Author Topic: [OLD] Old OXCE discussion thread  (Read 842205 times)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #885 on: August 04, 2016, 12:54:31 pm »
Yankes, I have a problem with my X-Com Files mod: if I add battleType: 9 (like the Psi-Amp) to the alien deployment, it is ignored by the game and doesn't appear.
Meridian did some investigation and it appears that hostiles can carry battleType=9 items only in their hands (and if both are already full, it's just ignored):

It was apparently added by you on December 6th 2014:

Is there a legitimate reason for this? If no, can it be changed?

Offline Yankes

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #886 on: August 04, 2016, 09:07:22 pm »

I beg your pardon if I couldn't find it, but I was curious to know if their was an effect that could reduce TU % spent on firing, priming, throwing etc implemented.

In the same tact... is there effects to temporarily reduce  or increase firing and throwing accuracy, strength etc.


is there such a thing as negative fatal wounds? What I mean exactly is there a healing effect of regeneration where a soldier or monster could rapidly heal over time so long as they weren't killed outright?

and what about sight distance?

I had a few ideas about "combat drugs" or enemy attributes and was curious to know what was currently and a foreseeable possibility


There now way to change item use cost right now. My biggest problem with that option is that it would easy cripple game logic when it change its value between first test for cost and moment when units are spend. This is of corse doable but simply cost too much to add this compared to what it give.

For changing accuracy or other bonuses, I have plans to add this in one way or another.

Regeneration is already added, day and night visibility range too.

In near future I will add new script capabilities that will allow adding buffs and debuffs.

Yankes, I have a problem with my X-Com Files mod: if I add battleType: 9 (like the Psi-Amp) to the alien deployment, it is ignored by the game and doesn't appear.
Meridian did some investigation and it appears that hostiles can carry battleType=9 items only in their hands (and if both are already full, it's just ignored):

It was apparently added by you on December 6th 2014:

Is there a legitimate reason for this? If no, can it be changed?
Because it would be dead weight and AI will not use it. If you are fine with it, this can be easy change.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #887 on: August 04, 2016, 09:50:11 pm »
Because it would be dead weight and AI will not use it. If you are fine with it, this can be easy change.

Yeah, I don't mind if the AI doesn't use it, as long as I can pry it from its cold, dead hands backpack.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #888 on: August 04, 2016, 10:09:33 pm »
I know it's not nearly as satisfying, but you could also put an item that isn't spent on research (since you can define that item by item now) and which you can then use manufacture to turn it into a proper psi-amp. Something like breaking the access codes or changing the interface (if it is carried by non-humans).

Offline Yankes

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #889 on: August 04, 2016, 11:18:27 pm »
I know it's not nearly as satisfying, but you could also put an item that isn't spent on research (since you can define that item by item now)
Not jet in Extended, I plan add all goodies from master in 2.5

Offline Sputnik

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #890 on: August 10, 2016, 04:39:05 pm »
Greetings! Could anyone explain the "ERROR: bad conversion" message when I try to launch the OpenXcomEx, please? Playing latest Nightly version. No global modpack is activated...

Offline Meridian

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #891 on: August 10, 2016, 04:46:49 pm »
Greetings! Could anyone explain the "ERROR: bad conversion" message when I try to launch the OpenXcomEx, please? Playing latest Nightly version. No global modpack is activated...

1. latest nightly of what? of OpenXcom or OpenXcomExtended... because this is not compatible with latest nightly of OpenXcom
2. did you copy the original game files into UFO directory?

Offline Sputnik

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #892 on: August 10, 2016, 04:57:59 pm »
Yes, of course, everything is copied and installed correctly. Latest build openxcom_git_master_2016_08_07. It's working just fine since morning.

I downloaded the latest version of openxcomextended for Win from
After that I placed the .exe file to my OpenXcom folder, launched it and got the error message.
What did I do wrong?

