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Messages - Meridian

Pages: 1 ... 577 578 [579] 580 581
Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play OpenXcom: Up Close and Personal!
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:14:52 am »
@Arthanor: excellent summary... couldn't write it better myself ;-)

@Ivan: any chance of resurrecting me? XCOM heaven is getting a bit boring... I'd swap drinking ambrosia with killing Sectoids any day... are there even days in heaven?

Troubleshooting / Re: Do I need more fighter ships on higher difficulties ?
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:01:40 pm »
Well, even though it is possible to win with one base only, building more bases is definitely more comfortable (and probably more enjoyable most of the time).
Having only one is something for people, who are looking for special challenge... and it is not as easy as it looks in my LP ;-)

You can lose by:
a) not having enough money... you can work around that by manufacturing/selling laser cannons... even if there is no funding nation left (you can sustain yourself on a roughly 6 million budget, 50% from manufacturing and 50% from missions, see below)
b) having a bad score... you can keep the score up even late game by attacking supply ships and/or bases + responding to terror missions
c) losing all bases (in this case only one)... that can actually happen, if you're not careful enough... but with a little self-discipline, it is also very unlikely
d) failing Cydonia... nah

I don't know of any mods, which would "fix" this.
I am also not sure if this needs fixing at all.

What would be your proposal?
Introduce new condition(s) for losing the game?
Make the workarounds for current conditions harder?

PS: Terror from the Deep is definitely a harder game, but in different aspects. All of the above applies to TFTD too.

Troubleshooting / Re: Do I need more fighter ships on higher difficulties ?
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:57:14 am »
No you don't... well depends on how you play.

I am currently playing on Superhuman, only one base (in Hawaii) and only 2 Skyrangers (+1 unarmed Avenger later)... I have never shot down any UFO and I am on my way to Cydonia in the next episode (btw. the whole thing is on YouTube).

If you insist on shooting down UFOs, then 2 Avengers should be all you'll ever need.

Programming / Re: OpenTFTD Question
« on: November 21, 2014, 06:16:40 pm »
I fully understand and support your decision... don't succumb to pressure from our side! ;-)

Programming / Re: OpenTFTD Question
« on: November 21, 2014, 04:15:38 pm »
You cannot test OpenTFTD yet, you don't have the ruleset... which is currently sitting only on the computer of the developer(s). I am sure they will let us know once OpenTFTD is ready for beta testing.

Playthroughs / Re: Necroscope86 is now lets playing OpenXcom!!!
« on: November 20, 2014, 12:56:33 pm »
But there are also big and "dangerous" changes in nightlies... just look at the yesterday's Map Scripting commit. I will definitely wait a few weeks/month now until people can report all the problems (hopefully none, but seeing the amount of changes I am a bit skeptic).

I think there is a nice compromise too... why not releasing an official update with installer (e.g. openxcom v1.1) after some time (let's say 1-3 months) when enough relevant bugs are fixed and some minor features introduced; but BEFORE any major changes or refactorings are done.

Being a developer myself, I believe the development team can say a lot better, which nightly can be "promoted" to an official update and which is only for the hardcore beta-testers. We -- mere mortals -- are clueless.

Playthroughs / Re: Necroscope86 is now lets playing OpenXcom!!!
« on: November 17, 2014, 08:06:47 pm »
OK, it's getting better, but skip at least to episode 3, if you are too sensitive.

Playthroughs / Re: Necroscope86 is now lets playing OpenXcom!!!
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:25:41 pm »
Fun factor may still save it, but the skill is just poor! :(
Is he doing this on purpose?
(btw. I have watched his earlier xcom LPs and I don't remember him playing so... badly)

Open Feedback / Re: No ufos until very late of the month
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:13:38 am »
It can happen, small radar is not very effective.
Try sending your Skyranger(s) on a patrol duty somewhere near your base, they will detect UFOs much easier.

Before the first terror mission, the following craft appear:
 * one small scout
 * one medium scout
 * two large scouts

Open Feedback / Re: How long should Supply Ship stay at the alien base?
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:00:34 pm »
@Ivan: as far as I understood, the problem is not in the Shoes' custom executable (that would be very weird btw.)

The reported bug will be re-opened and fixed.
(it will just be solved differently than proposed by the person who opened it)

The problem is not in the number 2000 (which is correct), but in how OXC interprets this number and how it makes the countdown (as Volutar said, 5-times faster than it should). But again, number is correct, it's interpretation is wrong.

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play OpenXcom: Up Close and Personal!
« on: November 07, 2014, 02:31:33 pm »
Once my chromecast gets in I'll be subbing and deadly watching this Ivan.

Man, I feel like I've been living in a cave... how did I miss such a nice device completely?
Just ordered it... it should arrive on Monday... can't wait!

Playthroughs / Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:30:34 pm »

Playthroughs / [FINISHED] Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:30:20 pm »

 * Superhuman
 * Ironman (not the built-in Ironman though, I need the saves in case of crashes/malfunctions... it's a big mod you know)
 * No (throwable) explosives in the first 2 turns (banned: grenade, proxy grenade, alien grenade, HE pack, blaster launcher; allowed: HE ammo for heavy cannon etc., rocket launcher, smoke grenade) since episode #33, allowed again
 * Primed grenades can be carried ONLY in hand
 * No spoilers (I have virtually zero knowledge about the content of this mega-mod... and I would like to enjoy the "playing for the first time" effect... please don't spoil anything in this thread or in the YouTube comments section... thank you!)


Start date: 26th January 2015... every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions or anything else, don't hesitate to share them here... preferably before the series starts.


Playthroughs / Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Hawaii challenge!)
« on: November 04, 2014, 10:50:09 pm »
Of course. Welcome to the team! You'll be hired somewhere between episodes 34 and 36.

Btw. in the next LP (FMP, coming soon) we'll be recruiting in reverse order, so you'll be one of the first :-) "The last shall be first, and the first last."

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