You people are really, really tempting me to move my mod developement to this Extended version... You'll be catching, if not the best, then at least the largest mod out there

Question: are night/day sight ranges already implemented (and hopefully armor-dependant)? I don't want anything as radical as Real Vision, but in my mod (and perhaps others) you're, for example, facing humans, who shouldn't see in the dark any better than you do... Also swicthable personal light! I can actually navigate my soldiers in complete darkness. Naturally this isn't an easy order, because without the flashlight, there should be an option to see the battlefield in some sort of NV... (a simple monochrome filter that's activated by a hotkey and shows all visible tiles as lit-up, even in complete darkness? Alternatively, every unit, enemy or otherwise could simply emit *very* weak light, like strength 10 or below, and the right visibility can be adjusted based on that premise...
Oh yeah and an enhancement suggestion: Afaik Warboy overrode Sup's suggestion that BuiltInWeapons should be tied to armors, not units. Which is a wrong move, because tying them to armors doesn't yield any special problems, BUT allows X-Com soldiers to use 2x2 armor suits! (tested, works, but ofc without the possibility to have any weapons); and I tell you, a soldier prancing around in a SECTOPOD armor feels just AWESOME. Or generally suits of armor with built-in weapons which modders would certainly appreciate... (Terminator Suits? One hand free, the other has a Power Fist

And even less important suggestion. Would it be possible for an armor to have a list of *disabled* inventory sections? Ex. if a guy has a formal suit, he shouldn't be able to use backpack.

Oh and there is a certain... bug? Despite the hand having 2x3 size, it can hold an object of any size. Should this be disabled? What do you think? I am not sure myself, they're pros and cons here.
One more! Weapons doing direct Morale damage (with that, I could finally make a properly working incendiary), treating (110-Bravery) as Resistance. So ex. a flamethrower deals 200 Morale damage, completely panicking anyone of Bravery 60 or less, but doing only 20 morale damage to a 100 Bravery guy. Ofc this base resistance is further multiplied by standard fire res (so a Power Armored guy is completely immune, but if we dropped Reaper to 100 Bravery, with his 170% fire weakness, he'd suffer 34 morale damage, instead of 20)...