Stone Age ArenaCan only wear neanderthal-wear, scraps, rags.
Weapons: stone age only. Bows, javelins, etc.. allowed.
Medieval Arena Can only wear medieval armor and clothing, chainmails, splintmails, platemail, etc.. Weapons: only fantasy / medieval weapons allowed.
Pirate ArenaCaribbean age pirate wear and weapons only.
I had so much fun on the Doctor.X prison! No weapons allowed, shivs only. Nude or rags, or chains.
Walls: The rich mansion robbery was fantastic, as the thin walls could be easily punched out and my girls just went through everything, moving stuff down, like harvesters.
Harder to do in the X-Prison, with reinforced walls. But my freak gals with 170+ STR could punch through those hardened walls and they let the nudist masses roam the base!
I optimized the Airbus capacity a little bit, so 65 nude gals shoved up at Dr.X's prison (on Superhuman). Imagine that many girls in their birthday suits!

Screaming and stampeding through everything, smashing furniture and mowing down poor guard nurses and Academy Medics with their fists and boobs!

Viva La Nude Avalanche!

No game has this much fun on dozens of different levels of technology. So, how about such "historic time-locked" bases or arenas for all distinct ages that are represented in X-Piratez?