directly in OXC (if the DEVs decide they are worth implementing)
So, feel free to ask for improvements, but don't ask for engine rewrite... I don't have time nor desire to do that.