OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => The X-Com Files => Topic started by: Solarius Scorch on January 13, 2017, 09:09:02 pm

Title: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 13, 2017, 09:09:02 pm
I am occasionally approached by modders who ask me if I could use some help. Every time I'm really happy, but I rarely am able to answer, because my working process is not really organized towards modularity. (I still managed to get help from Nord - a wonderful artist, thanks! - and waiting on some content from other people.) Therefore I have started this thread to write what resources or other help I need.

So, here's some things I would like to see added, but I don't have the time to focus on them for now due to working on critical features:

1. Space Shield. I would like to make a version of the Power Suit with a shield, but it must be suitably spacey. Anyone wants to give it a try?
2. Powered Dogs. You want power armour dogs, you make power armour dogs, because there's no way I'm going to find the time to sprite them. :) Also goes for other such units.
3. Machinery tilesets. I mean devices which are at least 2x2 tiles big. They are useful for all sorts of things. This includes arcane stuff like technomagical portals.
4. New faces.

This list will be edited as needed.
The participants are promised immortal fame and a nice mention in the readme!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: HelmetHair on March 04, 2017, 07:27:49 pm
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 04, 2017, 09:01:49 pm
I think I may be looking at a potential XCF splash screen... :D
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Dr.Crowley on March 04, 2017, 11:10:10 pm
I think I may be looking at a potential XCF splash screen... :D
...or even a joke research! 8)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 07, 2017, 07:09:53 pm
Forrester + dye for pants and boots + luchador's hat (with brim cut) + sleeves = farmer.

Somehow, their absence irks me the most.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 07, 2017, 09:56:33 pm
Forrester + dye for pants and boots + luchador's hat (with brim cut) + sleeves = farmer.

Somehow, their absence irks me the most.

Awesome! Many thanks!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 08, 2017, 02:35:03 am
Hunter is a farmer dyed green and with a bit wider sleeves.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 08, 2017, 08:50:20 am
Hunter is a farmer dyed green and with a bit wider sleeves.

This will definitely do!
Many thanks for these paperdolls, they are a godsend.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 09, 2017, 02:24:30 am
Resources/Armors_Compilation/Swimwear/Inventory/MAN_27F22.png has an extra swimsuit. Erased.

Resources/Armors_Compilation/JumpArmor/Inventory/man_5m14 (2).png
are identical. Is this an error?

All male pictures in Resources/Armors_Compilation/Synthsuit/Inventory/ are identical. Same for female pictures. Did you plan to add faces someday?

are the same, only inventory_MIB_STORMTROOPER.png has Ufopaedia background.

How about making Black Lotus warriors and assassins visibly different? For example, assassins stay black, warriors become grey or brown. Yes, I mean recolouring Resources/FactionsPack/BlackLotus/BLACK_LOTUS_WARRIOR.png

Who else needs inventory pictures? I compiled the list of sprite animations and floor objects ("floorob_*" and "bigob*") that have no corresponding "inventory_*" file:
In addition to that, some armours could be redone without helmets: BioExoSUit, HazmatArmor, PolarArmor, Synthsuit, ToxiSuit.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 09, 2017, 10:51:16 am
Resources/Armors_Compilation/Swimwear/Inventory/MAN_27F22.png has an extra swimsuit. Erased.

Wow, that was sloppy of me.

Resources/Armors_Compilation/JumpArmor/Inventory/man_5m14 (2).png
are identical. Is this an error?

I probably dragged the file at some point to create a copy without noticing it. It's junk.

All male pictures in Resources/Armors_Compilation/Synthsuit/Inventory/ are identical. Same for female pictures. Did you plan to add faces someday?

Eh? But these are helmets 0_0

are the same, only inventory_MIB_STORMTROOPER.png has Ufopaedia background.

This is rather convoluted... Stormtrooper inventory is inventory_MIB5.png anyway, the ones you mentioned don't seem to be relevant at all. I'll disentangle this later.

