Hybrid has two unique crafts: SEK-SKOUT and SEKAR. While researching Reticulan Elder is required for both, the Reticulan Elder topic currently does *not* unlock the crafts.
The problem here is that, Reticulan Elder is pretty hard to get. Yes, Life is Hybrid allows you to produce Reticulan Files early on, however, hitting Reticulan Elder with the Files will still require 12x Reticulan Files on average. This means the player needs 120x Personal Database before he can buy SEK-SKOUT.
120! I doubt the player will be able to get 120x Personal Database in the early game.
Which means, even though SEK-SKOUT is meant to be an early game Hybrid Path craft, you can't actually get it early. This seems like an oversight. Did Dioxine forget to add the "unlocks"?
I first thought that to, but then I realized that Reticulan Elder is one of the free researches of Take Me To Your Dealer, if you go the hybrid path. It seems like you are supposed to research that often.