Author Topic: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N10 24-Nov-2024 Aurora's Dawn  (Read 4552718 times)

Offline legionof1

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4740 on: July 06, 2017, 04:55:47 pm »
Yeah, recruiting more hands only takes 4 techs (12 days at max), and the path can be found on the tech tree viewer, or through trial and error. Granted, that isn't new player friendly, but i don't think this mod is aimed at new players.
Most certainly not aimed at new players.

Odd question:

What to do when I manage to get my 6 starting lunatics wounded during the first 2 missions?
Since i can't hire hands I got 0 available soldiers to do anything until february/ until I find the right research to hire soldiers.

Is this intended to be absolutely dependent on 6 starting lunatics with no room for failure while managing to kill/capture all foes?
I can't manage to go flawless since this RNG-Game doesn't like me and my hands keep missing 56% shots and usually have shitty accuracy anyway.

To minimize early lack of firing skill look to using shotguns & melee. Aside from the drone on the academy experiments mission, nothing in the first few months has the armor to entirely negate shotguns pellets.

Also even the worst of initial lunatics will have a significant edge in TU and reactions over what you face very early on. Therefore sprinting to melee even in full view of multiple foes will garner very little reaction fire. As a reference guild security has 55 TU and 35 reactions vs minimum of 65 and 50 for lunatics. That's a fair window to exploit assuming the guild security expended 0 TU. Past the first turn AI units rarely retain full TU. The margin is even greater with "civvies".

3. Bug. Mismatched resistances on Cyberdisc (hot with electric, the latter should be 1.0)
4. Well, mercs will be mercs, eh. With their great survivability it is easiest to catch them using high-powered AP, Concussive or, best, Acid weapons. There is indeed no easy solution atm.
5. Indeed, this is stupid. Impaler will be fixed to deliver Warp damage (but no armor pen).

On the subject of mercs, it's not so much the lack of an "easy" solution but that every solution is some flavor of manure. Mercs must be captured to progress, but any slipup in such attempts is at best case is weeks/months in medical. When the most resource efficient option left to the player is liberal application of mini nukes(or similar heavy support) and praying to RNG and mercs natural durability something is wrong IMO. Granted you probably have all the time in the world to play damage roulette, given implosion bomb BS.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2017, 05:28:23 pm by legionof1 »

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4741 on: July 06, 2017, 11:31:41 pm »
Got the 2nd try happen to work.
Thx for the tips. Which codex to go? Grey or Gold?

Offline legionof1

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4742 on: July 07, 2017, 12:11:54 am »
I prefer grey.

1: The fortuna menace class can access every environment which is a big boon for doing space. Space capable full size transports are otherwise quite far down the line in terms of tech. Being able to compress all your ground combat into single transport also saves on hangers when funds/production capacity are tight tight. One of each weapon type also makes equipping forgiving, also inbuilt shield, and huge radar range. Bit sluggish thou.   

2: Ghost outfits are unique(so far) in offering invisibility to the player. Also not particularly difficult to obtain, as broken academy esper is the hardest thing to get. Also not particularly expensive in terms of limited/rare resources.

Not to say that gold is bad but it's much less straight forward in getting best returns from what it offers. Grey is very much able to be useful in pretty much any game state/mission type. Gold is much more fussy.

Offline greattuna

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4743 on: July 07, 2017, 01:50:26 am »
You know, after spending 500 tokens on it, the electric lasso feels underwhelming. I thought it'd be like cattle prod, but both times I managed to try it out against unarmored human (1 G.O. and 1 Air Sailor), it failed to do it's job, and I hit twice each time. So much for that reliability.

Oh, and there was a word about an enemy base (despite me rocking the chart with 7k+ score). Is it a good idea to camp supply ships, given that I only have turtle, tac armors, early-game firearms and tons of explosives? I could use me some gauss guns.

Offline karadoc

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4744 on: July 07, 2017, 02:38:10 am »
You know, after spending 500 tokens on it, the electric lasso feels underwhelming. I thought it'd be like cattle prod, but both times I managed to try it out against unarmored human (1 G.O. and 1 Air Sailor), it failed to do it's job, and I hit twice each time. So much for that reliability.

Oh, and there was a word about an enemy base (despite me rocking the chart with 7k+ score). Is it a good idea to camp supply ships, given that I only have turtle, tac armors, early-game firearms and tons of explosives? I could use me some gauss guns.
The key advantage of the electric lasso is its range. It may take a couple of shots, but at least it allows you to it enemies that aren't standing next to you. For example, you can hit them through a window of a building instead of having to walk around to the door.

As for supply ships... if you're the kind of player who reloads when something bad happens, then the supply ships are worth it. If you're the kind of player who accepts bad results as part of the game experience, then you should probably avoid supply ships at this stage. Supply ship missions are very delicate and volatile... things can look like they are going well, and then suddenly you've lost your entire crew.

By the way, you won't be able to use the gauss weapons without extra research anyway.