How about making Black Lotus warriors and assassins visibly different? For example, assassins stay black, warriors become grey or brown. Yes, I mean recolouring Resources/FactionsPack/BlackLotus/BLACK_LOTUS_WARRIOR.png

I could do that, but I enjoy the confusion. :)

Who else needs inventory pictures? I compiled the list of sprite animations and floor objects ("floorob_*" and "bigob*") that have no corresponding "inventory_*" file:
  • CENTURION — never saw those; are they used?
  • DOCTOR — or is another picture used?
  • FENRIR — the picture doesn't fit with the rest, but that can wait. And it's beyond my capabilities, anyway.
  • Floaters, except commander and soldier: engineer, leader, navigator, medic.
  • POLARNIK — I've seen at least 2 other very similar civilian characters in parkas of different colours and without inventory pictures. Who could they be?
  • Snakemen other than soldier: beastmaster, engineer, navigator, leader, commander.

It's a great list. Some notes:
* Army Armored Car uses Armored Car paperdoll, so no need to do anything
* Yes, Centurions are used (or rather will be)
* Not sure what you mean by other civilians in parkas. I think I only have one male and one female in winter clothes (and of course X-Com winter gear)

Otherwise I think you are completely correct. These paperdolls do not exist.

In addition to that, some armours could be redone without helmets: BioExoSUit, HazmatArmor, PolarArmor, Synthsuit, ToxiSuit.

Sure, but I'm not doing this XD I don't really care that much myself, but if anyone wants to have helmetless versions, sure, go for it.

EDIT:fixed the Stormtrooper inventory issue.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 09, 2017, 07:47:32 pm
Forgot to attach the image without the swimsuit. Here it is. Attached it to the previous post.

As for differently coloured polarniks, here are two. The green one is from POLARNIK.png The brown one is the same recoloured, but I didn't find the corresponding sprites. The savefile calls them STR_MALE_CIVILIAN_POLARNIK and STR_FEMALE_CIVILIAN_POLARNIK (no idea which is which). I've also seen a dark blue one.

Both point at POLARNIK.PCK, which uses Resources/CiviliansPack/Specialists/POLARNIK.png. Can the engine recolour the sprites?

Update: Here's the blue one. It's also STR_FEMALE_CIVILIAN_POLARNIK.

Update 2: There are also red, purple, light blue...

Update 3: Even if it's possible to recolour the sprites, not sure if it would work for inventory picture. Attaching the polar suit pictures. Based on X-COM polar "armor". If you need more recolours, just ask :)
Note to self: Red is the starting colour, green is 73, purple is 202, light level to 32.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 09, 2017, 11:24:45 pm
Superlaska is MAN_28F5.png with bleached hair. The panties were the hardest part — I had to actually draw them.

Cerebreal larva was cut from Ufopaedia picture. I only removed the blue flames from under the disk (or whatever they were).

POSTAL1 — the homicidal soldier — can use Resources/CiviliansPack/Army/inventory_MALE_OFFICER_SOLDIER.png
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 10, 2017, 02:44:42 pm
Many thanks for everything, it's going straight to the mod.

Just for clarification, yes, the engine can and does recolour units to specified alternatives at random. However, there is no way to arrange these recolours to the appropriate inventory picture (except for making whole separate units). But I think it's okay to have just one colour paperdoll for all sprite variants, it's an approximation after all.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 10, 2017, 04:41:58 pm
By the way, you may want to check the picture for adult Cerebreal too. For some reason they don't work for me.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 10, 2017, 06:10:53 pm
By the way, you may want to check the picture for adult Cerebreal too. For some reason they don't work for me.

Good point. The graphics were never added to armour. Fixed.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 10, 2017, 11:17:11 pm
TECHNOMAD and MYSTEK are MALE_TECHNICIAN with recoloured hands and pants and pasted haircuts. TECHNOMAD has MAN_28M0, MYSTEK has tweaked MAN_28M16. Almost forgot — I recoloured the coat stitches too.

