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Messages - yergnoor

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Thanks, interesting approach to the problem.  But I still foresee some problems.  For example, as far as I understand, missions are distributed once a month.  At least that's how UFO works in the original, and it wasn't intended to radically change the game.  What I was thinking about (or rather dreaming about, since I’m not sure if I’ll move on to actually creating a mod, although I’ve already thought about it quite well) is a rebalance, and not a complete conversion.  Then the study of a new race of aliens will lead to a change in missions with them only in the next month, but the study may be completed in the first days of the month, and the Hyper-Wave Decoder will begin to show this race only in a few weeks.  For players, this behavior of the game will look very unnatural.

OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: June 24, 2024, 06:27:08 pm »
Yep, you gotta be careful in base defence missions.
On YouTube, one of the comments recently described a strange outcome of a base defense mission, when after using heavy weapons... the Access Lift module disappeared.  At the same time, 3 hangars lost contact with all other modules of the base.  But there was no more information and it is unclear how this could happen, because the Access Lift should be indestructible.  True, the base was changed by a mod, maybe that’s the problem.

I looked in the mod files and found quite serious changes in the operation of radars.
Code: [Select]

    listOrder: 6500
    buildCost: 350000 #buildCost: 500000
    buildTime: 8 #buildTime: 12
    monthlyCost: 10000
    radarRange: 1500 #radarRange: 1500 (1500 is minimum allowed in the game)
    radarChance: 20 #radarChance: 10

    listOrder: 6600
    buildCost: 600000 #buildCost: 800000
    buildTime: 15 #buildTime: 25
    monthlyCost: 30000 #monthlyCost: 15000
    radarRange: 2250 #radarRange: 2250, perhaps should be increased a little, but less that the aircraft flying distance
    radarChance: 5 #radarChance: 20

    listOrder: 6650
    buildCost: 1800000 #buildCost: 1400000
    buildTime: 20 #buildTime: 26
    monthlyCost: 90000 #monthlyCost: 30000
    radarRange: 1900 #radarRange: 2400
    radarChance: 85 #radarChance: 100, perhaps should be 75
On each line, the options to the left of the "#" sign are what the mod sets.  And on the right are the parameters from the original game.  As you can see, the detection chance for a small radar is increased by 2 times, and for a large one it is reduced by 4 times.  That is, if after building a large one you remove the small one, then the base will detect much fewer enemies.  It is better to leave the small radar.

But even in this case, UFOs flying outside the range of the small radar will be detected very poorly - much worse than in the original game.

I'm understood, thank you.

  Then I'll pose the question differently.   If it is impossible to achieve such a change in the game’s operation in a simple way, all that remains is to ask to add a new parameter to the characteristics of the Hyper-Wave Decoder in OpenXcom Extended itself.   A parameter with three flags - to display ships, the alien race and the mission they are performing.   So that by default everything would work as it did in the vanilla game, but you could change the operation of the Decoder as I described.   Of course, it is not a fact that the proposal will be accepted.   But first I would like to know the opinions of the mod creators, are they interested in something like this?   Only for myself I wouldn’t ask.   It seems to me that such a new product would be suitable for those mods in which the game is deliberately made more difficult.

Judging by the response, this seems quite difficult to do.  And besides, the problem is solved only partially, as I understand, only the display of the UFO type will be limited.  For me, it would be more important to display the type of mission, because it is thanks to knowing for what purpose the aliens are flying that the player can plan responses so well.  Which UFO must be shot down, and which one should be allowed to land and be captured intact.  But at the same time, it is not at all necessary to rush to interrogate prisoners in order to find out about the missions they are performing.

Is it possible to make a mod to limit the functionality of the Hyper-Wave Decoder so that the result of UFO detection depends on the results of the research of X-Com scientists?  Or perhaps such a mod already exists?

 Let me explain.

 In the vanilla game, building a Hyper-Wave Decoder immediately provides complete information about any type of ship, any alien race and any mission they are performing.  And even about previously unseen ships, unknown opponents and yet unknown missions.  Which seems illogical to me, a kind of deception, because for some reason the X-Com scientists conduct these studies, studying aliens and interrogating them, that is, initially they do not even know their names, but at the same time the Decoder shows these names immediately.  The fact that the player already knows everything from playing the game for the hundredth time, or from reading the manual on the Internet, should not affect the knowledge of X-Com members within the game.  Therefore, I would like the names of alien ships, the aliens flying in them and the type of mission they are performing to be issued by the Hyper-Wave Decoder only if the corresponding research topic has already been studied, coinciding with the corresponding name of the ship, the aliens on it or the type of mission  .  The data obtained during the research should help to correctly decipher the signals received by the Decoder.  Otherwise, the message “Unknown” or just a dash will be displayed.  This would encourage the player to explore things that are usually put aside as less important research.

