
Author Topic: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N8 28-Apr-2024 Labyrinthus Noctis  (Read 3789994 times)

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4350 on: April 05, 2017, 06:55:04 pm »
Is it possible to be crackdown'ed by star gods @ june 2602 ?

I've added my save to the attachments.
I have the feeling I played poorly somehow or somewhere.
Guess 17 Brainers ain't much to show, with 2,5 Bases and around 100 Hands and 350 Runts.

Yes i can use the barrel bomb and sacrifice my gal but all high-rank etherals are inside the access lift and instantly using m.c. to steal my units. I have not enough fire power to break the gazer army and get oneshotted by the waspites. (I play on 'superhuman')
Can i call this bad luck to be screwed by the most powerful hideout assault possible?

Would love some advice for techtree to get a better flow for my next run. Thx mates.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4351 on: April 05, 2017, 08:32:44 pm »
Wow!  Yes, possible to get the SG crackdown that early, but bad luck.

Just some feedback: 100 hands??  Sounds excessive.  Your Salary costs are probably through the roof. Try running with smaller numbers of troops. 
17 Brainers is right on target for where you are unless you want to build a big secondary science base.  Those are really midgame options though, once you get the Study Rooms.

I haven't looked at your save, but some thoughts about this tough defense: if the SGs are in the access lift, they can only "sense" your troops from around 8-16 tiles.  This is how far they can see you through walls, and target you for mind attacks.  If you withdraw your troops beyond that, you may get enough relief to deal with some of the minions.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4352 on: April 05, 2017, 08:43:36 pm »
I can weather the storm for a while until the invaders are scattered across my whole base to be impossible to focus down due to inbuild resistances and large health pools.

I have not enough fire power to punch through 12+ gazers, camo'ed stargods with plasmaguns (one or two with blaster launcher) and waspites won't be easy either.

The fight is even tougher to do since the surprise-attack caught me with pants down before i could rearrange the choke-point (that all have to squeeze through the firepit zone and not move through the 1h old freshly build vaults).

Other than x-grog and chateau i have no decent income.

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4353 on: April 05, 2017, 11:38:13 pm »
Apparently the
"Guild Is Angry"

(lol breaking a traders rep unlocks The Guild Is Angry, which doesnt yield any other tech, which means I guess it like works like a pre-req, which in turn is going to start modifying missions)

: Inserts grumpy cat image that says Good :
: let them be angry :

If they send another crackdown party to my base, I hope they bring a VIP next time to oversee the operation when they decide to give me more plasma weapons and power armor parts.

I can weather the storm for a while until the invaders are scattered across my whole base to be impossible to focus down due to inbuild resistances and large health pools.

Inserts Meme images...

: Agent Smith Everything that has a beginning has an end :
: Aliens game over man! game over! :

but you did play on Superhuman, what did you expect, the game is already nintendo hard to start with

they've got those hard mods for zdoom and playing on nightmare is already difficult but doing it on those is plain suicide, thats what this is tanamount to

I made a personal mod to reduce the difficulty on x-piratez and I intend on letting it loose at some point. That way if someone wants to play superhuman with that its more like playing superhuman vanilla, or if they just want story mode and reaching cydonia without insanity they can.

But different strokes, the option remains and dioxine did say that suffering awaits!

My suggestion: bring sacrificial barrel bombs up to the ethereals. Have one hand prime it, then another one grab it and run with it. And also have another hand run up there and open the door so they dont have to spend 8 TU opening it either. That way you cut out probably 35% of the TU cost of using a grenade item. Remember if they shoot you, you drop the bomb, its already there. I'll also suggest using the vent shaft to reach it too so that way you're already on Floor 2 and the blast will more efficiently clear the airlock room.

Offline greattuna

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4354 on: April 05, 2017, 11:43:30 pm »
-a !!FUN!! scenario-

Hm. Trying to salvage your save (for lulz), that's a terrible scenario to end up in, but I think you could've stand more chance if you brought more damaging weapons instead of all these machineguns. I actually noticed a heavy slugthrower just lying in a vault, and that's a weapon that has a decent chance of dealing with waspites. They have a lot of armor, but poor health: one good hit will take them out.

re: cyclops: their main drawback is that they are slow, so if you play your cards right you can theoretically take them out one by one via hit and run. Or chuck explosives at them until they die, that could work too.