I noticed they use identical sets of sprites, but don't feel like tweaking those right now.

Unrelated question: are there female Cyberweb members?

P.S. Damn, forgot the eyeshields. I'll keep both versions ­— with and without them.

How does space technomad look like? Like someone in a white hazardous environment suit with a red bubble covering the head? This is what I got from lightening the hazmat suit picture. Feel free to criticize.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 11, 2017, 08:03:31 pm
Cool paperdolls, but technomads are supposed to be bald. Someone like this, but half the age:


Do you think you could try comething along these lines?

There are no female Cyberweb members, because there are no sprites. Besides, I kind of enjoy the psycho nerd no-girls-allowed feel of the faction, it makes them goofy and scary at the same time. But of course, nothing is set in stone - the internet is full of good ideas. ;)

The Space Technomad is okayish, but I'd like more pronounced shoulders - see enlarged sprite in the attachment, it's practically a V shape. A space suit should be rigid.

I know I'm being difficult, but if you think you can do that, it would be great! And thanks to you, I can focus on the important stuff better. :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 12, 2017, 12:27:23 am
The sprites have visible yellow hair. Should I also make the sprites bald to keep them consistent?

And the same question as with warriors and assassins: should they be visibly different? Since now the player can middle-click them to know the rank, there's not much reason to keep them the same, aside from the work time. (I'm thinking yellow pants for technomads and crimson for mystecs.)

As for pronounced shoulders, it's harder to tell from the sprite with arms attached :) How about a crisis trooper?

I'll make something else then, I wasn't satisfied with this set anyway.

Update: Bald sprites and inventories. 3 colours of pants.

Update 2: Cleaned crisis trooper from black edges, increased brightness, gave him a red helmet. Let's say Cyberweb buys crisis trooper outfits and improves them :)

Update 3: Looks like GIMP messed with palettes. DO NOT USE THESE IMAGES! I'll fix them tomorrow.

Update 4: GIMP 2.9 screws up colormaps, decreasing all indexes by -1 every time the image is imported. If OpenXcom used colour information from files, this wouldn't've been a problem, but it assumes all palettes are the same. There seems to be no easy way to fix it. Most of my images will still look adequate, I hope. I'll replace the attachments when I figure out how to fix palettes.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 12, 2017, 08:48:37 pm
The sprites have visible yellow hair. Should I also make the sprites bald to keep them consistent?

Well, they definitely don't; in fact it's the same head as on Black Lotus Followers, except with sunglasses.
If it's not visible, then I failed.

And the same question as with warriors and assassins: should they be visibly different? Since now the player can middle-click them to know the rank, there's not much reason to keep them the same, aside from the work time. (I'm thinking yellow pants for technomads and crimson for mystecs.)

I don't want to give them different colours, because they are not exactly different - Mysteks are simply the more experienced and knowledgeable ones. Giving them a special attire would destroy the image of the faction, which is (at least in principle) extremely egalitarian. But for the reasons you voiced, I don't mind giving them something small to facilitate recognition - glasses, hats, whatever. I'm open for suggestions.

As for pronounced shoulders, it's harder to tell from the sprite with arms attached :) How about a crisis trooper?

I can't see how a Crisis Trooper is similar, but if you think you can pull it off, sure.

Update: Bald sprites and inventories. 3 colours of pants.

Oh yeah, these are nice!
I will check them in the game ASAP.

Update 2: Cleaned crisis trooper from black edges, increased brightness, gave him a red helmet. Let's say Cyberweb buys crisis trooper outfits and improves them :)

Yeah, looks pretty good :)

Update 3: Looks like GIMP messed with palettes. DO NOT USE THESE IMAGES! I'll fix them tomorrow.

No worries, I always reapply the palette anyway.


