OK, i was eager to see an uzi, sigh, potentially could have fit in the middle between the rifle and the pistol, a very few mods are implementing smg ok got to make a reason
As far as i understand the concept of Sub Machine Gun, it mostly used in at short range or inbetween medium and short Range. Most of the other Mods which do have this class of weapons do not use shotguns. A Shotgun has a high risk high reward tendency, get up close and deliver mostly instant death to your enemies (as long as the RNG god is on your side). I like shotguns much much more then SMG's, that is also one of the reasons i gave the Aliens the Plasmashotgun from chaosshades Weapon Mod.
Today tryed 0.93b and always got beeeaten for goood...very hard..well i always sucked at videogames really goood job!!!!!!!!!
Learn and adept, war is brutal and without error tolerance. If your dead your dead.
Edit: to go real hardcore i'd take out the improved laser weapons, so that everything has to go clip-fueled. Thats's really all, over and out!
The Laser weapons in my Mod are the vanilla ones, those were always without Clips. I added another Heavy Laser Type because it is needed for reasons (to be specific blue flying disc shaped reasoned ones).
I agree, but politely wanted to state i'm not pretend anything maybe i'm too much an xcom fan. For personal reason, won't have much time to spend learning, sory also please forgive if i may be too annoying, peraphs should post less on the forums, sorry if it may be annoyns for users.. Sry again guy, and thanks for the very hard work
The OpenXcom ruleset files, are in essence nothing more YAML files, and follow the syntax of this simple markup language. The files can be edited with any known texteditor.
Essential information about the Ruleset files and there possible commands can be found
here and
You can also look at the vanilla ruleset to see how things are done. Usually the easiest way to start is with something very small. I myself for example started with something
very very simple, adding a autofire Option twoards the normal standard Tank
For linux their is a big variety of texteditors i myself use
Vim - Vi Improved. Not a editor i would suggest for a beginner, but since i also use it for programming it is optimal for me.
Working on Graphics was something i was trying to avoid for a long time but at a certain point i realized that i simply could not avoid learning it, to get the stuff i wanted.
I had some help in the beginning from a variety of people. Usually people are eager to help, if you wanna learn something.
It was the same for editing Maps. Search for the tools, or ask around if you have trouble ask someone who might know.