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Messages - Snowfield

Pages: [1]
Resources / Re: Strawberry Fields Forever [GRAPHICS]
« on: February 10, 2022, 12:29:51 am »
I have tried that; the impression I get is it basically wouldn't save me any time at all with how anal I am about firearm aesthetics. Still, volume and ambition might force me to buckle, so I've kept it in my hat just in case.

Resources / Re: Guns [GRAPHICS]
« on: February 09, 2022, 09:58:43 pm »
And, finally, a few more guns from the other side of the curtain, just for good measure. There's the 1911, the Hi-Power, the G3, the FAL, the AR-18, and... a bunch of parts for building your own AR-15 variant, because there are way too many of those to be satisfied with just one.

Left to right, top to bottom: slickside upper, A1 upper with forward assist, A1E1 upper with the new brass deflector, A2 upper, A4 flat-top upper, A4 carry handle, slabside lower, partial fence lower, full fence lower, grip and trigger, inserted magazine, magazine item, solid stock, 4-position stock, 6-position stock, triangle handguard, clamshell hanguard, and railed handguard.

Resources / Re: Guns [GRAPHICS]
« on: February 09, 2022, 09:57:58 pm »
Next up is slavshit, because who doesn't love slavshit? There's the Tokarev (for shooting through soft body armour when you can't afford 5.7 mm), the Makarov (for shooting yourself to end the pain), the SKS, AKs in 7.62 both milled and stamped, and AK-74s in Bakelite, black plastic, and lovely, lovely plum.

And the Mosin, obviously.

Resources / Guns [GRAPHICS]
« on: February 09, 2022, 09:56:34 pm »
Speaking of guns, guess who it is?

That's right. Guns. It's me. Guns.

(BIGOBS only because HANDOBs are still a pain in the neck. I should note that the rifles are sized for an alternative inventory pattern I cooked up for my own use, so once again there's not much in the way of cross-compatibility with other mods, but the handguns follow the usual scale, so you might find those, er, handy.)

First up are my replacement candidates for the regular guns in the base game. From top to bottom, there's the dual-purpose pistol-slash-boat-anchor commonly known as the Mark 23, the slightly-more-reasonably-sized M9, a mysterious (and fictional) 6.8 mm carbine from somewhere around the early 2000s, the Mk 46, the vaporware XM109 with vaporware HEDP, HE, and incendiary rounds, the regular old M82A1, the vaporware XM25 with its vaporware HE airburst ammo, and the AT4-CS.

Edit: added the Mk 46 and the AT4.

Resources / Re: Cuter Soldier Sprites [GRAPHICS]
« on: February 07, 2022, 10:34:23 am »
Those are pretty cute. I think I'd be hard-pressed to match their quality; my graphical abilities tend to fall apart at larger scales for things that aren't guns. Might be a good learning experience, though.

Resources / Strawberry Fields Forever [GRAPHICS]
« on: February 06, 2022, 05:24:59 am »
A thread for my stuff. Most of it will feature questionable design decisions and bad interoperability with other mods. Just a heads-up.

Post 1: Cuter Soldier Sprites (this post)
Post 2: Guns

Original subject: Cuter Soldier Sprites

Well, I think so, anyway. Here they are.

I'd be posting this as a released mod, except for one small-ish quibble. It isn't totally experimental, but it uses a script to "reposition" (well, really, replace) HANDOBs at runtime so that they line up properly with the sprite, and the nature of it is such that it's a little wasteful and also not readily compatible with items added by other mods. I had to do it, though, because this is just one component of a larger personal project I'm working on and I want to make the graphics end of things as easy on myself as possible.

Still, the thing will run as is if dropped straight into the mods folder, in case you're of a mind to try it out.

Edit: Fixed a bit of wobble in the walk cycle.

Help / Re: Two questions.
« on: January 18, 2018, 11:41:50 am »
I poked through the code just now and supportedInventorySections is actually what I was looking for. It's a per-item restriction, though, so if one wanted to have a slot only accept certain items then I suppose one would have some amount of copy-pasting to look forward to.

Thankfully, I've been wasting all my time typing up design and reference documents, so I haven't actually implemented a damn thing~

Help / Re: Two questions.
« on: January 18, 2018, 09:57:20 am »
Just one question this time. I've seen posts mentioning the ability to restrict inventory slots only to certain items, but if it's been implemented I can't for the life of me find a post detailing it.

Programming / Inventory screen quibble
« on: January 16, 2018, 10:31:21 pm »
Hand slot (Inventory::DrawGrid) and loaded ammo (InventoryState::invMouseOver) rects are one pixel too small in each dimension as compared with the original game and as compared with a 2x3 inventory grid. This misaligns them with other slots and decenters items drawn in these slots as well as the paperdoll.

Help / Re: Two questions.
« on: January 10, 2018, 11:12:06 am »
Thanks for the help, fellas. I've got more questions I couldn't pin down the answers to.

1. Is there a way to add LOFtemps via ruleset?

2. From what I can see, sight and shot height are magicnumbered at 1 and 4 voxels respectively below the topmost of the unit; is this so?

3. What do createsMeleeThreat and ignoresMeleeThreat (OXCE+) do, exactly? My inference is that they're just flags to help the AI of whether a unit is capable of conducting, or is at risk of, melee attacks, but I couldn't find the original post to confirm.

Help / Two questions.
« on: January 06, 2018, 03:03:03 am »
Hey, folks. I couldn't dig up an answer for these on my own, which leads me to believe they're not possible:

1. Is there any way in either the base ruleset or in OXCE(+) to define a unit's rate of energy consumption when moving, as per offset 45 in UNITREF.DAT?

2. Is there a way to make undeveloped squares in a base defense use a map block that isn't solid dirt, if one wished to represent above-ground bases?

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