Sorry for being so laconic, but I can't really sit down to this today. I really appreciate your work, it's pretty damn good and useful.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 13, 2017, 12:54:13 am
I always reapply the palette anyway.
This is what new GIMP does to "PNG8" (indexed PNGs with a single transparent colour):
If you convert the images to 8-bit per channel and then apply the correct palette, that should do the trick.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 13, 2017, 11:59:53 am
I reapply the palette anyway, to keep consistency. Otherwise I have slightly different palettes all over the place and it's a pretty bad idea.
Applying a palette takes 5 seconds in Photoshop, so don't worry about it. :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 14, 2017, 03:39:47 am
Bikini babe is horizontally shrunk Swimwear-MAN_27F21.png with bleached hair and eyes of Nude-MAN_28F21.png. Not sure about the bikini colour, thus I attached 4.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 14, 2017, 11:00:41 am
I think she's waaay too thin for X-Com. Unless she's a literal Thin Woman. :) (Might be an idea.)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 14, 2017, 02:21:53 pm
I think she's waaay too thin for X-Com. Unless she's a literal Thin Woman. :) (Might be an idea.)
X-COM operatives and hybrid infiltrators are heavyweight soldiers with muscles of almost bodybuilders. And some civilians got to be thinner than that. She's only 10% narrower at close height. Maybe she needs a bigger head, though.

If you don't like her, I'll try something else later. Much later.

P.S. Someone posted a Thin Man. Probably in works in progress. Giving him a miniskirt and token boobs won't be hard :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 14, 2017, 03:11:26 pm
X-COM operatives and hybrid infiltrators are heavyweight soldiers with muscles of almost bodybuilders. And some civilians got to be thinner than that. She's only 10% narrower at close height. Maybe she needs a bigger head, though.

Not really, it has little to do with body mass; this is a matter of art style. X-Com paperdolls are practically chibi and any photorealistic body will appear unnaturally gaunt. There is nothing that can be done about it (apart from replacing all graphics), and I don't think it would be a good idea anyway.

P.S. Someone posted a Thin Man. Probably in works in progress. Giving him a miniskirt and token boobs won't be hard :)

I guess it would be more demanding than that. :) But maybe I could turn your doll into a female ghoul?
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 15, 2017, 02:13:50 am
Not really, it has little to do with body mass; this is a matter of art style. X-Com paperdolls are practically chibi and any photorealistic body will appear unnaturally gaunt. There is nothing that can be done about it (apart from replacing all graphics), and I don't think it would be a good idea anyway.

I compared the sprites and paperdolls for BIKINI_BABE and a female agent. Am I correct that sprites use the same arms and legs for all agents? In this case the paperdoll isn't thin enough :)

She's someone who's trying to stay slim.

I guess it would be more demanding than that. :) But maybe I could turn your doll into a female ghoul?
Did you plan to make female ghouls, or did you get the idea just now? :) Anyway, those aren't mutually exclusive.

I found those thin men sprites: , but loaded a floater file and got a little carried away.

P.S. This way the female agent looks like a sumo fighter. Or Hulk.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 15, 2017, 02:17:17 am
After finishing with floaters, I noticed a couple of better pictures:,2732.msg90319.html#msg90319 But I'm posting mine anyway.

P.S. And here's a tinwoman. Just a first try :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 15, 2017, 06:52:48 pm
I compared the sprites and paperdolls for BIKINI_BABE and a female agent. Am I correct that sprites use the same arms and legs for all agents? In this case the paperdoll isn't thin enough :)

Well, I think you're right... There is only so many templates. :) Of course we modders would welcome more body types.

Did you plan to make female ghouls, or did you get the idea just now? :) Anyway, those aren't mutually exclusive.

I had them looking at your paperdoll. I shared it with Dioxine, and he immediately made a prototype. :)

I found those thin men sprites: , but loaded a floater file and got a little carried away.

Yes, I remember! I've always regretted that this project is not finished. Shouldn't be that hard though.

