I came across an interesting mission that may be glitched or bugged.
My hyperwave decoders detected a Pogrom Wave by Church forces conducting a Pogrom in "Somewhere." I remember at least 2 fighters and a terror ship scouting Alaska, then the second terrorship scouted Alaska, then bee-lined for Cuba and popped the Pogrom. I geared up the Bonny and sent them to it, and upon arrival, had a Crash to Desktop before the briefing screen. I had saved right before, so I reloaded, changed something minor (intercepted another ship while on the way there) and got a successful mission start (No CTD).
I popped my snipers out of the top, had a good sight line on a Church Neophyte and took him out. This immediately ended the mission, as he was the ONLY ENEMY.
As a side note, this earned all the gals the most difficult commendations of the Mutant Alliance Tattoo for "saving all the civilians in a Pogrom." Soldier Diaries calls this a "STR_TERROR_MISSION_NO_PENALTY" so if these missions are going to be a standard feature we should think about deprecating this commendation. Normally this would require a huge amount of luck and skill. Luck in the map and location of enemy (where you can get at them, and they can't get at the civilians), and the skill of being able to storm out and overwhelm all the attackers.
Anyway, back to the Neophyte Pogrom. I reloaded the save to see if I could get another CTD. I couldn't, so I suspect some map generation funniness. I have the Neophyte in sight with Mutterin Predator. He didn't take any hostile actions in the last turn so he may be unarmed. save= "NeophytePogrom"
I'll attach the Geoscape save too="pogrom in cuba"