Excellent idea, Dioxine! You are one creative person.
Some feedback after testing the exe:
You converted me. Now I no longer care about any official exes (and other exes) anymore, THIS is the way to go.
Dioxine and very other megamod-maker: Switch to this exe, it adds so many possibilities.
And best off all: you can just add one more ntiny rulset with all the Extended- changes and leave the rest of your mods unaltered, that's what I made in my personal mod combination.
One of the coolest (and easy to miss) changes is the ability to make a weapon wound enemies, I simply added those to the shotguns and similar weapons. Also great: You can add a morale damge bonus to e.g. Incendiary weapons, I'm burning, help meeeeee.

Ther zombie-proof armor you always wanted? here you go. Tired of your Enforcer-robots turning into Zombies after Chryssalid-attacks? Just use this exe and make their armour immune. Ever wanted a dual-wielding armor with integrated weapons? and and and.....
Really, I do not know what to say, this is just plain awesome. and everything works so far! Have to test the ALTSPRITE feature today, I added a prined graphic to my Naymore mod for that...
Anyway, a BIG thanks to Yankes and everyone else participating in this!