P.S. This way the female agent looks like a sumo fighter. Or Hulk.

It's a combination of X-Com style and muscle mass. Ideally it would depend on the paperdoll.

Floaters are nice. I should've done it long ago, I just forgot.

P.S. And here's a tinwoman. Just a first try :)

Has potential. Is properly unsettling. :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 16, 2017, 01:51:55 am
Bearded doctor is JumpSuit-MAN_0M25 with recoloured boots, pants, skin and hair; without shirt fastener; and wearing a white coat. The white coat was made from BL mandarin's coat. Beardless doctor additionally has the recoloured mouth and chin of Osiron goon.

Update 1: Just noticed: Janissaries seem to have little in common with TFTD Deep Ones or Calcinites. What should they be like? Ufopaedia page has something green, tool-using and with duck's feet. Do they wear diving suits? Do they have long pink trunks? What colour are they? White?

Update 2: Cybermite is from its Ufopaedia page.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 16, 2017, 02:38:12 am
OK, integrated your Floaters and pretty much everything else. Whew! You are really contributing a lot to the mod. Respect!

Bearded doctor is JumpSuit-MAN_0M25 with recoloured boots, pants, skin and hair; without shirt fastener; and wearing a white coat. The white coat was made from BL mandarin's coat. Beardless doctor additionally has the recoloured mouth and chin of Osiron goon.

Very nice. I'll take the beardless version, because the other one looks too much like one X-Com agent.

Update 1: Just noticed: Janissaries seem to have little in common with TFTD Deep Ones or Calcinites. What should they be like? Ufopaedia page has something green, tool-using and with duck's feet. Do they wear diving suits? Do they have long pink trunks? What colour are they? White?

They are supposed to be exactly the same as TFTD Deep Ones, just with a different name (because "Deep One" is tied to fish people as it should be). But I'm listening. ;)
Hmm... Maybe I should have called them "Gillmen" after all. Aren't they actual humans with surgically added gills and stuff?

Update 2: Cybermite is from its Ufopaedia page.

Crispy. Yum!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 16, 2017, 02:48:12 am
They are supposed to be exactly the same as TFTD Deep Ones, just with a different name (because "Deep One" is tied to fish people as it should be). But I'm listening. ;)
Hmm... Maybe I should have called them "Gillmen" after all. Aren't they actual humans with surgically added gills and stuff?
The problem is: their sprites are not green. I don't remember how Deep Ones and Calcinites looked — it was long ago and I didn't see either much. Where are those sprites from? TFTD? Some other mod? Did you make them?
Update: Played a terror mission in TFTD. Yes, TFTD Deep Ones are green gunners in Ufopaedia and white acid-spitters in Battlescape. Time to fix that :)

Calling them "gillmen" would've been right, but that would create too much confusion.

Drone picture is from Ufopaedia. Ditto holodrone (damn, forgot it's already there) and obliterator.

Got any Jarhead pictures for reference? Where does the picture for UNIT (Resources/UfopediaTechPics/UNIT.png) come from?

Spent several hours trying to draw LARGE_DRONE en face. Do you know where is this picture from?

Priest is SuitArmor-MAN_15M12 with recoloured shoes, more black cloth pasted between his legs, some collar editing and some extra hair. Edit: No, don't like his face. Edit 2: Cleaned face, uploading again

Since JARHEAD_PRETENDER is identical to FEMALE_CASUAL, why not just use Resources/CiviliansPack/Citizens/inventory_FEMALE_CASUAL.png for pretenders' inventory picture?
By the way, why are all pretenders female? Jarheads' frame sticking out in certain directions?

Jarhead is a robot from with the brain composed from and and stretched spinal cord. If you can replace it with something more fitting — that would be better.
Update: Forgot to stretch it to match average X-COM shoulder width. Uploading the wider version.

