Author Topic: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N10 24-Nov-2024 Aurora's Dawn  (Read 4685302 times)

Offline legionof1

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L7 04-Mar-2021 Lucky Seven
« Reply #8040 on: March 14, 2021, 04:05:50 am »
well to be fair as ancient designs go the m1911 hasn't much changed since 1911 and is still made today. When you get a pinnacle weapon in some aspect it tends to stick around for ages.

Things like the grease gun while not actively made any more are such a pinnacle design. Namely cheap and easy to build without being prone to failure.

The lever action winchester/henery style rifle is another, it owes its pinnacle to being a rugged design and still even after all this time one of the better guns when it comes stopping power in a single cartridge. 2300 jules of force is in spitting distance of modern rifles and the 45-70 cartridge was designed in 1873.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2021, 04:12:30 am by legionof1 »

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L7 04-Mar-2021 Lucky Seven
« Reply #8041 on: March 15, 2021, 11:04:51 pm »
id say the 1911 has legs to run tbh.
The modern upgrade for it is higher performance ammo like .45 super and .460row, which hit like a magnum in the same size cartridge.
So that be kinda like a desert eagle .44 right there for a fraction of the price, its a spring kit I believe. Add to that adv. bullets like xtreme penetrators and it does damage like a rifle.

which id say is what it looks like it has in x-p.

Offline gijoe

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L7 04-Mar-2021 Lucky Seven
« Reply #8042 on: March 16, 2021, 11:46:51 am »
well lets not forget still muskets and flintlock weapons are in, so havin an rcf with a butt attack provided it is ancient i think it's ok.

on the other hand handcannon and boardin gun are quite primitive, so these should be avaiable in the early game for manufacturing, might only require:

"primitive weapons"
"fire walk with me"
"flintlock and bombs"

i think currently are manufacturable at the extractor, right? For balancing purposesi'd lower the handcannon rounds damage to 35, and  make the  homefront rifle lighter than the rcf.

Edit: please also do consider that all the above mentioned guns are black market stuff, but most of these are meant to be junk. And mind also, since in the game are peasants, pitchforks, axes and boathooks (well it's more of a fisherman thing) how about to add a scythe or even a hoe? Along with bare hands, pitchforks and billhooks, any peasant recruited will have to come by wielding one of these by RNG.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 03:26:37 pm by gijoe »

Offline amjh

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L7 04-Mar-2021 Lucky Seven
« Reply #8043 on: March 16, 2021, 09:06:55 pm »
Starting a new game after skipping one update, the early-mid balance feels much better than earlier. The changes and additions help fill opportunity gaps while keeping the challenge. GOTY material.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L7 04-Mar-2021 Lucky Seven
« Reply #8044 on: March 16, 2021, 09:28:57 pm »
well lets not forget still muskets and flintlock weapons are in, so havin an rcf with a butt attack provided it is ancient i think it's ok.
These clearly aren't regular muskets and would have to be breech-loaders to be usable at any sort of speed. I dont think they have 3 barrels, one of the splash graphics has a 3 barreled pistol but thats a clockwork gun.
You can combine shot and a compressed waxed pellet of propellant into effectively a rudimentary caseless round. Modern muskets have propellant cakes that go with a primer (or in some cases a peizo sparker, electric detonation). Gals could have something similar... where do you get the sparker... from a regular old budda smokes lighter.

The Reload speed should go away.
They're single shot weapons.
The reload after every shot is factored into their attack costs.
"Reloading" the musket is tantamount to having more rounds in hand to quickly stick in it. Its like the Grenade Launcher in Resident Evil... its got a unlimited capacity, you can stick all the grenades in it, etc.

Olde Shotgun with birdshot very likely Does have 4 barrels all lined up side by side just because of the weight of that thing (its like 11 pounds, my dad had a 20 gauge single barrel shotgun from Rossi that weighs 5 pounds).

