I'm sorry if it sounded too serious, I know you're not like that. I just tried to convey my indignance in a not-100%-serious manner. I'm very grateful for your work, I just cannot agree with the policy of elitism in any form, yours or otherwise, purely on principle. Sure, anyone can unhardcode your stuff back, except that anyone is maybe 5% of users because everyone else lacks the skills to compile code (and/or the incentive to learn). Also nobody will use a distro made by mr./mrs. someone, they will use yours since it is you (and Yankes) who had earned yourself a name in this.
So, in short, yes, your decision was hard, but there's no need to make such decisions at all IMO. If you put your time and effort into unharcoding a setting, why later remove such an option from your exec distribution? I simply see no reason to do so. Sure, a modder can f*ck up game's performance by setting this too high, but why should you care about it? It's modder's personal business. You're in no way obliged to protect modders, who are adults too, you know. Unless there were technical reasons (eg. your code was causing some unitended bugs to prop up, and you decided there's no point in wasting time to resolve these issues, which is understandable), I see no slightiest reason for removing that setting from the ruleset.
I don't intend to use that option in my mod, since it's a killer on huge maps (like Mansion, incidentally). But I still think that taking such an option away is going backwards instead of progressing. Taking any ruleset option away is going backwards, unless that option is badly written. Well I have yet to find any OXCE+ upgrade that is badly written

Do you think it would somehow tarnish your name if a mod using your build gets unplayable because someone set max view to 100? I think that's silly, you should be above such concerns. It's not your fault how the engine is written. Give people freedom to make bad choices and let them learn from them.
I actually think unhardcoding that setting was a huge thing, and one of the most momentous changes you've made. Why? Because it exposed how bad the gfx engine is, in all its misery. This might stir further progress. Conversely, hiding stuff away and pretending everything is cool and fine is a road to nowhere.
(too bad Volutar was dumped... he was someone who could've repaired that...)