First janissary is green and has a gun. Same as in Ufopaedia.
inventory_JANISSARY-green-big is Ufopaedia-sized.
inventory_JANISSARY-green is inventory-sized.
janissary-gray is grey, but still has a gun.
ufopedia_JANISSARY-gray is the updated Ufopaedia page.
Now I want to remove the gun, but haven't decided what to do with his arms.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 17, 2017, 07:20:07 pm
Calling them "gillmen" would've been right, but that would create too much confusion.

I guess. That's why it is as it is.

Drone picture is from Ufopaedia. Ditto holodrone (damn, forgot it's already there) and obliterator.

Awesome. Love them. Will use them.

Got any Jarhead pictures for reference? Where does the picture for UNIT (Resources/UfopediaTechPics/UNIT.png) come from?

Sadly, I have nothing on Jarheads beyond what is in the mod. I have taken the basic sprite from Jackstraw2323's War of Shadows mod, added the transformation sequence and made a crude excuse for the bigob. Your take on its inventory is pretty solid, I like it. Might be a bit more mechanical, or maybe even lighter, but I have no strong ideas for improvement. I'm going to use your designs, they are totally fine.

Sorry, no idea where the UNIT pic comes from.

Spent several hours trying to draw LARGE_DRONE en face. Do you know where is this picture from?

No idea - I stole it from some game, but it was so long ago. I could search for it, but it won't be 15 minutes.

Anyway, robotic units tend to not have en face paperdolls, so I wouldn't worry about that.

Priest is SuitArmor-MAN_15M12 with recoloured shoes, more black cloth pasted between his legs, some collar editing and some extra hair. Edit: No, don't like his face. Edit 2: Cleaned face, uploading again

Maybe I'll experiment a little bit with the head when I have free time, just for fun.

Since JARHEAD_PRETENDER is identical to FEMALE_CASUAL, why not just use Resources/CiviliansPack/Citizens/inventory_FEMALE_CASUAL.png for pretenders' inventory picture?

Yeah, I'll do that. I just forgot.

By the way, why are all pretenders female? Jarheads' frame sticking out in certain directions?

Heh, no, I just never got around to make a male version... The transformation animation takes a while.

First janissary is green and has a gun. Same as in Ufopaedia.
inventory_JANISSARY-green-big is Ufopaedia-sized.
inventory_JANISSARY-green is infentory-sized.
janissary-gray is gray, but still has a gun.
ufopedia_JANISSARY-gray is the updated Ufopaedia page.
Now I want to remove the gun, but haven't decided what to do with his arms.

Yeah, the gun is the biggest problem, since it's obviously non-canon. I'm wondering what to do about it myself...

Many thanks for all the great work, I can't express how excited I am! Everything goes to the next release, which will be very soon.

Gave the priest a clerical collar.

Also changed Space Technomad's helmet to the one used in Piratez. I think it looks better.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 17, 2017, 11:21:45 pm
Gave the priest a clerical collar.
That's what I was trying to do too. I didn't bother finding a reference, as you can see.

Also changed Space Technomad's helmet to the one used in Piratez. I think it looks better.
Looks less practical — creates large blind zones on both sides, compared to a bubble. But I guess, it's easier to make with existing Earth technology.

Yeah, the gun is the biggest problem, since it's obviously non-canon. I'm wondering what to do about it myself...
I wonder, how did it end up in TFTD in the first place, since it contradicts flavour text so much?

Anyway, it's done :) Removing the gun was easy. Filling the gaps was harder. Rotating arms and hands wasn't hard, but the result was ugly. But 7x downscaling does wonders to sloppy digital painting. It won't be hard to change the Ufopaedia page, but I like the one with the gun better.

Update: And the grey janissary autopsy to complete the set.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 17, 2017, 11:48:13 pm
I wonder, how did it end up in TFTD in the first place, since it contradicts flavour text so much?

Because TFTD was horribly rushed and the development was chaotic at best.

