v0.96.v8 LE:
At first a small disclaimer, i have been trying the amazing BRUTAL IA MOD, and i heavily encourage to do it so to get an improved experience, i cant remark all the changes so go take a look (esto seria un link).
-Thus as a QoL , made a small changes to metadata files so its fully compatible with BRUTAL IA MOD (in case you already tried and found XOPS LEGACY didnt showed up in the mod list for activation)
-Finally!, after spending more time that i wished, the paperdolls layered system its fully implemented
*Every tier now its DONE™, there are still some clipping issues on some sprites, but they'll be progressively ironed out (nerve and personal armour doesnt cover all the body in some sprites)
°now i can focus on finishing some sprite work like the nerve armour or updating the basic sprites to show the newer four scoped Night vision googles to name a few examples
-Finally learned how to add new nationalities:
*There are now 115 nationalities
°Some flags are entirely new, others were retouched
°expanded the name pools of almost all countries (my target is to add at least 500 names per gender and 1000 surnames,thera still some cases were the number werent enough to consider it finished)
°focused on adding missing countries with either high military spending, or history of cooperation with bigger supperpowers or UN peacekeeping forces (colombia and malasya for example)
*reorganized "nationalities" (i.e. the flags) into (imho) a more intiutive order, basically into alphabetical order, (so now USA and EGYPT are moved lower on the list, to name a few changes)
°be wary that with this changes, most of the soldiers flags will be flipped all over the place, so you might need to manually fix this yourself, sorry :s .
-Three new doggos friends!, increasing the total to 4 diferent breeds
*Mallinois, German Shepperds, Dobbermans and Rottweilers sprites done (if anyone has ideas for other k9 breeds that should be included tbh, im all ears)
*Implemented layered system on doggos, so collars and combat harness can be used the same way as armors for soldiers
°i will try and make new fur patters for the aviable breeds, thus having more variety
°all changes only in inventory screen, sadly making battlescape sprites is way above my current skills..... some day i hope.
-Rebalanced first land drone loadout, also renamed to UCLV "DAGGER"
*stripped the smoke launcher (way too weak for their breaching role ) , now uses a shotgun like weapon, with very small range, but decent damage output (stick boom turns sectoids into meat confetti)
-UAV its renamed to "shuriken", got a new ufopedia description
-UAV rocket launcher renamed to : UCAV 'Longbow', to avoid any confusion, also to maintain a continous nomenclature, they'll be named after historical weapons
* updated the requirements to unlock, improved the stats and got a new ufopedia description, hopefully it got a better niche to shine on.
-NEW STARTING SHIP! called the DRAGONFLY thanks a lot to efrenspartano for his gorgeos spritework, increible compadre, te la rifaste!
*based on the newest bell valor 280 from boeing:
°capacity for only twelve soldiers
°cant take any HWP TANKS, only dogs and small drones as auxiliary units.
*Should be your mainstay unit for troop transporting
-Old starting ship (the CUSTODIAN/dragonfly) was renamed into FIREFLY has became a new ship on their own:
*its a crude step foward.
°can haul 14 units, including heavy tanks
°intended as a "spec ops" plane, with only a pair fielded and the rest of the work done by the dragonflies(valor 280)
°slighty faster than before
°more expensive all around
°uses an improved battlescape map, courtesy of EFRENSPARTANO
- Small Rebalance to EVERY COMBAT AND TRANSPORT PLANE (will be expanded further, for now the balance should improve some oversights)
-Now tanks are finally done (sprites are placeholder, planing to use the coelacanth spritesheet, so threads are animated, the same with the turret)
*first tier requires allien alloys for their construction (so they are light enough to be airlifted on VTOL transports)
*tanks comes in two varieties for now and all use the same chassis (imported and repurporsed from XENONAUTS 1)
°AP (an 20mm IFV) intended for infantry support, small smoke launcher as secondary weapon .
°HE (classic 105mm MBT) intended for brawling aggainst heavier alien units. also with smoke launcher as backup
-Improved sprites of tinyranks,Thanks to Filip H from the IDT group for the insights, now EVERY soldier types use a correct version:
*Green backgrouds with yellow chevrons for basic infantry
*Green and yellow bars for officers
*Blue backgrouds with yellow bars for pilots
*doggos has a yellow K over a red background
-Updated some Text strings and ufopaedia entries (like a lot of entries, small WIP of filling the blanks, im open to any suggestion or correction , specially in grammar (english is not my native language)
-Updated pilot suit description
-Figthers now follow a new name convention based on chess pieces:
*basic f35 lore updated and renamed unto "bishop"
*xcf1 renamed to "Knight", now requires a small amount of alien alloys to build
*xcf2 Renamed to "Rook", balanced cost and materials for manufacture
*xcf3 renamed to "empress" based on the queen piece (queen sounded kinda bland and unispired), balanced cost and manufacture requeriments
* the ultimate ship renamed from archangel to OVERLORD based on the king piece(a more imposing and fitting name according to lore)
*Ufopaedia updated to some extra articles missing (hacer el de perros, el de combined arms opperations)
°on a related note OVERLORD ALIENS (the golden crystaline shards) are renamed to SOVEREIGN (firstly to avoid confusions of having same elements, secondly, cuz without making too much spoilers, it didnt make sense considering their position in the chain command)
- Commendations mods, BY Shoes, Ivan Dogovich and hellrazor its fully integrated:
*Some descriptions, were added, expanded or modified (either for balance or to fit better in the mod.
- Changed the starting date (again, this will be the last time i swear) to first monday of 2027, already planned some lore changes that'll be added progressively unto future patchs.
°Declustered and streamlined some folders and files(specially names), and to make finding stuff more easier. mostly for my sanity, also in case anyone wish to use resources from the mod, remember to give credits for other people the veeeeeeeeeeeery few cases where the sprites or files are entirely being made by me (like dogs sprites for example), are free to use without any issues, dont worry
°balanced X3 HEAVY PISTOL alloy ammunition: 50 > to 42 (it was hitting harder than a AM-Rifle )
°Moved the craft craft tile were all inventory items formed a pile to a safer location across ALL ships this way you'll theorethically wont lose any item by a stray rocket/grenade/cyberdisc explosion (last row of the firefly for example)
°Fixed doggos portraits (it correctly shows the face)
°Fixed some missing pixels from white basic armor (small details on the neck, now it looks more natural)
°Fixed some missing Ufopedia pictures:
~Pilot Flight Suit now correctly have a picture following the armors patterns
~Kevlar armor now uses new sprites (with the quadscoped Night Vision googles)
~Xops Armor Recieved same treatment
°Updated congo flag now use the Official (since 2006) DRC
°okay now for real,Fixed(?) tinyranks spritesheet, last patch i changed color combinations correctly to green, they used to be RED. If anyone preffers that version, i left both files on the folder, change the names and use as your preference.
°corrected the army rank description : HIGHER RANK SHOULD BE a LT. COLONEL now (instead of simply a colonel, thats reserved for pilots ranks)