« on: December 24, 2023, 12:42:26 pm »
Dear all,
is there like a chronology of events and if some steps are not made then some are not apearing?
is there like a road map?
I ask as I am now in the phase with lot of UFO sightings, + I destroyed the first alien base...
and I did in the underdark - crab ppl, made deal with the lizardman and with mummies... got Spider queen mission BUT never had a Antman missions /will they come later?/
and did multiple underwater missions - next will be undersea city
and had the missions with the special ppl like - morozova, Island of monsters, Kung Fu master etc
and destroyed the Yankee cult, the Ninja kult and the Dagon cult BUT never got the Red cult mansion appear /so that kult base never came? as now the UFO part started will it come?/
had the Syndicate tower mission, wizkids, etc missions - I think there the next will be UAC missions /but for one mission the normal car is needed...so I need to buy one again.../
I do look into the Wiki but a road map when which event can appear would be nice...is there any? /or thats the magic that you cannot get everything in one run?/