Anyway, it's done :) Removing the gun was easy. Filling the gaps was harder. Rotating arms and hands wasn't hard, but the result was ugly. But 7x downscaling does wonders to sloppy digital painting. It won't be hard to change the Ufopaedia page, but I like the one with the gun better.

Brilliant! Pity I've just released 0.8, so this picture will be in the next release. Which might be soon, considering these full versions tend to be really buggy, and there is the OXCE+ update too. :P

Looks less practical — creates large blind zones on both sides, compared to a bubble. But I guess, it's easier to make with existing Earth technology.

It also looks more consistent.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 18, 2017, 01:11:07 am
Brilliant! Pity I've just released 0.8, so this picture will be in the next release. Which might be soon, considering these full versions tend to be really buggy, and there is the OXCE+ update too. :P
While the engine is being compiled, I can only check the files. Things you've missed so far:
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 18, 2017, 09:16:17 pm
Bikini babe inventory picture. Or did you dislike her slim figure so much?

No, I as just wondering what to do with it. I don't hate it, but it looks kind of out of place. Like she was a starved, but very tall woman.
I'll add her after all. Maybe she can be tweaked a little in the future.

Janissaries — grey Ufopedia pictures. Plus the gunless inventory picture.

Yes, now I finished adding your Janissary stuff. I simply missed it...

Polarnik inventory picture.

And this one was a gross oversight on my part. :P

Postal1 can use an officer inventory picture. That's HUMAN_POSTAL1_ARMOR, inventory_MALE_OFFICER_SOLDIER and Resources/CiviliansPack/Army/inventory_MALE_OFFICER_SOLDIER.png

Sure, will do.

Should be everything now :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 18, 2017, 11:58:17 pm
Then get a few more :)

Policeman is based on SAILOR with altered and reshaped coat of Red Dawn Coordinator.
Policewoman is based on FEMALE_CASUAL.
I tried experimenting with boots.
I found a picture of a police hat online, compressed it 200 times and then redrew everything. It wasn't even close to the animation sprites, so I altered it until I got something like a bowler hat with a cockade. I'm posting versions with both hats.

In the list I posted earlier I made a mistake. The TECHNICIAN.png doesn't have a corresponding inventory picture, because it has two: inventory_FEMALE_TECHNICIAN.png and inventory_MALE_TECHNICIAN.png.

POSTAL0 is based on HUNTER with altered coat. POSTAL2 is recoloured ZSSR_UBEK with a bit more hair.

Guess, this is where simple alterations and recolouring are over. Arabs and robots need to be drawn from scratch.

Also changed Space Technomad's helmet to the one used in Piratez. I think it looks better.
Just noticed: on the animation sprites the head looks like a red bubble from every direction. For this suit the head will be mostly white from sides and back.

Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 19, 2017, 12:09:36 pm
So fantastic! (Pity I can't see the details on a mobile.)

Badass Chryssalid is simply the alien queen from Aliens, if it helps.

Roboturret and Robosphere were something I stole from Robin's mod, From the Apocalypse. Maybe you could cooperate or something.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 20, 2017, 12:24:39 am
Badass Chryssalid is simply the alien queen from Aliens, if it helps.
Actually, it does. There are plenty of models floating around.
alien_queen_white-gray and alien_queen_white-blue is what I got by bending the tail.
P.S. inventory_BADASS_CRYSSALID is the grey one downscaled to inventory resolution. I'll try to smooth this mess.
P.P.S. On second thought it looks sufficiently jagged and pointy on dark background.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 20, 2017, 11:10:17 am
The en face looks really rad. The side view is also great, but IMO too obvious.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 20, 2017, 10:26:55 pm
I wanted to give a lengthy explanation why did I put the tail that way. Then I decided a single picture would do better and posted the side view.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 21, 2017, 12:18:50 pm
I wanted to give a lengthy explanation why did I put the tail that way. Then I decided a single picture would do better and posted the side view.

