'You can pick a a whole bunch of options to make it that way! See, I'm going to cite someone who's having fun trying to figure out how the AI works when given every opportunity to mess you up.'
That was written about exaggeration of the negative gameplay experience, not direct citing.
I'm not working on the AI because of any request.
That wasn't request to you. It was request from community to some entity, raised many times way before you approached with BAI.
Xilmi, again, no one here attacks you for making the AI fork.
Instead, me in particular, thinking of how it would be perfect to play with it enabled in current payload of mods. In more particular, I don't have the stats, but somehow do believe that 96-98% of OpenXCOM users download it because of mods.
And AFAIC read the previous forks of discussion, there was the giant fuckup during the presentation of your work in terms of cooperation.
I remember someone reasoned for a step-by-step modification, so modders can actually adjust their projects, but, instead, you wrote something like "Ok. I'm done. My AI destroys human players with KDA 1 alien to 4 humans. Let's move to the next project". And everyone, who actually understands the whole gameplay plot thought "WTF, there's something wrong. This should be different game, not tamagochi-alike XCOM"
See, when you put real-time efforts to raise stats of your soldiers, you don't want them be dead out of reason. One veteran is 10 times more efficient than newbie soldier. In mods, you buy newbies and feed them from your titty for like 24-30 realtime hours, at least.
Whereas generated enemies most often exceed your soldiers over any imaginable stat and weapon.
This particular point makes it impossible to win the game vs super-competitive AI.
But. Base AI is also kind of ridiculous in decision-making. Oh. It actually doesn't decide, it just routes and engages, if gets engaged.
The thing, that may work in current mods is special attributes:
Few scales that makes characters, that can be attached to units by modders
1: aggressiveness (0-5)
2: cover-prefer (0-5)
3: some imitating randomization, like unit can make damage, but he wouldn't, instead he would flee or regroup or hold the position, or just suppress with little estimated chance of hit, or keeps patrolling, not getting orders.
4: psy-prefer (0-5)
5: controllable chances of firing with no direct sight
6: controllable chances of grenading and rocketing with no direct sight
X: some other amount of control over enemy behavior, could worth poll.
If modders will have all these things available, that will be new era of gameplay experience.
If you will think of your fork as a platform for modders, not as product on it's own.
Actually it would be cool to set the diapason of attributes to the soldier unit generation:
Like, Thugs have aggressiveness of 3-5, cover-prefer 1-3 and chance of firing with no LoS 15-45%, and randomization 30% (instead of best option).
Then, it may feel a new experience every time you fight thugs.
And, there're two thug bosses, who have aggressiveness 1-3, cover prefer 3-4 and randomization 5%. Like, more psychologically stable guys.
And, there a bunch of dogs, who have aggressiveness 3-4, cover prefer 0-1, and randomization 15%.
And so on, and so on.
If you let modders play with these things, you will find real advances.