I had a lot of fun reading your guide myself, especially the Captains' descriptions, it's really rewarding when the love I put into making the mod gets returned and spread around
It's also probably the best researched guide I've seen, I didn't see a single false claim.
I was noticed by Sempai!

Thankyou for checking it out, and I'm glad you appreciate my research. It's something lots of people have always liked in my Steam guides (even when they get annoyed with tierlists) so I'm glad that continues to be the case.
And yes, I entirely understand and confirm that this is the best feeling for any modder (I'm a Classic Doom Modder, so same era I guess).

Weapon tiers do suffer a bit from savescumming bias (this bias puts higher value on damage output, lower value on reliability, for obvious reasons; eg. without savescumming, Tommy or AMG are only mid-tier because they tend to leave you with very little TU to correct your error if you miss both bursts, which does happen a little too often for comfort). It's not a judgement, just a note. It's definitely not worth losing progress due to danger you could not predict; and this savescumming bias is much lower than the usual, you do try to be fair. And I did get a new perspective on some issues, like how scoped rifle or harpoon carbine are disappointing.
For sure, an ironman list would look entirely different, and yes, I do try to be fair with savescumming.
I guess with Tommy and AMG I tend to also view those with the lens of "you should be dashing as close as possible to abuse bursts and auto, whilst also being as safe as you can, but prioritizing alpha strikes", so therefore they also tend to fail less often.
I always used to play original X-COM very aggressively compared to some people (I can't stand moving 3 steps and spamming overwatch every turn), and really appreciate New-X-COM's assaults for the same reason. Best defence is a good offence and all that, but it's probably not a strat that works on Superhuman Ironman too well lol.