You can get WIP versions from here: course they're WIP, so no guarantees they will work properly. But they generally do.
- 'Mutant Porn' changed to 'Zany Zines' to better fit what kind of resource it's supposed to be
- New features: Slave Soldiers and Peasants have distinct names and flags based on the place of recruitment (based on expansion by OAK group, implementation made in cooperation with Solarius Scorch).
poppedResearch: - STR_CAT_PATH_PREQresearchRuleStatus: STR_CAT_PATH: 2 STR_CAT_PATH_PREQ: 2
- New city: Marrakesh
Worst patch in the history of video games, revert immediately.
research STR_TURRET_BLUE_ARMOR not found crash after choosing red codex