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Open Feedback / Is there a change to the nightly set up.
« on: April 13, 2016, 12:44:07 am »
I'm currently upgrading my current run through of FMP v1.9 to v1.91b and upgrading my nightly from 2016-03-28 0842 to a more recent one and I noticed that the latest(2016-04-12 2258) is a much bigger zip file than previous nightlies-see first picture. Also when I extract it to my desktop, the COMMON and STANDARD folders don't exist any longer.

Offtopic / Anyone else having problems with the new xcom2 game?
« on: March 20, 2016, 01:27:57 am »
Just got a copy of the new xcom2 game today and thought it was going to be relatively simple to install but maybe that was wishful thinking. My pc operates on win10, has 8gb of ram, has a 1 gb graphics card, runs on 3.5ghz six core processor and I've internet access, in fact all the specs needed for the game I'm over the recommended settings except the graphics which I'm at the minimum, but every time I tried to launch the game after waiting patiently for hours for it to install it crashes-see attachments. Upon checking steam's support site I validated the xcom2 files but no joy. I see that it's asking me to debug through Microsoft Visual Studios 2015 but I'm a complete noob at that sort of thing and wouldn't have a clue where to begin. Can anyone help and take me through what I need to do in very simple steps please?

Troubleshooting / CRASH WITH TFTD
« on: March 12, 2016, 05:57:23 pm »
Currently playing TFTD with nightly 2016-03-07 0212 and the following mods:

  - xcom2
  - StrategyCore_Swap_Small_USOs_TFTD
  - UFOextender_Gun_Melee_TFTD
  - XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage_TFTD
  - XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot_TFTD
  - Disruptor Cannon
  - improved_particle_disturbance_sensor
  - kneel-button
  - Lockheed
  - Moray
  - shipreskin
  - TFTD New USO Variants 1.0b (Illamasqua Edit)

However as soon as the research on the Carcharodon corspe is completed the game crashes to the desktop. Obviously I can work around this by not completing the research but beyond that I'm unsure why it crashes. Would updating to the latest nightly help? Any thoughts/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

ps If this is the wrong place for this post, apologies.

Open Feedback / IS THERE A FASTER WAY?
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:41:03 pm »
Currently I'm at the end of the second year in a run through of xeno operations v0.957 and something I've noticed when attacking battleships, I only do this if they're on an infiltration mission, is when I'm using 3 or 4 ships to take it down having to manually click on aggressive attack mode with the mouse seems slow with respect to the fact that by the time I get all ships attacking the first of my interceptors, which seems to take all the battleship's firepower is very badly damaged/destroyed. I looked through the controls in options to see if there was shortcut keys to change your attack mode, as that may be faster, but there doesn't appear to be. Any advice or could shortcut keys be added for this functionality?

ps I always attack battleships in aggressive mode to do as much damage as fast as possible. Also my interceptors are a mixture of Aegis & Firestorms.

EDIT: I do have the dogfight speed @ max though I still think manual shortcuts would be a bit faster than the mouse in this instance.

Troubleshooting / Is there a problem with the latest nightlies?
« on: January 08, 2016, 03:11:45 pm »
I had everything set up for a new campaign with nightly 2016-01-07-0008 and xeno operations v0.955 but upon testing that everything is fine the game crashes to the desktop with a fatal error-see attached. I also tried nightlies 2016-01-05-2159 and 2016-01-02-2105 but the same thing happens. As you see in the pic attached the skyranger is going to crash site 1 but it won't start. Thanks in advance.

ps I've reported this in the bug tracker.

Work In Progress / Modding the xcom1 ruleset files
« on: December 31, 2015, 06:08:12 pm »
Can anyone advise as I finally got round to doing a rul file to enable changes to crafts,craft weapons etc (see attached). However I'm unsure how to have the language file in STANDARD to reflect for example that you can have 15 instead of 10 aliens in containment. The rul file mod works fine but apart from manually editing STANDARD\Language\en-US to reflect the mod changes is there any way for me to add to the mod so that I don't have to do the manual editing?

Open Feedback / ROUNDING DOWN OR UP?
« on: October 02, 2015, 07:03:50 pm »
Having done a couple of spreadsheets for psionic percentage chances and in my own games worked out the stated accuracy of a shot from the formula in, is it hardcoded or is there another reason why openxcom and probably the original games "trunciate" fractions, in other words if a stated accuracy of a shot has a 81.62% chance why is it rounded down to 81 instead of following the law of mathematics and rounding up to 82?

Open Feedback / MORALE LOSS
« on: September 28, 2015, 09:12:56 pm »
In a current alien base assault I mind controlled a muton soldier and he proceeded to auto fire at a cyberdisc, the cyberdisc returned fire and promptly killed him but the rest of my troops suffered no morale loss on that turn or the next turn. I thought if you have an alien mc'd and he dies while you have control it causes some morale loss on your side as on that turn he's one of your units.

