
Author Topic: [PSI][STATS][HWP][ARMOR] PSIwar  (Read 11297 times)

Offline redv

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« on: March 12, 2015, 03:22:40 pm »
Most mysterious of alien artefacts became a Mind probe.
Is already clear, it is an communication device which is used to take information directly from brain waves. But the device contains unknown organic tissue forming a neural network. Therefore replication of the mind probe is impossible.

The good news is, that using a parts of mind probe we can construct our own devices.

First of them is Psi-amp. Its purpose is obvious.

Next of them is Psi-armour. Scientists were able to connect components of mind probe to the human nervous system. Invented PSI armour boosts the nervous system and increase a psi abilities of soldier. The implications are poorly understood, but is already clear, that prolonged use of PSI armour may cause claustrophobia, panic, unmotivated aggression.

Theoretically possible make an artificial imitation of the human nerve impulses. Which allows to develop a HWP equipped with PSI weapon. This HWP will be intended for demoralisation and obtaining control over enemy soldiers.

All of psi-devices uses parts of mind probe. Therefore mind probe is most rare and most priceless of alien artefacts.

The bad news is, that psi abilities of aliens higher, than we suspected (yes, much higher;)).

Using the most powerful of our psi-equipment we can deter alien attacks.
But change the course of the war possible if will be found a technology of replicate a mind probe.


1. Copy the archive content to the "data" folder of your OpenXcom installation.
2. In Options-MODS submenu choose PSIwar.scenario mod.


Just find and delete the folder "PSIwar" and all files which starts with "PSIwar" from the "data" folder and subfolders of your OpenXcom installation.


As you know, psionic is unbalanced in the vanilla Xcom. I believe, that psionic unbalanced not because it is overpower, but because it is too weak, and because it is unlimited.

Psi abilities of aliens was increased.

For manufacturing of each sample of psi equipment need a mind probe.

For manufacturing a PSI armour should be completed the "PSI Armour" research project.
For manufacturing a PSI tank and (afterwards) PSI hovertank should be completed the "Psionic HWP" project.
Psionic tank can perform "Panic units", "Mind control" and "Use Mind probe" actions.

* The regular OpenXcom contains a bug, which prevents you to use PSI tanks. In the OpenXcom Extended this bug was fixed. Therefore, if you want to use PSI tanks, then try to use the OpenXcom Extended.

Spend each mind probe wisely, because quantity of them is limited in the game.
Don't destroy very small scouts. Each of them has one mind probe.

Better to start a new game or, at least, use a savegame prior to researching of Psi lab.


Sprites of PSI armour taken from the "Personal Armor Variants 0.51" created by harald_gray:

All the rest was created by redv.
Use as you want:)

This mod on the OpenXcom mod portal:

Thanks SupSuper and all developers of OpenXcom for a perfect remake of legendary X-COM: UFO Defense.


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« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2015, 11:09:24 pm »
Very intredasting... ???
New concept here. PSI-Tank.
No arsenal cluttering, minimal change to original game...
I like it. I'm already trying it  ;D
With OXE.

You have not nerfed the psi-lab or the psi-amp  :-\
As I can see they are here, unmodified (nearly unmodified).
I was expecting some reduction of soldiers psi-abilities with the introduction of the tank...

I this the final relase or you plan to hack and balance things so we can have harder times?
I don't think I will end up using the PSI-Armor when the Flying Suite will be available in later game.
If PSI-Armor will give me some big stats increase (+40 PSI for example), I may consider using it instead of the more powerful FA, this will force me to choose for battle protection or psi-protection, but only +10 ??? FA wins hand off.
Well, I need some days to play and reach the psi-techs.
thanks redv :)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 11:12:11 pm by Mono »

Offline Arthanor

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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2015, 12:13:09 am »
A great psi-soldier (psi strength 90+) should not be at the front line, even if you play with psi line of sight (although that makes it more difficult). An armour that makes a great psi-soldier into an awesome one (100+ psi-strength) can be very valuable. I am guessing that this is the aim of this armour. Not shielding weak soldiers but improving strong ones so they can be even better. Shielding is best done with psi-nulling armour (+200% psi strength, -400 psi skill).

A psi-tank is an interesting idea, although that's a job that I prefer to leave to soldiers (only take one spot in the craft + gets to become better).

If the balance does not come from nerfing soldiers, I assume it comes from boosting aliens? (actually, that's already written in the first post!)


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« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2015, 01:54:31 am »
I agree with you Arthanor,
but this phrase from redv was so tempting:
As you know, psionic is unbalanced in the vanilla Xcom. I believe, that psionic unbalanced not because it is overpower, but because it is too weak, and because it is unlimited.
With a further examination of the rules...
A PSI-Tank would be a great thing IF the tank will be much more powerful than a regular soldier, but, with the provided rules, my soldiers will eventually surpass the tank in power.
As it is now, the PSI-Tank has lost most of its appeal.

Sorry redv, I will try this mod, but I will also modify the rules, so to nerf my soldiers (max psi skill capped to 30) AND the tank armor.
The fact that PSI Tank occupy 4 slots is a bonus: if I want the overpowered PSI, I get less soldiers 8)

Offline kikimoristan

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« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2015, 11:37:35 am »
i like the idea for psi armor . i think im gonna try my hand at making one . i m thinking of different stats for it though.

Offline redv

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« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2015, 12:33:44 pm »
I this the final relase or you plan to hack and balance things so we can have harder times?
I don't think I will end up using the PSI-Armor when the Flying Suite will be available in later game.
If PSI-Armor will give me some big stats increase (+40 PSI for example), I may consider using it instead of the more powerful FA, this will force me to choose for battle protection or psi-protection, but only +10 ??? FA wins hand off.
Well, I need some days to play and reach the psi-techs.
thanks redv :)

This mod is standalone version, which adds minimum necessary changes to improve psionic balance in the game.
Psi-armour not intended for using in late game, but it's enough for middle of game.

The mod has prologue, evolution and outcome. Therefore this is a typical scenario, but not only adds some stuff to the game.
One of goals of the mod is realization of the idea: with Ethereals can fight only strong psionics and machines.

So, yes, i plan to write addition "theMachine" where player (in final) can build special machines for supporting a humans-psionics on the battlefield.
What is the "machine"? it's a secret :)
« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 12:35:59 pm by redv »

Offline redv

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« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2015, 12:45:25 pm »
I agree with you Arthanor,
but this phrase from redv was so tempting:With a further examination of the rules...
A PSI-Tank would be a great thing IF the tank will be much more powerful than a regular soldier, but, with the provided rules, my soldiers will eventually surpass the tank in power.
As it is now, the PSI-Tank has lost most of its appeal.

Sorry redv, I will try this mod, but I will also modify the rules, so to nerf my soldiers (max psi skill capped to 30) AND the tank armor.
The fact that PSI Tank occupy 4 slots is a bonus: if I want the overpowered PSI, I get less soldiers 8)

Psionic tanks required for begin and middle of a game but not for final.
Therefore psi-tank has this stats.

But of course, stats can be changed :)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2015, 09:50:32 pm »
I wonder where Alien Entertainment features in this model. Do you happen to have any idea about this?

Offline redv

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« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2015, 12:20:38 pm »
I have no idea how to use Alien Entertainment.
But, perhaps, will be used Alien Surgery.

Offline Jstank

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« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2015, 01:49:22 pm »
All my soldiers are required to wear this so... I think we are ready to do that ethereal base mission now!

Offline redv

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« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2015, 03:33:59 pm »
AAAA!! :-)))))

Yes, tin foil hat is the most important equipment:)