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Messages - pWWWa

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Released Mods / Re: [Showcase] Hatching Chryssalids and Tentaculats
« on: February 27, 2025, 02:58:25 pm »
Dear Buscher,

great thanks for that amazing mod. I slightly surprised why so fancy multinational script is so underrated by community :-)

Also, please, check some feedback:
- infected unit became orange, but not green in TFTD. Perhaps, it happens as planned, but if no -> please, replace COLOR_X1_PURPLE0 with COLOR_X1_GRAY;
- PSIed/MCed Chryssalids and Tentaculats also able to infect any alien unit, include zombies too. It can to occur "funny" endless transformation cycles, where 2 opposing"infectors" permanently generates yourself during hit exchanging (also infected zombie will spawn zombie again). I used my poor knowledge in y-script and particularly solved it via faction restricting:
      - offset: 22 # infect unit
        code: |
          var ptr RuleArmor armorRule;
          var ptr RuleItem itemRule;
          var int temp;
          var int infectionDamage;
          var int side1;

          weapon_item.getRuleItem itemRule;
          itemRule.getTag infectionDamage Tag.CAN_DO_INFECTION_DAMAGE;

          if eq infectionDamage 0; # can't infect

          unit.getRuleArmor armorRule;
          armorRule.getSize temp;

          if eq temp 2; # don't affect tanks
          unit.getFaction side1;
          if eq side1 1; # don`t infect units at alien side <c> pWWWa

          if gt to_health 0; # only if pierced
            unit.setTag Tag.CURRENT_INFECTION_DAMAGE infectionDamage;

but I suppose, that correct solution for that issue is restriction for infecting exact units (especially STR_ZOMBIE), isn`t it ?
- it will be great, if incendiary / phosphor  damage type will able to remove infection from units too (based on comments in script code).

I also noticed that for some reason I did not had a HandOb for the AlloyKnife and added one, unfortunately i do not know who made it so maybe someone can help me identify the person in question so I can credit accordingly.

Seems, It started by Solarius Scorch and finished by Dioxine (Alien Origin thread)

BTW, what do you think about Melee terrain damage ?

Also, please, check attached:
-hit animation for Alloy Knife (recolored plasma blade`s slash from last update);
-big, medium and small plasma firearms hit animation.

Released Mods / Re: [UFO][Weapon] Plasma Blade & Plasma Sword Mod
« on: February 23, 2025, 07:50:26 pm »
Quote from: Solarius Scorch
One issue though: you have used the wrong palette for bigobs. Attached converted files.

Dear Solarius Scorch, thanks for feedback.
BTW, just arranged some investigation about color tables, seems the main difference is in last 16th color group. (attachment 1)
Also shallow test revealed, that last color group is fully equal to battlescape colors from my table, but not for ufopaedia/geoscape mode. (attachmnet2)
I supposed, that your color table was optimized for better compatibility during color/palette conversion (color index marked with purple usually can be excluded/avoided during that operation), right ?
If yes, then let me convert all graphics with your table.

1.11 update
- in attachment.

-*all graphic files uses updated color table;
-some adjustment for Plasma Blade`s bigOb and froorOb images.

Released Mods / Re: [UFO][Weapon] Plasma Blade & Plasma Sword Mod
« on: February 18, 2025, 07:22:37 pm »
Hello there.

1.1 update is in attachment.

1. Graphics:
-some BigOb`s pixel thrash cleaned;
-Blade handler more equal to Sword handler;
-some Sword`s HandOb adjustment;
-Hit animation updated (more roundy and contain 8 frames)

2. Balance:
-basic damage reduced (1.5 times), but added OXCE modificators (DamgeAlter, DamageBonus, CostMelee), which should to make that stuff less deadly, buty still actual in alien and player hands. Please, check excel table for more details inside archive.

Resources / Re: Graphic Gallery
« on: February 29, 2024, 10:46:49 pm »
Acid hit animation.

