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Messages - yergnoor

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No, each warehouse only has 50 storage spaces.  But at the initial base there are 3 hangars, in which there are 5 more places.  That’s why it comes out to 65 (50+5*3).  In hangars, not in a warehouse.  Build a base with only one warehouse and no hangars (or dismantle all the hangars at the starting base) and you will get 50 storage spaces and no more.  Hangars provide the supplement, and there cannot be too many of them at bases.

Like OXCE, it also has 50. But OXCE also adds storage space in hangars.  Since in the original game the equipment placed on board ships did not take up space at all, but in OXC it takes up storage space in the warehouse.  Thus, it is OXC that differs from the original game in that it has more limited storage space.  And OXCE slightly corrects this situation.

Released Mods / Re: Kronos 913 mod 2.0
« on: June 02, 2024, 07:56:01 pm »
In OpenXcom Extended 7.12 the mod no longer runs.  According to the error indicated in the log:
"[ERROR] During linking rulesets of crafts:
 Error for 'STR_AVENGER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
 Error for 'STR_LIGHTNING': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
 Error for 'STR_SKYRANGER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative."
Discovered the reason - changes in the operation of OXCE. Now the vehicles argument in the Kronos_Mod_crafts.rul file cannot be specified as negative. Here is from its description:
"vehicles - Amount of vehicles this craft can carry.  Note: in OXCE, it's the amount of vehicles and 2x2 soldiers.  In OXCE, it can also have a value of -1, which means unlimited.  Since OXCE v7.10, value -1 is not supported anymore."
Changing to explicitly indicating the number of tanks transported removes the error.

Troubleshooting / Re: Can only load one tank on SkyRaider?
« on: May 31, 2024, 02:04:41 pm »
Thanks for the responses. My bad but I meant SkyRanger. I haven't even researched the SkyRaider yet.
No, it is the SkyRaider that is present in the save, not the SkyRanger.  This is the difference between FMP and the original game - at first you are given a lighter plane, with less capacity.  And there's no need to explore it - both SkyRanger and SkyRaider are available for purchase immediately after starting the game.  But the more spacious SkyRanger, which can carry up to 3 tanks, you need to buy yourself.

Troubleshooting / Re: Can only load one tank on SkyRaider?
« on: May 31, 2024, 07:43:57 am »
Then all that remains is to publish the save file here so that other people can check whether they have the same error and maybe find its cause.

Troubleshooting / Re: Can only load one tank on SkyRaider?
« on: May 29, 2024, 01:00:33 pm »
One of the possible reasons is that there is not enough ammunition for the second tank.  Then it will not be possible to load it on board the plane.

and all missions were always night missions even for a daytime battle
Perhaps the small mod "XcomUtil: Always Nighttime" included in the standard OpenXcom package was accidentally enabled.  This mod is "Forces all ground missions to nighttime".  But initially it should not work; the player must turn it on himself.  At least by mistake.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 24, 2024, 04:56:35 pm »
I see your autotranslator thinks we're playing a game here. ;D
Yes, in Russian this word “карта” has multiple meanings.  It means both a geographical map and an accessory for the game.  Therefore, the reverse translation sounded quite normal to me.  I always translate phrases back into Russian before sending them.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 24, 2024, 02:10:18 pm »
That doesn't seem to be true anymore. The Terrain Pack on is distributed with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, so as long as you follow the crediting, licencing and don't make money, it's fine.
Yes, apparently I didn't notice that Hobbes has changed his attitude towards using his cards.  But you need to take into account that _Raven_ has a goal - collecting donations.  At least he wrote about it himself.  Even if this is not a direct sale of content, it was precisely this situation that once led to the ban on the use of these cards.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 24, 2024, 01:28:40 pm »
Can anyone give a complete list of maps from the CMP and Terrain Pack and tag those that are already added to FMP (so I can easily find them by name and not have to search for new maps or take hundreds of screenshots to compare the FMP and CMP, and I was sure that there was no such card and that if I wanted, I could add it).
At the request of the author Hobbes, all maps from his mod Terrain Pack were prohibited from use in other mods.  Therefore, they were removed from FMP (as well as from many other mods) and replaced with other similar ones created by other authors.

That is, there are no maps from the Terrain Pack in FMP.  It is not forbidden to add them to your version of the mod for your own use.  But if you try to share such a "hybrid" version of the mod on this forum, problems may arise.  Hobbes' demands are respected here.

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: April 08, 2024, 05:31:07 pm »
I also use a translator, I use the “Tab Translate Screen” but I don’t admit it to anyone, although it’s probably clear who is using the translator and who really knows the language. We have lived to an era in which there are no barriers to communication, you can correspond with the whole world and at the same time know only your own language and not know English.
I prefer to clarify about translation when it matters, as in this situation.  Because I gave the name of the setting, but in fact it may be very different from what was translated from the Russian version of this line by machine.  Just to avoid any misunderstanding.

After all, for many of those on this forum, English is also not their native language, and they may know it to varying degrees.  From complete understanding to reading only through a translator.  One such clarification could save someone the time spent searching for just such a setting.

And yes, I was on the 4pda website, and I remember our communication there.

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: April 08, 2024, 04:12:56 pm »
If you're playing without mouse wheel access, perhaps the pedia articles aren't indeed scrollable. Never been in such a situation myself.
The creator of OpenXcom for Android, sfalexrog, once made a similar improvement for different lists in the menu.  It is turned on in the settings as “Scrolling lists by holding” (if the name is slightly different, it’s because I’m writing through a machine translator) and allows you to scroll through all lists (soldiers, items for buying and selling, and the like) simply by moving your finger on  screen up or down.  But this improvement was made long before OXCE for Android was developed based on its version.  And of course, long before Uphopedia article scrolling was added.  But I don't think that function is applicable to text in articles.  Most likely you would have to do scrolling by moving your finger across the screen from scratch.

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: April 08, 2024, 11:31:35 am »
There is no indication that the text can be scrolled, but you can just scroll it and it works. Example attached, I added three paragraphs of 'lorem ipsum' there.
I think he's just using the Android version of OXCE, like me.  I'm not sure exactly how text scrolls in Pedia articles, but there are no on-screen controls for it, and swiping across the screen doesn't do anything.  Most likely you need a mouse wheel, which is not available in this case.  Therefore, you have to look for each such article in the mod files if you want to read it in full.

That space is already occupied by the TFTD "depth" slider, or by the UFO "globe texture" dropdownbox, or sometimes even both.
Is it then possible to make two items to choose from in the list of missions for each UFO?  One for a UFO that landed safely, and the other for an emergency landing - with "(crash)" attached to the name.  Then the player will simply choose which option he needs.

I don't know if there is any download site,
but here's the source code:

Build instructions are the same for OXC and OXCE:
The latest release version of OXC for Android is available in ready-made form there -

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