What about making 1st floor a storage place, to make it more "valuable" (with a restricted capacity compared to "General Store")
Also do as the Piratez mod did, and add a little cargo capacity to the Hangar - it makes sense, as craft equipment should be stored in hangars, no?
There is a way to prevent a single base to be sufficient : adapt capacity limitations. In my previous attempts to make a personal mod, I decided to reduce capacities, as for example :
- Live Quarters : 50 -> 10
- General Store : 50 -> 20
- Alien Containment : 10 -> 1
- ...
That's kinda extreme, I mean the last one.

But I'd like to see the Living Quarters capacity decreased, as long as we can have two-layer bases.
3) Garage
Another idea of facility (but I do not know if capacity limitation is possible to be modded) : a "Garage" = small 1x1 hangar for HWP (with a capacity of n HWP)
I think them being in the stores is fine. It's just a robot...