Speaking of that, your gals lack explosives. And melee weapons. These could've helped immensely, considering the base defense is all about close quarters combat. Don't know if you have either of them, but you really should have some just in case.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4355 on: April 06, 2017, 12:39:28 am »
I can't imagine defending a base without good melee, explosives and flamethrowers. You drew the blackest card in Crackdown, tho, and very early at that (but that is Superhuman). I recommend John Silver or Blackbeard personally. The game assumes that on the highest diff, you're quite well prepared by half year 2, with loot at least, if not tech. On John Silver you have twice that time. Also there is always an option of hiding your main base and allowing Star Gods to take one of periphery ones, after evacuating airforce, personnel and selling all buildings. Such attacks don't happen often.

Guild angry doesn't spawn any more crackdowns; there is more than enough crackdowns already, at least standard ones and not until year 3-5. If that much doesn't kill you, there is no point in spawning more. Guild angry disables some warehouses and faction traffic with a new kind of traffic (govt, raiders, ret, rebel and smuggler traffic is unaffected). You will see.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4356 on: April 06, 2017, 01:28:58 am »
Year One Report:
Started the campaign a few months back, I think under F1 as my first run on max difficulty.  I saved scummed a bit on my last campaign mostly to save my Escaped Lunatics whenever possible, but I've turned my back on that practice this run, and am playing the mod the way it was intended to be played. I've just completed my first in game year, and thought I'd post a campaign update.

My first mission of the campaign was a very rude introduction to Zombie troopers. 2 KIA, 2WIA, and 1 effective had to abort from that first encounter!  Soon the campaign fell into the familiar cycle of Temples, Towers, and Outposts.  Temples and Towers are routine, but the Drones in the Outposts keep things interesting for quite a while.  As a general rule all missions were conducted at night to maximize the gal's spotting advantages.  That said, exiting the craft is almost always the most dangerous part of any mission due to the craft lighting, and the ability of the enemy to spot and react to our movements.  Warehouses and Crackhouses, have been often challenging urban fights.  I love the Save a Sister missions for the chance to rescue a Castaway who will join our ranks.  Once I got a solid interceptor, I've been pretty much farming Civilian Traffic.  (Love the new intercept graphics!) I just recently started an Underwater second team, and got the nice Personal Armor Parts stash from fish, but I've not researched the Organ Grinders and Mansions so far.

I did get a couple Dr X. missions, with a nearby landed Ambulance before I had interceptors, and the early ambulance mission was a cakewalk compared to those in recent updates.  Most enemies had stunrods and tranq guns, so I was able to get my rookies up close to deal with them.  Now with 3 drones per mission and nurses toting shotguns, they are a bit trickier.  After the first ambulance, I got an early crackdown of the Dr. X team with some researchers, nurses, etc.  Not a difficult defense, and though I've research both mission orders, I've not gotten further in the plot line.

I did tackle an early landed Govt Gunship from my intrepid Airbus, and had a brutal fight in the darkness with much cat and mouse, and explosives being generously shared.  Lost some gals but captured a pilot, and the craft.  This is about the toughest faction fight I've worked through, so far.

Some of the missions I've "Nope"d out on: Zombie Troopers (first mission of the campaign) Merc Contract Gunship, Pyramid of Pain Deep Ones, an Early Reticulan Mission.  Often, I've left the LokkNars to their own devices as the ninjas have just not been worth it.  I've skipped some Ratmen Rodeos too, because the dogs on Jack Sparrow are really brutal.  I did recently head out with a prime crew for a spider hunt and ran into a really tough bunch of Nomad Raiders.  Their extremely accurate snap fire on their rifles really did a number on the team and few made it out unscathed.

Over all, I've taken wounds on just about every mission.  I've often had to skip missions due to having too few troops to make it worth trying.  I've also had the intercept pilot switch over to help get us op to a half crew to tackle others.   The messhall is great, but couldn't handle the strain, and I'm thankful for the recent sickbays installed.

Science: 17 scientists,
Multiple interrogations to get Old Earth Books.  Putting the Library behind the Mutant Alliance and the Pogroms definitely ramps up the challenge.  The only captives I've had that I could "break" are the Academy Medics from the Science Outposts.  No engineers so far has kept a lot of things out of reach like Hyper Wave Decoders.

Shotguns have been a much bigger part of this campaign.  So many squishies early on crumple to these valuable tools.  Double Barrel, Heavy and Military Shotguns did a lot of work.  Even bigger the second half of the year have been the mega pistols.  Magnums and Desert Eagles are a primary or secondary weapon on most troops.  I started using these as core weapons as soon as I was able to make their ammo. This time around I've also made a lot of use out of the Automatic Grenade Launcher, mainly because is so easy to shoot and scoot with them.  I've picked up Slugthrowers and have at least one trooper with these beauties in the crew, and just started fielding some Custom Blunderbusses. 

Early Outfits were almost total Rogue outfits for Weather abilities.  I now have one melee trainer in Chainmail, a couple tacvest gals, most in Guerilla, and usually one Nurse and one Sniper Outfit.

