Incase anyone wants to know im trying to download the latest version 98.Which is where all the problems have started as the previous versions seem to work fine,the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0dll is the problem as even with the vc redist 86x and even with unistaling all of the previous vc redist versions
i still get this issue
Unless dioxine's mediafire link gives me the download for 97D,but now im getting really confused with downloading the dll file both manualy and with the dll fixer installing it in system32.
86x is for 32 bit right?Or do i need a specific version of the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0 dll file? (im pretty sure i havent downloaded the 64 bit version of it)
Interestingly i get the same problem even without vcredist 86x installed.
Made a clean install and i still got the same exe crash about ucrtbase.terminate and the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1010.dll not being found in the dynamic library.So lets take this one step at time,im going to unistall vc redist and reinstall it right now.