--= 313 Equal Terms 2.0 Modification for Open-X-Com =--
By KingMob4313 and Ickschuss. Created for X-Com: Ufo Defense May 2000.
Last updated Feb 2020.
FINAL FINAL FINAL FINAL FINAL Version 2.0.040 FINAL FINAL FINAL FINAL FINAL FINAL Link to mod.io here: https://openxcom.mod.io/equal-terms-20
Please See the 'ET_Install.pdf' file for detailed install instructions.
== Required 'Advanced'/'Mods' settings ==
'UFO Extender accuracy' - Range Based Accuracy is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY for proper balance.
-- Suggested Settings --
Explosion Height 3
TFTD Damage Formula
Aliens Pickup Weapons
-- Other mods I like added --
Improved Living Quarters & Large Stores -
https://openxcom.mod.io/improved-living-quarters-large-storesUFO Vanilla Variants -
https://openxcom.mod.io/ufo-vanilla-variantsTerrain Pack -
https://openxcom.mod.io/terrain-packThe mod has three portions:
-= Wolfram Lance =-
The gunpowder teir weapons lack damage potential compared to later weapon technologies, but still have the highest cyclic rates in the game: firing more rounds per time-unit than other weapon classes.
-= Coherency =-
Laser weapons, while more potent and much more accurate in autofire modes than gunpowder weapons, are inferior in aimed accuracy to other weapon classes and lack the lethality of plasma weapons.
-= Fourth State =-
Plasma weapons inflict incomparable damage, while lacking some of the accuracy or rate of fire compared to the other weapon types.
Overall, weapons have a certain amount of utility throughout the game, while still making upgrading technology levels worthwhile. Because of this, researching the weapon technology trees now takes longer, to afford more utility to the earlier tiers.
The tier-list
0: Gunpower
0.5: Alloy
1: Laser
2: Plasma
3: In next DLC
Version 2.0.040 (Final)
--== Current ==--
Added new Recon Craft that replaces recon ability of Skyranger
Adjusted radar capability of other aircraft to emphasize use of the new craft
Reduced cost of Skyranger now that it is nearly incapable of finding alien bases now
Added new Trade Goods for tier 0.5, 1, 2
Flipped BigOb for SMG tier to provide visual cues that it is a one handed weapon
(Re)-Set up map file reference UBASEREDUX_00 to have HYPER WAVE ENCODER/DECODER
Fixed HWP Issues - Thanks SupSuper, ohartenstein23 and Meridian for the help.
Improved HWP GMG sound
-= Current Release Details =-
OpenXcom Nightly Release - DOES NOT WORK WITH OpenXcom 1.0 (Which is no longer able to be downloaded from OpenXcom)
Current Status: Playable - Final version for OpenXcom - A 2.5 version will be released for OpenXcom Extended (OXCE)
NOTE SHOWSTOPPER: Possible tech deadend if 'Hyperwave Encoder' does not spawn in Alien Base missions.
- Has been tested with base OpenXcom and the major Terrain Pack
--= Future Plans =--
OpenXcom Extended Release
In planning/evaluation stage. Code at 90%
Proposed Changes:
- armor vs penetration and armor damage behavior
- reload times
- miscellaneous gear
- melee weapons