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Topics - yergnoor

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Is it possible to make a mod to limit the functionality of the Hyper-Wave Decoder so that the result of UFO detection depends on the results of the research of X-Com scientists?  Or perhaps such a mod already exists?

 Let me explain.

 In the vanilla game, building a Hyper-Wave Decoder immediately provides complete information about any type of ship, any alien race and any mission they are performing.  And even about previously unseen ships, unknown opponents and yet unknown missions.  Which seems illogical to me, a kind of deception, because for some reason the X-Com scientists conduct these studies, studying aliens and interrogating them, that is, initially they do not even know their names, but at the same time the Decoder shows these names immediately.  The fact that the player already knows everything from playing the game for the hundredth time, or from reading the manual on the Internet, should not affect the knowledge of X-Com members within the game.  Therefore, I would like the names of alien ships, the aliens flying in them and the type of mission they are performing to be issued by the Hyper-Wave Decoder only if the corresponding research topic has already been studied, coinciding with the corresponding name of the ship, the aliens on it or the type of mission  .  The data obtained during the research should help to correctly decipher the signals received by the Decoder.  Otherwise, the message “Unknown” or just a dash will be displayed.  This would encourage the player to explore things that are usually put aside as less important research.

 For the vanilla game, these are the names of the studies associated with the lines that the Hyper-Wave Decoder shows:




 Therefore, the question is: does such a mod exist, and if it does not exist yet, is it possible in principle, without changing the executable file?  I assume that if possible, then only in OpenXcom Extended, maybe using scripts?

 I apologize if the question has already been raised.  As a non-English speaker, it is difficult for me to formulate the correct query to search the forum.

"New Battle" mode, as I understand it, was created more for testing purposes. But nevertheless, it is also convenient and just to test different tactics. But there are a few disadvantages.

First - you have to play a random set of soldiers. This of course is also useful, but it would be nice to use the same soldiers that have already trained in the main game. You're already used to them, you know their strengths and weaknesses. You could try how useful they are against some specific enemies in certain missions.

Second - the content of the file battle.cfg, which contains data for the "New Battle", does not depend on the inclusion and disabling of mods. But even simple mods (not like X-Piratez) can greatly change the parameters and soldiers and their enemies. And then the soldiers created for the vanilla game can be weak against strong enemies from the included later mods. In this case, have to manually delete the file battle.cfg, so it was created anew, with the included mod. And so with any major changes.

Third - there is at least one mod (XCOM Multimod), which is not quite properly defined new classes of soldiers and it leads to the creation of the "New Battle" soldiers with unusable for battles statistics. Whereas in the simple game with the mod, this is not observed.

Hence my suggestion - to give the player an opportunity in a mode "New Battle" to load from any individual normal saving section "soldiers" in the file battle.cfg, replacing the previously used for "New Battle" soldiers. This will allow you to quickly add the already familiar soldiers to the "New Battle", where you can check them in all available in this mode missions.
It is possible to do this manually, although not so easy. I tried it by moving eight rookies from the very beginning of the vanilla UFO game to the battle.cfg file (replacing the rather diverse troops that were there). After which they appeared in the "New Battle" as soldiers to choose from.

If this is added, it will even be possible to fight against aliens even with soldiers from the already completed game, just using them in "New Battle" mode. It's too early for them to retire!

And playing with the new mods will allow you to quickly add new soldiers to "New Battle" to test just with the new mods included.

Additional suggestion:

This is already more complicated, but it would also be nice to move the base map from the usual save in battle.cfg as well. The one that is usually used in the "New Battle" is quite primitive, because it is the starting base. Therefore, testing the mission "Defending the base" comes out rather monotonous.
And loading an already developed base from the usual save can diversify the process.

But here is where the difficulty is foreseen. There can be up to eight bases in a regular save, whereas in "New Battle" only one base is always used. But at least moving the very first base from the general list would give a lot of new possibilities.

If the text is not clear everywhere... I'm sorry... Machine translation.

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