Oh, now I see.. I need 2016-01-02 version of the OpenXcom to play OpenXcomEx... Thanks for pointing it out.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 05:05:51 pm by Sputnik »

Offline Yankes

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #893 on: August 10, 2016, 08:56:09 pm »
Yes, of course, everything is copied and installed correctly. Latest build openxcom_git_master_2016_08_07. It's working just fine since morning.

I downloaded the latest version of openxcomextended for Win from
After that I placed the .exe file to my OpenXcom folder, launched it and got the error message.
What did I do wrong?

Oh, now I see.. I need 2016-01-02 version of the OpenXcom to play OpenXcomEx... Thanks for pointing it out.
Needed data are in first post of this thread.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #894 on: August 11, 2016, 11:05:47 am »
I sat down with Dioxine and we have compiled a list of features that we would like to see implemented the most. It is here:

Each feature contains a brief description of how it should work.

Many of these are old and already mentioned in places. Also, some of them are more sensible/easy than others. But all of them are there for a specific, practical reason, ie. there are actual plans for their use (in Piratez and X-Com Files).

Hopefully this will be of some use.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 01:45:20 pm by Solarius Scorch »

Offline Meridian

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #895 on: August 11, 2016, 03:03:03 pm »
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 10:51:33 am by Meridian »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #896 on: August 11, 2016, 03:25:57 pm »
Many thanks for the response.

If possible, I would like to recommend to move random treasure lists to a higher priority. Because it looks (to me, a layman) like a relatively simple job, and I know it'd be colossally beneficial. For example Piratez has many copies of the same ship with the only difference being some items laying on the floor; this is a very messy and time-consuming method.

And regarding custom factions in battles: considering the recent changes in the nightlies, which enable civilians to use guns, I guess handling it will be inevitable anyway. Better lay out some general objectives straight away than later.
(Possible implementations: multi-sided battles; savage animals which attack everybody.)

Offline Meridian

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #897 on: August 11, 2016, 05:19:37 pm »
If possible, I would like to recommend to move random treasure lists to a higher priority. Because it looks (to me, a layman) like a relatively simple job, and I know it'd be colossally beneficial. For example Piratez has many copies of the same ship with the only difference being some items laying on the floor; this is a very messy and time-consuming method.

Yeah, it's not difficult.
I did this so far, is it sufficient?

Node is called "randomizedItems" and it is a list.
Each item within this list contains:
- position - defult [0, 0, 0]
- amount - default 1
- mixed - default false
- itemList - default empty

Position says on which position the item(s) should spawn.
Amount says how many items should spawn.
ItemList is a list of items to choose from randomly.
Mixed says if one item should be picked and generated amount-times... or if each of the amount-number of items should be picked randomly.

Example below shows:
1. 30 identical items of type either STR_SOME_JUNK or STR_OTHER_JUNK spawned on [6, 2, 0]
2. 5 different items of type 1 or 2 (for example 4 items of type 1 and 1 item of type 2)

Code: [Select]
        - name: VESSEL_CC5
            - position: [6, 2, 0]
              amount: 30
              mixed: false
              itemList: [STR_SOME_JUNK, STR_OTHER_JUNK]
            - position: [4, 3, 0]
              amount: 5
              mixed: true
              itemList: [STR_RANDOM_ITEM_1, STR_RANDOM_ITEM_2]
          width: 10
          length: 10
              - [6, 2, 0]
              - [4, 3, 0]

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #898 on: August 11, 2016, 05:40:13 pm »
Yes, it looks very good.
Do I understand this correctly: if I set Mixed to false, I'll get either 30 STR_SOME_JUNK or 30 STR_OTHER_JUNK, with a 50% chance for either. If I set it to true, then I'll get 30 items altogether, some of them STR_SOME_JUNK and some STR_OTHER_JUNK. Yes?

Offline Meridian

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #899 on: August 11, 2016, 05:54:06 pm »
Yes, it looks very good.
Do I understand this correctly: if I set Mixed to false, I'll get either 30 STR_SOME_JUNK or 30 STR_OTHER_JUNK, with a 50% chance for either. If I set it to true, then I'll get 30 items altogether, some of them STR_SOME_JUNK and some STR_OTHER_JUNK. Yes?
