the first time i started using i mods i put a bunch into the folder and realized after my first game .. it was too easy
now i always try to balance my changes
make something important easier should be balanced by making something related harder
more better weapons <-> make alien tougher
make plasmabeam/clips(/fuel) eat your elerium <-> give the option to recycle elerium based items (recycled items are not sold +cost for producing/recycling of items)
additionally i try to make choices available
the normal thunderstormstorm mod give a awesome craft after alien alloy (no elerium usage, early in game, fast speed, health ~= firestorm, downside: 1 weaponslot)
way overpowered / to early available
in the tree i proposed you can get to the first (a bit better) craft with [alien alloys, plasma rifle/clip, resistance alloy]=4 techs, the other crafts need 6, 11,12 techs compared to avenger with 16tech+5 engineers-alien research
in my idea heap is
research useful earth-technology-crafts <--> make the range of ufo random
my thoughts on the earth crafts:
Advanced Fuel => 2 Elerium+2000$=10 Fuel units
that way new crafts use elerium but only 1/5 of the firestorm-avenger type crafts
item based fuel consumption is based on "fly time" not speed as the default crafts do
the fuel refill rate can be used to distinguish between crafts in regard to fuel consumption
Alloy skyranger: there was somewhere a 16-soldier skyranger i wanted to reuse but i cant find him anymore
i will try to make distinctions between crafts in a way that 'getting the "last" craft' is best is not always true
e.g. skyranger vs. alloy skyranger
- alloy skyranger has less fuel reserves then original
+ alloy skyranger has more speed (less weight in hull/fuell)
+ alloy skyranger has 2 more soldier slots
+/- alloy skyranger still costs rent (1/2 rent of skyranger (maintenance, technicians, ..) )
+ alloy skyranger has a sell value (slightly above production costs)
- alloy skyranger can not be repaired (repairRate=0 untested)
for the earth-tech-fighter crafts i dislike the craft1->craft2->craft3->craft4 with craft4=best in all regards - therefore my tree give the choice of craft3 or craft4 after depending on craft2 and some other stuff
normal fuel, high speed and acceleration, one weapon slot, fast refuel, fast repair, high rent (2/3 of interceptor), health=2-3x interceptor (destroyed in one shot unlikely), very small fuel reserves (cant fly further than 1,5*hyperwavedecoder range), can make a good profit with selling
[alternative: fast repair/high rent OR no repair, no rent, cheap to build]
needs elerium enhanced fuel, speed/acceleration between interceptor and firestorm, one weapon slot, slow refuel, slow repair, low rent (1/5 of interceptor), health=slightly less than firestorm, fuel reserves huge/enough to fly to any point on the globe and patrol for some time, has double the radar range, no profit by selling
craft3 and craft4:
both: 2 weapon slots
fuel reserves: 2/3 globe reachable <-> enough fuel to fly around globe 2 times
consumption: needs 2-3 more fuel than craft2 <-> needs 2/3 fuel
speed: should be similar perhaps on with higher speed, less acceleration the other with a bit less speed, higher acceleration
rent/repair: high <-> low
manufacture costs: can make profit <-> can make no profit
not sure what sprites/names go to what craft or in regard to craft3/4 what property is assigned to what craft i first plan to get my balancing mod "random ufo range" done