The Motion Scanner is too much underrated.

Some ways to use it.
First turn: you can use the tactic to pass the first turn to avoid the aliens to have full TUs.

Second turn: use the Motion Scanner before moving your troops outside the troop transport, really efficient especially during Terror Mission with surrounding aliens at mission start; and it can save a lot of your soldier lives.
You can also check:
- what is behind a hedge ("yes! there is some aliens behind this hedge, let's throw some grenades before moving").
- what is behind a wall.
- what is inside a farm.
- what is inside an orchard covered by the trees.
- what is inside a small Ufo.
- what is inside a big Ufo ("yes! there is some aliens in the Commander Room, prepare your Stun Rods").

All of this without taking a risk, with only little TUs used.
The Motion Scanner is part of the standard equipment of all my soldiers.
Your soldiers are a team, use the Motion scanner this way; one soldier use the Motion Scanner ("yes! there is some aliens inside this farm"), and a second soldier can launch a Small Rocket to make some holes in the wall for better vision, and even perhaps kill one alien).
Motion scanner, Smoke Grenade, soldier with Flying Suit, best scout ever for all hidden locations.

Smoke Grenades are a "night vision equalizer"...

During night mission, the aliens night-time visual range is 20 tiles and the soldiers night-time visual range is only 9 tiles.
I think it's also this way in OpenXcom, I have not seen change about this in the "Differences to X-COM (OpenXcom)" Wiki page.
A fresh Smoke Grenade reduces the visual range to 4-6 tiles for everyone, the effect is reduced each turn ("A good rule to know is that every turn allows the aliens (and you) to see one tile further per 3 tiles of smoke, until all the smoke particles clear." (original XCom - Ufopedia - Smoke Grenade)); a really nice game implementation.
...Here come the Motion Scanner, with it you can see the aliens and they can not see your soldiers. XCom takes the advantage.
The Motion Scanner has some flaws:
First, it's a pain to use the way it's implemented in the game.

I have a powerful computer, and I need a pencil and a piece of paper to draw a diagram and count the tiles on the combat zone.

But more a design flaw of the game, that a true flaw of the Motion Scanner item.
Second, it only detects moving aliens, and do not indicate the already spotted aliens the previous round by the Motion Scanner if they did not move the current turn.

Can also be considered as a design flaw of the game; the Motion Scanner can detect movement, but if it has already detected an alien the previous turn and the alien don't move, it detect no movemevent therefore the alien is still here.
I made some suggestions in this topic for the Motion Scanner: --> 4) Motion Scanner.
Basically, I suggest to indicate directly on the map the spotted aliens, to remove the need to use a pencil and a piece of paper to draw a diagram and count the tiles on the combat zone. Yeah...

I'll also make a suggestion to add a game option that allows the Motion Scanner to detect the aliens even if they does not move.