modsite version here mod is in fact 4 mimimods in one with 4 rulesets.
Matching Initial Weapons - makes auto cannon, and rocket launcher match with Heavy Cannon Pistol and Rifle
Matching Alien Launcher - makes Launcher Blaster match Small Launcher cause it looks cooler
Matching Lasers Colors - makes heavy laser and laser pistol match with laser rifle
Matching Plasma Colors - makes plasma rifle match with heavy plasma and plasma pistol and also changes plasma pistol handle to blue.

This mod replaces the sprites and does not modify the items directly. Any other mod changing weapon stats will work. This is just cosmetic only.

EDIT: Sorry guys I made a booboo i named files wrong so mod wouldn't load up. hellrazor helped me out placed his files instead of my ones. Choose whichever ones you want. I am only 80% happy with laser pistor/heavy laser look but much better than vanilla I was only happy about 50%
EDIT2: Final version up includes pistol fixes. Now im 99% happy. Used the fixed naming conventions hopefully it works this time.
EDIT3: fixed a bit of shadow on plasma pistol handle now is more realistic . check it out

both zip files are up to date right now. Also see attached pics for comparison before and after.
EDIT4: also matched auto cannon and rocket launcher.
EDIT5: set is now complete.. All alien weaponry looks kinda same technology.
EDIT6: matching initial weapons updated also flips pistol bigob sprite