Open Feedback / Most useful layout/Healing aliens
« on: September 17, 2015, 12:41:11 am »
Having played xcom now for a few years I'm wondering how other people fill their transport ships. Personally with my playing style I don't usually have more than 10 troops onboard a craft with 2x2 hwp's filling the rest of its capacity, except maybe on alien base assaults and the final mission where I could have up to 14 troops and 3 hwp's with an avenger. I like to have the hwp's especially if they have hover ability to scout out ahead. What is the "norm" if such a thing exists or ultimately does it depend on the playing style and possibly the mods used in any run through?

Secondly having just cleared out an alien base on my current run through of hardmode expansion v0.93 I managed to capture the Waspite commander with psi capture and noticed he had 3 fatal wounds which I couldn't heal (thankfully the mission ended before he bled out). Is it possible perhaps in the extended version of openxcom to heal aliens in these rare circumstances so that you get the live capture?

Work In Progress / Mortar Tank update
« on: September 11, 2015, 01:14:54 am »
I was looking at the different hwp's that are available as standard and within various mods and noticed the mod by CaleAfterEarth "Mortar Tank" doesn't have a hover version. Now it does and I've named this version 1.2 as original without hover was v1.1. Full credits go to CaleAfterEarth as I've only slightly expanded on his original mod. Initial playtesting on my current run through haven't indicated any problems but other testers would be appreciated as would comments and/or suggestions. One final point is that I doubled the ammo capacity from the original 15 to 30 as even with 30 ammo you can run out of ammo very quickly.

Suggestions / Equipment for particular troops
« on: September 02, 2015, 01:47:14 am »
In my current game of hardmode I finally scrapped the Skyranger @ base 3 and exchanged it for a Skymarshall instead but I noticed with the exception of pre-primed smoke grenades I have to manually put all the equipment back on each troop even though they were the same troops as the skyranger had in the same order. Is this because the auto equip function does not carry to a new transport? It's just when a troop recovers from an injury and you reassign him to the craft he was on, so long as you have all the equipment/weapons in store, the troop in question will have everything he had before in the same inventory slot(s). It's a pain in the neck having to manually re equip all your troops just because the transport is different.

Work In Progress / [Beta] Better TFTD aliens
« on: August 28, 2015, 01:42:25 pm »
Here's a little rul. file mod to make aliens & their terror units tougher.

Most terror units will need very strong psionic troops to mind control them especially on superhuman difficulty. As usual in TFTD the Aquatoid commander will be the strongest @ an attack strength of 102 on Super human, this will be an increase of 104% over the basic Aquatoid commander played on beginner level

So folks you can let me know what you think, comments and test players are always welcomed.

PS I had mis-spelt technician, corrected now and new file uploaded

Fan-Stuff / Chrysallids from Zombies
« on: August 19, 2015, 08:05:37 pm »
I wasn't sure there until I tested in debug mode what way Chrysallids are when they emerge from a Zombie corpse. Per picture OPXC seems to have changed from vanilla in the respect that these Chrysallid's stats are based upon your difficulty setting rather than the base stats. Will teach me for playing on Superhuman I suppose. One final point does incendiary rounds not stop these Chrysallids from emerging in OPXC as in battle mode I killed a Zombie with nothing but AC-IN rounds from an autocannon but the Chrysallid still emerged. Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere in the forum.

Released Mods / Power Glove
« on: August 18, 2015, 03:50:03 pm »
I was wondering if it's possible to tweak this melee weapon to act like the hammer out of Piratez as per the ufopaedia descrption: "A state-of-the-art close-combat weapon, the Power-Glove gives your troops enormous destruction capabilities," it sounds like you might be able to swipe your way through hedges and wooden walls/fences at least.

Work In Progress / How to create a big sprite?
« on: August 15, 2015, 01:45:48 am »
I designed the "StunBlaster" simple mod there but couldn't come up with an original image, however I've found a picture on line that I think will do the job nicely-see first attachment but I'm unsure how to proceed further. At the moment my mod uses big and floor sprites which is 21. Per reading these:, and now I understand why in hand or on the battlescape the stunblaster gets a proximity grenade image but how do I get the above 3 OB's to show as the first attachment image. Do I just choose a number at random beyond the limits set by those 3 links ie 58 or higher for:

    bigSprite: 58
    floorSprite: 58
    handSprite: 58

and then in extra sprites section of my rul file have it:

  - type: BIGOBS.PCK
      58: Resources/StunBlaster/StunBlaster.gif
  - type: FLOOROB.PCK
      58: Resources/StunBlaster/floorob_StunBlaster.gif
  -type: HANDOBS.PCK
      58: Resourrces/StunBlaster/handob_StunBlaster.gif

The stunblaster works as intended but I would like to have a different image for it. Second attachment is current set up of STUNBLASTER mod.

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