Resources / Re: Graphic Gallery
« on: May 10, 2023, 08:58:43 pm »
Deep One`s shoot with electricity effect.

-alternate projectile and hit animation;
-recolored weapon icon to purple;
-rearranged ingame sound effects;
-removed pixel glitch DeepOne model during North-West direction moving.

Help / Re: How to unlock multiply projects using getOneFree?
« on: July 14, 2022, 03:22:53 am »
Thank you for reply and apologies for my terrible English. Sorry, but your solution not what I want. I want unlock aqua plastics (message: we can now research aqua plastics) in research list together with deep one or xarquid autopsy info given for free by medic. But seems you are right - multiply unlocks produce chaos and bugs in mod code.

Dear Shiroi Bara, please, notice that any medic reseach just unlock STR_DEEP_ONE_AUTOPSY (ufopaedia topic), but STR_DEEP_ONE_CORPSE reseach unlocks STR_DEEP_ONE_AUTOPSY (ufopaedia topic) and STR_AQUA_PLASTICS (via unlock property).

1)  use STR_DEEP_ONE_CORPSE instead of STR_DEEP_ONE_AUTOPSY in Medic`s GetOneFree list;
2) replace STR_DEEP_ONE_CORPSE with STR_DEEP_ONE_AUTOPSY in STR_AQUA_PLASTICS research topic (dependencies section).

Resources / Re: Graphic Gallery
« on: July 14, 2022, 02:12:24 am »
One more update for special icons image (TFTD).

OXCE Bugs FIXED / Re: Weapon Hit caused a fatality.
« on: February 26, 2022, 01:11:20 pm »
Dear Sentinel,

let me act as Captain Obvivious ...
As I understand the OpenXcom project is trying to replicate the original game, and this also applies to damage / stun mechanics.

was under the impression that a Hit does STUN damage.
Conventional weapons will sometimes inflict a small amount of stun damage on both X-COM and alien units, along with a lot of normal damage (c) Ufopaedia

His health would have been about 30 iirc, and the Hit damage is what 50 or 60? What is the Damage type exactly?
Laser Rifle able to deal 0 - 120 damage to Sectoid, so everything is right.
Please, check Ufopaedia materials for details.

Resources / Re: Graphic Gallery
« on: February 23, 2022, 01:50:40 pm »
Alternative PSI-attack and MC-attack hit animations for UFO Defence and TFTD accordingly (8 frame sequence).

Suggestions / Re: Reward for autopsy
« on: July 25, 2018, 12:21:24 am »
I would welcome a feature that will increase ranged/melee weapons damage for all units where the autopsy has been researched.
Like: "You learned how to best target the XYZ for maximum damage".
As I remember, similar idea was implemented in UFO/TFTD Extender =>
UFO Extender Mods List
Know Thy Enemy: Damage is reduced against targets until an autopsy has been preformed.
There is a small chance that a "lucky" shot will do full damage. Explosives and Fire are not affected. The reduction only affects the damage that is applied against a unit's health not armor.

BTW, it will be great to see same feature in OpenXCom.

Released Mods / Re: [UFO][Weapon] Plasma Blade & Plasma Sword Mod
« on: January 27, 2018, 09:03:40 pm »
Dears, 1.09 Version in attachment.

-slightly altered graphic for hit animation and floorObs.

Released Mods / Re: [UFO][Weapon] Plasma Blade & Plasma Sword Mod
« on: April 20, 2017, 03:36:51 pm »
Update 1.08:

- small graphic fixes for HandObs and FloorObs;

- new Hit Animation;

- alienDeployments replaced with  builtInWeaponSets.

- sell cost increased x10 times, production cost increased x4 times for both.

Another Polyp (Ancient Abomination) death animation with etc. corpse and floorOb:

Resources / Re: Graphic Gallery
« on: January 31, 2017, 02:41:25 pm »
Explosion animation (underwater only) from X-COM2: TFTD Demo:

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