Author Topic: [OLD] Old OXCE discussion thread  (Read 828131 times)

Offline pkrcel

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #105 on: October 02, 2014, 10:18:05 pm »
Yankes/redv, a proposal for an extended feature that should be pullable easily into UPSTREAM: make soldiers in a base sortable even f there is no trooper craft (i.e. Radar Base defense troopers), best would be if they could also be equipped & armored like in the equip craft screen.

I know it is of limited use since there is real "deployment order" on base defense but it's a perk of mine to be able to set up my squad in advance and sort them as well.



Offline Yankes

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #106 on: October 03, 2014, 07:31:16 pm »
This would better fit official branch. Another things is scope of my mod, I prefer stick to ruleset improvements for mod authors. 

Offline new_civilian

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #107 on: October 04, 2014, 02:21:20 pm »
My small PC is having performance problems with this mod (and the Real Vision exe as well), so I have to stick to the default exe...  :-[

But what some others here say is true: Essential things like this mod should be combined and added to the default game, maybe combining it with the Real-Vision mod and adding the excellent performance of the default game *dreams*....  :)

Offline Yankes

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #108 on: October 04, 2014, 07:34:49 pm »
New update.

All ammo types have new property "powerRangeReduction" reducing power per tile passed.
Psi-amp now can use weapon "power" as bonus to psi attack, can use "damageBonus" and "powerRangeReduction".

Weapons, grenades and corpses have "floorSpriteAlt" and "bigSpriteAlt" for live unit, loaded gun and armed grenade.

My small PC is having performance problems with this mod (and the Real Vision exe as well), so I have to stick to the default exe...  :-[
Did you increase vision range? without it performance should be equal.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #109 on: October 04, 2014, 07:40:46 pm »

Weapons, grenades and corpses have "floorSpriteAlt" and "bigSpriteAlt" for live unit, loaded gun and armed grenade.

This is a lovely idea. :)

Offline redv

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #110 on: October 04, 2014, 09:59:18 pm »
My small PC is having performance problems with this mod (and the Real Vision exe as well), so I have to stick to the default exe...  :-[

Could you send me a battlescape save file, where performance of OpenXcom extended (with default vision range) lesser than in regular OpenXcom?
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 11:27:18 am by redv »

Offline Dioxine

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #111 on: October 05, 2014, 02:52:53 am »
You people are really, really tempting me to move my mod developement to this Extended version...  You'll be catching, if not the best, then at least the largest mod out there :)

Question: are night/day sight ranges already implemented (and hopefully armor-dependant)? I don't want anything as radical as Real Vision, but in my mod (and perhaps others) you're, for example, facing humans, who shouldn't see in the dark any better than you do... Also swicthable personal light! I can actually navigate my soldiers in complete darkness. Naturally this isn't an easy order, because without the flashlight, there should be an option to see the battlefield in some sort of NV... (a simple monochrome filter that's activated by a hotkey and shows all visible tiles as lit-up, even in complete darkness? Alternatively, every unit, enemy or otherwise could simply emit *very* weak light, like strength 10 or below, and the right visibility can be adjusted based on that premise...

Oh yeah and an enhancement suggestion: Afaik Warboy overrode Sup's suggestion that BuiltInWeapons should be tied to armors, not units. Which is a wrong move, because tying them to armors doesn't yield any special problems, BUT allows X-Com soldiers to use 2x2 armor suits! (tested, works, but ofc without the possibility to have any weapons); and I tell you, a soldier prancing around in a SECTOPOD armor feels just AWESOME. Or generally suits of armor with built-in weapons which modders would certainly appreciate... (Terminator Suits? One hand free, the other has a Power Fist :) )

And even less important suggestion. Would it be possible for an armor to have a list of *disabled* inventory sections? Ex. if a guy has a formal suit, he shouldn't be able to use backpack. :)

Oh and there is a certain... bug? Despite the hand having 2x3 size, it can hold an object of any size. Should this be disabled? What do you think? I am not sure myself, they're pros and cons here.

One more! Weapons doing direct Morale damage (with that, I could finally make a properly working incendiary), treating (110-Bravery) as Resistance. So ex. a flamethrower deals 200 Morale damage, completely panicking anyone of Bravery 60 or less, but doing only 20 morale damage to a 100 Bravery guy. Ofc this base resistance is further multiplied by standard fire res (so a Power Armored guy is completely immune, but if we dropped Reaper to 100 Bravery, with his 170% fire weakness, he'd suffer 34 morale damage, instead of 20)...
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 03:02:52 am by Dioxine »

Offline new_civilian

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #112 on: October 05, 2014, 03:42:02 pm »
Could you send me a battlescape save file, where performance of OpenXcom extended (with default vision range) lesser than in regular OpenXcom?