I upgraded to a Pachyderm about halfway through the year and with Green Codex picked up a Scarab.  The Scarab got my Charger Laser, and a leased Jetbike is using 25 mm cannon for scouting and light interceptions.  I've only picked up a turtle for the "B-Team" to do underwater/bad weather missions this last month.

The stats are kinda funny.  Human Citizens are the deadliest: Shows how much I've been milking the Civilian Traffic.  Also, the Hunting Bow shows the huge early reliance on Flaming Arrows. :)

Offline greattuna

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4357 on: April 06, 2017, 02:03:14 am »
Phew. I actually saved that hideout. It was... complicated to say the least. I had to rummage through the vaults in attempt to find some weapons, and I did found: UAC plasmagun, magneto-plasma gun, more maces, hammers, R-rifles, and 5 or 6 heavy slugthrowers, long-range flamers and arena fireball launcher.

Honestly, @ethereal_medic, you do have enough firepower, it's just you picked really inappropriate guns to combat the enemy. CAWS, while decent, aren't decent enough, and same can be said about kustom handcannons. Stun batons is a big "just why".

As of dealing with enemies: I got waspites by using CAWS, R-Rifle and slugthrower, rockys by sniper fire (1 kill) and point-blank minigun fire (2 kills). As for cyclops, this was truly a battle of attrition: I threw whatever I could throw until they died (slugs, explosives, R-rifle and fire). At turn 20 I had one of the gals rush the access lift... and actually there were only 4 psionics in the entire assault force. Sure they're a pain, but nothing one can't defeat.

Offline desert

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4358 on: April 06, 2017, 05:19:38 am »
Is there any savegame/character editor that will work with X-Piratez?

Offline Roxis231

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4359 on: April 06, 2017, 05:53:12 am »
Is there any savegame/character editor that will work with X-Piratez?

As has been mentioned before in this thread - ANY text editor will do. The save files are stored in a plain text format.

Offline desert

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4360 on: April 06, 2017, 06:21:45 am »
As has been mentioned before in this thread - ANY text editor will do. The save files are stored in a plain text format.

I understand that, but it would be much quicker and easier to work with a GUI.

Offline Roxis231

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4361 on: April 06, 2017, 09:56:25 am »
I understand that, but it would be much quicker and easier to work with a GUI.

As has also been mentioned before - there are none, if you want one, you will have to make it yourself.

Besides, most people here find it easier just to use a text editor.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4362 on: April 06, 2017, 10:05:31 am »
Phew. I actually saved that hideout. It was... complicated to say the least. I had to rummage through the vaults in attempt to find some weapons, and I did found: UAC plasmagun, magneto-plasma gun, more maces, hammers, R-rifles, and 5 or 6 heavy slugthrowers, long-range flamers and arena fireball launcher.

Honestly, @ethereal_medic, you do have enough firepower, it's just you picked really inappropriate guns to combat the enemy. CAWS, while decent, aren't decent enough, and same can be said about kustom handcannons. Stun batons is a big "just why".

As of dealing with enemies: I got waspites by using CAWS, R-Rifle and slugthrower, rockys by sniper fire (1 kill) and point-blank minigun fire (2 kills). As for cyclops, this was truly a battle of attrition: I threw whatever I could throw until they died (slugs, explosives, R-rifle and fire). At turn 20 I had one of the gals rush the access lift... and actually there were only 4 psionics in the entire assault force. Sure they're a pain, but nothing one can't defeat.

Welp, guess there is hope for the hideout after all.
Just one question: Did you managed this fight in one go without reloading?
I raise my fedora for your valiant efforts of saving my gals.

Offline greattuna

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4363 on: April 06, 2017, 06:29:11 pm »
Just one question: Did you managed this fight in one go without reloading?

Yeah. I didn't even think about reloading, lol: guess Ironman rubbed off too much on me.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99F.5 - 1 Apr - Fight Magic with Courage!
« Reply #4364 on: April 06, 2017, 07:52:26 pm »
Yeah. I didn't even think about reloading, lol: guess Ironman rubbed off too much on me.

Well done, if this game had something like a professional meta you could teach us casual-players some amazing tricks and strats.
I reloaded to the point I could rearrange my base-loadout to create the one-way chokepoint through the firepit.
I loaded as much heavy hitting weapons and all barrel bombs into the squad.
5 brave slaves sacrificed themselves carrying barrels to nuke the chokepoint and hangar.

I'll be more careful in the longrun now and post another scenario if I run into a misery again :D

PS: Have a screenshot of a grimly face hidden under a mountain.