Handcannons and Boarding guns are a game balance thing but its supposed to be Professional piratin tools, which you're not worthy of as pirates till later. Imagine the Handcannon (due to weight) actually does 50 damage like a shotgun shell pistol, except without the +Armor nerf that Muskets have, so it does 40 instead. You're lobbing probably an .80 or .90 caliber ball with that thing making as big a hole as a shotgun slug. The Mil. AP shotgun shells do 45 matey.

Same thing with Boarding Gun, its like a belt fed shotgun firing slugs. Factor in the +bravery and its 45 or 50 damage too. Its literally what it says, a high damage SMG for close quarters work inside ships and urban enviros, to one-shot stop anyone or threaten and put down similar ubers. Crude, heavyAF but effective.

Both are probably Rifled as opposed to smoothbore, and they're clearly firing Brass Jacketed bullets which means probably high pressure. The Boarding Gun clearly uses Wadcutters as standard too, perfect for killing an uber.

The thing I want changed?
Weight of Gauss Weapons especially the Pistol. Not that I care for it statwise but because it makes zero sense for the civilians to use it. Feeble human soldiers and operatives would immediately Nope out of it and request XG guns, or the engineers would "scale down" the size to fit human physiques.

conservation of momentum doesn't apply when you're accelerating BB or Flechette size projectiles to 40-100 kilometers per second, inside mass-inhibiting micro gravity fields. Gun doesn't need to weigh 15 pounds.
Pistol would be a PDW, and it checks none of the marks of a PDW (capacity and ammo interchangeability, light weight, range). Nobody would use it, and Power Armor goons would use a Rifle/Sniper.

I always interpreted Gauss Weapons (TFTD style) to be Beam Weapons similar to star trek Phasers (like the ones from Undiscovered Country at least). Not a projectile but a super-laser with extreme overpenetration and impossible to reflect with shiny bits.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 09:41:04 pm by RSSwizard »

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L7 04-Mar-2021 Lucky Seven
« Reply #8045 on: March 16, 2021, 10:05:08 pm »
Weight of Gauss Weapons especially the Pistol. Not that I care for it statwise but because it makes zero sense for the civilians to use it. Feeble human soldiers and operatives would immediately Nope out of it and request XG guns, or the engineers would "scale down" the size to fit human physiques.

Based on my understanding of the lore, people don't have much choice on what technology is available to them and all humans have significant amount of mutant ancestry. Look at the high-ranking humanists; they're supposedly the purest "pureblooded", but can rival the ubers in toughness and speed.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L7 04-Mar-2021 Lucky Seven
« Reply #8046 on: March 17, 2021, 08:24:41 pm »
Nice; please might i ask for the RCF carabine to get a gunbutt attack?
No M16 variants were heavy enough or robust enough to have a decent gunbutt attack, particularly not from an Uber gal, maybe you’re thinking of the M14. Personally, I wouldn’t want to use a bayonet for real from one, either. It looks evil enough, but wouldn’t say it’s very effective. Leave that to the AK/Homefront.

I did kind of wonder why the muskets and flintlock pistols had 3 round ammo, but I figured that was just a way to abstract the loading.

And my 20 gauge pump is a lot heavier than 5 pounds. :)

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L7 04-Mar-2021 Lucky Seven
« Reply #8047 on: March 17, 2021, 09:14:27 pm »
I did kind of wonder why the muskets and flintlock pistols had 3 round ammo, but I figured that was just a way to abstract the loading.

Item weight is not expressed in pounds (would be a weird unit to choose anyway). It is not represented in any units - note that corpses are usually like 30. The scale is perhaps somewhat logarithmic, or just an abstract expression of how uncomfortable something is to carry.

Offline legionof1

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L7 04-Mar-2021 Lucky Seven
« Reply #8048 on: March 18, 2021, 07:45:28 am »
These clearly aren't regular muskets and would have to be breech-loaders to be usable at any sort of speed. I dont think they have 3 barrels, one of the splash graphics has a 3 barreled pistol but thats a clockwork gun.
You can combine shot and a compressed waxed pellet of propellant into effectively a rudimentary caseless round. Modern muskets have propellant cakes that go with a primer (or in some cases a peizo sparker, electric detonation). Gals could have something similar... where do you get the sparker... from a regular old budda smokes lighter.