I used the default vision range as I didn't know that I actually could increase the vision range  :D
Seriously, the mod needs a readme at least, I was rather dumbfounded when I extracted the EXE and could not find a documentation.  :-[ Luckily I had downloaded the corresponding site so i could apply the zombiImmune setting to an armor I had made, but then I ran into the performance problems. It is not as pronounced laggy as the Realvision mod (which basically stops for a splitsecond every 2 steps a unit makes) but still enough to make me revert back to the default exe.

Offline Yankes

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #113 on: October 05, 2014, 06:29:06 pm »
I confirmed that toolchain I use for creating release build have some bug that causing lower performance than normal.
I'm now working on fixing it.

You people are really, really tempting me to move my mod developement to this Extended version...  You'll be catching, if not the best, then at least the largest mod out there :)

Question: are night/day sight ranges already implemented (and hopefully armor-dependant)? I don't want anything as radical as Real Vision, but in my mod (and perhaps others) you're, for example, facing humans, who shouldn't see in the dark any better than you do... Also swicthable personal light! I can actually navigate my soldiers in complete darkness. Naturally this isn't an easy order, because without the flashlight, there should be an option to see the battlefield in some sort of NV... (a simple monochrome filter that's activated by a hotkey and shows all visible tiles as lit-up, even in complete darkness? Alternatively, every unit, enemy or otherwise could simply emit *very* weak light, like strength 10 or below, and the right visibility can be adjusted based on that premise...

Oh yeah and an enhancement suggestion: Afaik Warboy overrode Sup's suggestion that BuiltInWeapons should be tied to armors, not units. Which is a wrong move, because tying them to armors doesn't yield any special problems, BUT allows X-Com soldiers to use 2x2 armor suits! (tested, works, but ofc without the possibility to have any weapons); and I tell you, a soldier prancing around in a SECTOPOD armor feels just AWESOME. Or generally suits of armor with built-in weapons which modders would certainly appreciate... (Terminator Suits? One hand free, the other has a Power Fist :) )

And even less important suggestion. Would it be possible for an armor to have a list of *disabled* inventory sections? Ex. if a guy has a formal suit, he shouldn't be able to use backpack. :)

Oh and there is a certain... bug? Despite the hand having 2x3 size, it can hold an object of any size. Should this be disabled? What do you think? I am not sure myself, they're pros and cons here.

One more! Weapons doing direct Morale damage (with that, I could finally make a properly working incendiary), treating (110-Bravery) as Resistance. So ex. a flamethrower deals 200 Morale damage, completely panicking anyone of Bravery 60 or less, but doing only 20 morale damage to a 100 Bravery guy. Ofc this base resistance is further multiplied by standard fire res (so a Power Armored guy is completely immune, but if we dropped Reaper to 100 Bravery, with his 170% fire weakness, he'd suffer 34 morale damage, instead of 20)...
This is per armor. Without value its use 20 for enemies or 9 for rest.

Fixed weapons for armor can be added. I will look on this in next week. If I don't encounter any roadblocks it will be done.

Disabling inventory parts will be more tricky because it's used in multiple places (AI, auto/pre-battle  equip, UI). Right now I say it's on TODO list.

Normal game don't have problems with this because all items have smaller or equal size. What is point in objects bigger than 2x3? Depending on this we could answer if that objects could be hold in hands.

"ToMorale" can be added easily (I will add "ToEnergy" too), but only concerns is what do with current morale loose behavior (final damage to health and wounds)? I think about options "IgnoreMoraleLose" that turn off standard behavior.

Offline new_civilian

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #114 on: October 06, 2014, 11:55:49 am »
Good to hear that about the rework! And please: Remember to add some documentation, pleeeeease!  ;D

Offline Yankes

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #115 on: October 06, 2014, 08:57:46 pm »
find 10 differences:
Code: [Select]
CXXFLAGS = -Wall -o3 -s `$(SDL_CONFIG) --cflags`and
Code: [Select]
CXXFLAGS = -Wall -O3 -s `$(SDL_CONFIG) --cflags`
My release build was without optimization...

