Just tested the ALTSPRITE features and the dual-wielding personal armor concept and both work fine!

This is so awesome! *happy*
And the craftweapon types work fine, too. I split my weapons into three teirs (eras) and it worked w/o the slightest problem, really good work!
One thing that surprised me (and scared the shit out of me) was the damage that the alien PSI attacks do by default. But it was as easy as adding tthree lines of code to my ruleset and the problem was corrected.
The default setting makes alien psi VERY deadly. No range limit, no ammo limit, NO defense possibility and worst of all: they do not need to see you (if you don't use the LOS option)... I swear that was one scary mission before I could go back to base and edit the rul file

The scariest mission I played in several years actually.
Talking about features: After trying the REALVISION exe some weeks ago, would it make sense to add a VisibilityatDay entry as well? I am still not sure about this. The REALVISION exe was quite a performance hog on my PC... the game basically stopped each step a unit made so...
*Update: tested most, maybe all damagemodifiers and they work! I even managed to make a Stasis-Grenade, removing all the TUs from the hit unit, impressive work redv and Yankes.