The Reload speed should go away.
They're single shot weapons.
The reload after every shot is factored into their attack costs.
"Reloading" the musket is tantamount to having more rounds in hand to quickly stick in it. Its like the Grenade Launcher in Resident Evil... its got a unlimited capacity, you can stick all the grenades in it, etc.

Olde Shotgun with birdshot very likely Does have 4 barrels all lined up side by side just because of the weight of that thing (its like 11 pounds, my dad had a 20 gauge single barrel shotgun from Rossi that weighs 5 pounds).

Handcannons and Boarding guns are a game balance thing but its supposed to be Professional piratin tools, which you're not worthy of as pirates till later. Imagine the Handcannon (due to weight) actually does 50 damage like a shotgun shell pistol, except without the +Armor nerf that Muskets have, so it does 40 instead. You're lobbing probably an .80 or .90 caliber ball with that thing making as big a hole as a shotgun slug. The Mil. AP shotgun shells do 45 matey.

Same thing with Boarding Gun, its like a belt fed shotgun firing slugs. Factor in the +bravery and its 45 or 50 damage too. Its literally what it says, a high damage SMG for close quarters work inside ships and urban enviros, to one-shot stop anyone or threaten and put down similar ubers. Crude, heavyAF but effective.

Both are probably Rifled as opposed to smoothbore, and they're clearly firing Brass Jacketed bullets which means probably high pressure. The Boarding Gun clearly uses Wadcutters as standard too, perfect for killing an uber.

That's alot of interpretation based on incomplete knowledge. Most of these weapons have strange amounts of ammo per unit because of inventory problems. Dioxine chose to give weapons like the musket more shots per item not because the gun was special but because it made even less sense to have a single bullet and powder load be as cumbersome as a cannon shell. Same with some of the shotguns.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L7 04-Mar-2021 Lucky Seven
« Reply #8049 on: March 18, 2021, 02:20:14 pm »
i think currently are manufacturable at the extractor, right? For balancing purposesi'd lower the handcannon rounds damage to 35, and  make the  homefront rifle lighter than the rcf.

Good thing it's not you who's making the mod.

Gauss pistol, why so heavy: read entry on "adanced weapons".
RCF carbine buttstock: the stock contains parts of the mechanism, so using it to strike someone hard would render it inoperable.
Musket rounds in packs of 3 and other shit: Legion explained it all quite clearly.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L7 04-Mar-2021 Lucky Seven
« Reply #8050 on: March 18, 2021, 03:36:09 pm »
Did some softening on the edges of the Shiny Niner, the lack of aliasing made it really grating to look at so I fixed it. Its sorta an important weapon.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L8 26-Mar-2021 One Way Ticket To Argentina
« Reply #8051 on: March 26, 2021, 04:08:19 pm »
Sorry RSS Wizard, this improved image came too late so I had no time to get it into current release... because L8 is up!

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L8 26-Mar-2021 One Way Ticket To Argentina
« Reply #8052 on: March 26, 2021, 09:39:08 pm »
no prob, its also there if folks just want to drop it in

Offline Dogbarian

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L8 26-Mar-2021 One Way Ticket To Argentina
« Reply #8053 on: April 01, 2021, 12:52:19 am »
Thanks for that!  Since I've unlocked Slay ammo, been actually using it some.  ;)

Has anyone talked about cleaning up the Lynx image any?

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L8 26-Mar-2021 One Way Ticket To Argentina
« Reply #8054 on: April 02, 2021, 11:39:15 pm »
I wouldn't say the Lynx needs improved but the Autogun and AMG need the same treatment the Assault Rifle got. Because they are rather common weapons and the Autogun looks clunky yet you're kinda sorta supposed to use them.
This reminds me I need to build some Linux and give them to my Hero because of his massive bravery stat.

I would request a rework of the Scorpion tileset to make it look more like its badarse bootypedia image but it can wait - since its so painful to look at I just use it as an interceptor. It looks like a transforming car thats completely come apart. Even the basebits hangar icon for the Scorpion looks unrecognizable. I never noticed these things until now because im on my first red codex playthrough.