« on: May 23, 2024, 10:03:20 pm »
also an Idea,
we have pump action shotgun or the Autostub...as weapons used by Civilians or GSC
maybe a Double-Barreled Shotgun or even sawed-off shotgun as a early singe hand option?
and then add exotic weapons like Toad was saying /which are in FMP or Xcom files/ like
Belasco Dueling Pistol - laspistol that uses the whole laspistol cell capacity for a single shot to create a lascannon
like punch /a single hand lascannon/
or ad Archeotech weapons or implement the combi weapons from the melee pack + there the volkite weapon is also available
/they work like a dream...I use the melee pack all the time...just use it in this pack/
or add Lasguns. shotguns , autoguns with exterminators /what I was saying here already like 2 years ago/
and dont forget Klovis the Redeemers Eviscerator with a Exterminator / a mission where you help Klovis to get him or hi weapon?/
digi weapons ! a Joakero ship! /to create a Joakero just use the Mongrel from xcom files.../ maybe make the live catch joakero available to turn into adepts /if playing radical/
and all of this only to be found on missions...maybe create new missions...rouge traders lair LOL Joakero ship
sorry for such a long post...but watching the videos on YT during work...inspire me
we have pump action shotgun or the Autostub...as weapons used by Civilians or GSC
maybe a Double-Barreled Shotgun or even sawed-off shotgun as a early singe hand option?
and then add exotic weapons like Toad was saying /which are in FMP or Xcom files/ like
Belasco Dueling Pistol - laspistol that uses the whole laspistol cell capacity for a single shot to create a lascannon
like punch /a single hand lascannon/
or ad Archeotech weapons or implement the combi weapons from the melee pack + there the volkite weapon is also available
/they work like a dream...I use the melee pack all the time...just use it in this pack/
or add Lasguns. shotguns , autoguns with exterminators /what I was saying here already like 2 years ago/
and dont forget Klovis the Redeemers Eviscerator with a Exterminator / a mission where you help Klovis to get him or hi weapon?/
digi weapons ! a Joakero ship! /to create a Joakero just use the Mongrel from xcom files.../ maybe make the live catch joakero available to turn into adepts /if playing radical/
and all of this only to be found on missions...maybe create new missions...rouge traders lair LOL Joakero ship
sorry for such a long post...but watching the videos on YT during work...inspire me