 For the vanilla game, these are the names of the studies associated with the lines that the Hyper-Wave Decoder shows:




 Therefore, the question is: does such a mod exist, and if it does not exist yet, is it possible in principle, without changing the executable file?  I assume that if possible, then only in OpenXcom Extended, maybe using scripts?

 I apologize if the question has already been raised.  As a non-English speaker, it is difficult for me to formulate the correct query to search the forum.

The X-Com Files / Re: [submod] X-Com Files: More UFOs (1.0.0)
« on: June 12, 2024, 06:51:50 am »
Could you make a version of this mod for vanilla UFO? I know about "Tnarg's and Meson's UFOs" and would like to use it, but I would also like to have rotated versions of the alien ships, which are in this mod but not in its predecessor.
P.S. A built-in translation into Russian would also be very useful, although I could do it myself. This is the only thing I know how to do with mods.

No, each warehouse only has 50 storage spaces.  But at the initial base there are 3 hangars, in which there are 5 more places.  That’s why it comes out to 65 (50+5*3).  In hangars, not in a warehouse.  Build a base with only one warehouse and no hangars (or dismantle all the hangars at the starting base) and you will get 50 storage spaces and no more.  Hangars provide the supplement, and there cannot be too many of them at bases.

Like OXCE, it also has 50. But OXCE also adds storage space in hangars.  Since in the original game the equipment placed on board ships did not take up space at all, but in OXC it takes up storage space in the warehouse.  Thus, it is OXC that differs from the original game in that it has more limited storage space.  And OXCE slightly corrects this situation.

Released Mods / Re: Kronos 913 mod 2.0
« on: June 02, 2024, 07:56:01 pm »
In OpenXcom Extended 7.12 the mod no longer runs.  According to the error indicated in the log:
"[ERROR] During linking rulesets of crafts:
 Error for 'STR_AVENGER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
 Error for 'STR_LIGHTNING': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
 Error for 'STR_SKYRANGER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative."
Discovered the reason - changes in the operation of OXCE. Now the vehicles argument in the Kronos_Mod_crafts.rul file cannot be specified as negative. Here is from its description:
"vehicles - Amount of vehicles this craft can carry.  Note: in OXCE, it's the amount of vehicles and 2x2 soldiers.  In OXCE, it can also have a value of -1, which means unlimited.  Since OXCE v7.10, value -1 is not supported anymore."
Changing to explicitly indicating the number of tanks transported removes the error.

Troubleshooting / Re: Can only load one tank on SkyRaider?
« on: May 31, 2024, 02:04:41 pm »
Thanks for the responses. My bad but I meant SkyRanger. I haven't even researched the SkyRaider yet.
No, it is the SkyRaider that is present in the save, not the SkyRanger.  This is the difference between FMP and the original game - at first you are given a lighter plane, with less capacity.  And there's no need to explore it - both SkyRanger and SkyRaider are available for purchase immediately after starting the game.  But the more spacious SkyRanger, which can carry up to 3 tanks, you need to buy yourself.

Troubleshooting / Re: Can only load one tank on SkyRaider?
« on: May 31, 2024, 07:43:57 am »
Then all that remains is to publish the save file here so that other people can check whether they have the same error and maybe find its cause.

Troubleshooting / Re: Can only load one tank on SkyRaider?
« on: May 29, 2024, 01:00:33 pm »
One of the possible reasons is that there is not enough ammunition for the second tank.  Then it will not be possible to load it on board the plane.

and all missions were always night missions even for a daytime battle
Perhaps the small mod "XcomUtil: Always Nighttime" included in the standard OpenXcom package was accidentally enabled.  This mod is "Forces all ground missions to nighttime".  But initially it should not work; the player must turn it on himself.  At least by mistake.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 24, 2024, 04:56:35 pm »
I see your autotranslator thinks we're playing a game here. ;D
Yes, in Russian this word “карта” has multiple meanings.  It means both a geographical map and an accessory for the game.  Therefore, the reverse translation sounded quite normal to me.  I always translate phrases back into Russian before sending them.

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