Fixed version is uploaded to mod portal.

Good to hear that about the rework! And please: Remember to add some documentation, pleeeeease!  ;D
Documentation could be first post in this thread and mod page. I didn't add any documentation because I didn't except anyone for using my mode as standalone. This should be base/additional for bigger mods. In ext build I will add some readme to zip.

Offline NeoWorm

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #116 on: October 07, 2014, 12:15:23 am »
Question: are night/day sight ranges already implemented (and hopefully armor-dependant)? I don't want anything as radical as Real Vision, but in my mod (and perhaps others) you're, for example, facing humans, who shouldn't see in the dark any better than you do... Also swicthable personal light! I can actually navigate my soldiers in complete darkness. Naturally this isn't an easy order, because without the flashlight, there should be an option to see the battlefield in some sort of NV... (a simple monochrome filter that's activated by a hotkey and shows all visible tiles as lit-up, even in complete darkness? Alternatively, every unit, enemy or otherwise could simply emit *very* weak light, like strength 10 or below, and the right visibility can be adjusted based on that premise...

I have semi working version of this - Glow of units can have different intensity and depends on armor (aliens can glow now), I have a modificable night and day sight ranges dependant on armor. But as a side effect aliens that you control does not glow anymore. I want to make a compatibility option to retain vanilla behaviour if needed. Problem is that I didn't get to work on this for two weeks now...

Offline redv

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #117 on: October 07, 2014, 11:21:14 am »
In latest OpenXcom Extended, personal lighting not taken into account when calculating visibility. Therefore personal lighting now just for comfort but not as a part of gameplay.
Looks like it works as expected, but i need feedback.

Attached file contains ruleset:
1. maximum view distance is 22 tiles
2. enemy regular units can see at night up to 19 tiles (and up to 22 if good lighting)
3. enemy terror units can see at night up to 22 tiles

Of course, you can set your own values, but anyway i need your opinion:
How changed behavior of aliens?
Is it works as expected?

Offline guille1434

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #118 on: October 07, 2014, 07:17:54 pm »
Hello! Thanks for the excellent work of giving more options to Open X-Com players and modders!

One question: Which version of the "official" Open X-Com executable is the OXC Extended .exe based on? Is it based always on the last nightly build (I see that both versions are not being updated in synchronicity)

Some requests that I would like you to consider:

1) The possibility to add Accuracy, time units and arcingShot values to ammo clips, which when loaded in the weapon, will override the same values present in the weapon ruleset... Example: To mod a rifle with an underbarrel grenade launcher, it would be good to use the TU and Acc from the weapon if using it with its regular bullet ammo magazine, but when replacing that magazine and loading a grenade(s) clip, the weapon should "use" the TU and Acc from the grenade clip ruleset (which, may be it can have less accuracy, less range, but a high angle trajectory and more HE power than the bullet magazine).

2) Add  a system of weapon types (similar to the excellent system added to craft in OpenXcom Extended) for armor suits... This way we can mod heavy infantry weapons that would be only possible to carry and fire when the soldier is using a specific armor suit type. An example: it's not possible for a regular soldier to hold and fire a minigun type machine gun, because of its eneormous recoil forces, but if the soldier is wearing a power suit, this suit can handle such a weapon.

Example: a)  Add to armors a "weapon hardpoint" stat, this would have a numerical value...

                b) This hardpoint value will be checked against a new "weapon type" stat, or even without needing to add any new stats, to the weapon weight value. If the weapon weight (or type)
                    value is lower or equal to the armor suit hardpoint value, this weapon is compatible, if the weight/type number of the weapon is higher, that weapon would not be able to be used by
                    troops wearing that armor suit.

I think such additions will give more flexibility and tactical options, and will not invalidate any current options available to the modders and gamers.

Thanks for your attention!
« Last Edit: October 07, 2014, 07:33:53 pm by guille1434 »

Offline Yankes

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Re: OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #119 on: October 07, 2014, 09:06:30 pm »
last version is based on Nightly from 2014-10-02, I don't updated because master branch only get some code used by TFTD. Overall when I create new build I sync with master branch.

1) Possible but will require lot of boilerplate code for handling all of properties. I will think about this.
2) Right now I consider adding fixed weapons to armors, this will give most of this functionality (armors with very big guns). It will have limitations too but it will require less coding because most of functionality is already in game.