Offline KateMicucci

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4745 on: July 07, 2017, 03:15:25 am »
You know, after spending 500 tokens on it, the electric lasso feels underwhelming. I thought it'd be like cattle prod, but both times I managed to try it out against unarmored human (1 G.O. and 1 Air Sailor), it failed to do it's job, and I hit twice each time. So much for that reliability.
This has been my experience as well. I'd rather move 4 squares closer and use the regular whip.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4746 on: July 07, 2017, 04:28:07 am »
Yup electric lasso is just rubbish. I tested it on my own girls in uber outfits and after 4 hits it did 0 - ZERO - stun damage (this was in 99G1, haven't used it since). Stun baton, handle, leather whip is much better. I made a mod that reduced its time unit cost but it's still useless - I think if the electric lasso was made into an arching weapon with more reliable damage it would be worth carrying into battle

And Gauss Weapons aren't really superior weapons. Even after unlocking them and I still use the cheap 37mm Rifle and Heavy Slugthrower. What you really want to target is manufacturing hellerium munitions, specifically LC-HEAT rounds. 90 plasma damage per shot, 3 shots per round, good accuracy - that's something that very few weapons can beat

Btw... I've found 2 bugs.

The first is a sprite glitch which makes it look like the lower body of girls on a road disappear :D It might just be the colour or something and not actually a glitch, nothing major.

The second bug didn't exist in earlier version. Mutated reaper acid spit attack accuracy seems to be stuck at 0%.

Oh and love the new music btw!
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 04:41:31 am by Bacon_Hero »

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4747 on: July 08, 2017, 10:06:05 pm »

!Rejoice all lovers of wood! The handle has resumed it's rightful place as the best stunning weapon in the game.

A screenshot to proof the love of the handle since 50-150% DMG Roulette does the job well for melee.

Offline Riph

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4748 on: July 09, 2017, 02:16:49 am »
Hey folks.  Enjoying this playthrough greatly, XPiratez gets better and better.

Possible bug report:
Use Drill: Gold gives 3 space suits in its reward package.  However, the gold path ship is not spaceworthy. Meanwhile,
Use Drill: Grey gives no space suits.  However, the grey path ship (Fortuna) is spaceworthy.

Is this intentional?  Or did the line just get pasted into the wrong crafting recipe? Or am I totally off-base and the colors/ships situation has changed completely since I last learned it?

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4749 on: July 09, 2017, 03:14:23 am »
It's intended (I guess).

The 3 Space suits are doing the job as intended in the gold codex since you can take the pachiderm as a space-station raid-ship.
The fortuna itself is able to bring more (wo)man in rescue-pods into space and potencial just brute-force your way through the map.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4750 on: July 10, 2017, 02:48:58 pm »
Daily reminder to give sniper-flavored weaponry some love.
Currently stuff like the Flintlock-Rifle (that offers scaling and scores 0-96 dmg-roulette with my gals)
is reliable unreliable as it fails to even damage an unarmored church dude.

Way to promote the reliable Hunting Rifle as it allows more bullets/turn and surprisingly does the job in medium and long-range battle.

Offline Troubleshooter

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4751 on: July 10, 2017, 04:44:06 pm »
Maybe I'm a noob (I am), but I can't see any reason to choose a codex other than green given that it seems to be the easiest way to get hold of a craft weapon (the charger laser) so that I can actually start shooting things down. Or is there an easier way to get hold of craft weapons?

Also, I don't really understand the bounty hunting thing. I read the in game help and I understand the trophy - > bounty token - > prize progression, but where do I actually get these "trophies" from? I assumed I'd have specifically labelled "bounty hunt" missions pop up, but two months after researching the tech I've seen nothing of the sort. I need the "Goblin Zaxx favor" prize to contact the authorised dealers now, don't I?

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4752 on: July 10, 2017, 04:47:13 pm »
Daily reminder to give sniper-flavored weaponry some love.

I think Oharty is working on a new feature that dramatically decreases accuracy of shots beyond the vision range. This will promote weapons with extreme accuracy.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4753 on: July 10, 2017, 04:54:05 pm »
 ...but where do I actually get these "trophies" from? I assumed I'd have specifically labelled "bounty hunt" missions pop up, but two  months after researching the tech I've seen nothing of the sort.

They will definitely start populating into the mission mix every month.  Missions are generated by RNG from a list of possible missions every month.  By researching the topic, you have added them to the list, but RNG doesn't guarantee when you will get them or how frequently.  Currently, patience is the cure.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99G2 - 4 Jun - Shipwrecked Summer
« Reply #4754 on: July 10, 2017, 05:19:32 pm »
I think Oharty is working on a new feature that dramatically decreases accuracy of shots beyond the vision range. This will promote weapons with extreme accuracy.

I was talking about this thing.
It does it's job hitting things (unless a pikel of high grass blocked it or the game decides to let the bullet fly through the target).
What it doesn't manage to do is killing/damaging unprotected enemies.

0-200% makes no sense for a sniper-rifle'ish weapon. It either hits and does damage (or grazes the target) or it misses.
It has it's flavor for a low-tech sniper but for stargods' sake make those slug-slow weapons offer a niche and not just a downgrade of a sniper-gauss.

To prevent abuse, add a penalty for close-range aiming. This way it's bad in tight corridors with less than 10 tiles space.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 05:23:23 pm by Ethereal_Medic »