Yeah, it looks great!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 21, 2017, 07:26:06 pm
Another attempt with cryssalid. More like the upright figure in the game.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 21, 2017, 08:10:06 pm
Another attempt with cryssalid. More like the upright figure in the game.

To be honest I liked the previous one better... This one has too sharp edges for my liking.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 22, 2017, 01:06:14 am
To be honest I liked the previous one better... This one has too sharp edges for my liking.
Shouldn't a Cryssalid be an insectoid monster made of sharp edges? :)

I'll try different opacity settings then, when I get back to it.

And now, an attempt to draw a Jarhead in OpenSCAD. I imagined them all blocky. Suggestions are welcome. If none appear, I'll finish arms, feet and brain tomorrow.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: jackstraw2323 on December 22, 2017, 03:46:26 pm
Those jarheads are looking great! Please proceed. I had originally thought of the shoulder joints being a bit rounder, but I honestly don't mind the change.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 24, 2017, 10:46:50 pm
I experimented with rounder joints, got some nice shoulders and elbows, but decided against going back and rounding the hips.

In inventory_JARHEAD-rendered-manual.png I removed semi-transparent pixels manually, in inventory_JARHEAD-rendered-auto.png I let GIMP do the work. Pick which worked better.

How do jarheads shoot electricity? From the ends of their arms? I went with that for Ufopaedia picture ufopedia_JARHEAD.png

The electric discharge is from
The brain is from (easier to work with than anterior)

jarhead.scad.7z is the 3D file if someone's interested.

P.S. After looking a while at those pictures, I'm not completely satisfied with brains. Feet need some work too — make those huge cylinders smaller. I'll go back to it in a day or two.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 25, 2017, 01:40:15 am
Wow, this is incredible.
I'm really interested in Jack's opinion too!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 26, 2017, 11:25:33 pm
Just noticed: Ufopaedia pictures of TFTD enemies are clean in the original, but covered with green dots in your mod. Any reason for that?
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Meridian on December 27, 2017, 12:11:43 am
Just noticed: Ufopaedia pictures of TFTD enemies are clean in the original, but covered with green dots in your mod. Any reason for that?

Different palettes
(and use of funny conversion techniques when converting the images from TFTD palette to UFO palette, like diffusion or whatever it's called).
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 27, 2017, 02:03:47 am
Nowadays we can use Meridian's custom palette mode, but these pics are older than that.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 27, 2017, 02:44:49 am
use of funny conversion techniques when converting the images from TFTD palette to UFO palette, like diffusion or whatever it's called
I gathered as much. Thanks for clarifying.
Nowadays we can use Meridian's custom palette mode
Thanks for the information, it may prove useful :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on June 20, 2018, 11:20:23 pm
Found some interesting pictures in an abandonware game Reunion. Attached are the more interesting examples for Ufopaedia.

To see the pictures just click the words underlined with dotted lines.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on June 20, 2018, 11:25:35 pm
Would those make good heads?
P.S. I mean the full face ones.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on June 20, 2018, 11:41:53 pm
More for dossiers and scenic backgrounds.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on June 20, 2018, 11:47:08 pm
Spaceships and ship weapons.

Correction: 8 is a wrist translator.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 21, 2018, 11:52:19 am
Thanks tkzv! No idea what to do with these pics yet, but they are nice and could be quite useful.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Stoddard on June 21, 2018, 06:56:33 pm
Have to say, the solar panels on the space thingy are all wrong. They cannot be perpendicular to each other - that way one can point only half of them at a star at any given moment.

Maybe rotate them all 90 degrees on the long axis so that they all face front/back. Or delete two, so that it looks like a Souyz craft.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on June 22, 2018, 02:07:10 pm
Have to say, the solar panels on the space thingy are all wrong. They cannot be perpendicular to each other - that way one can point only half of them at a star at any given moment.

Maybe rotate them all 90 degrees on the long axis so that they all face front/back. Or delete two, so that it looks like a Souyz craft.
Assume 2 of them are heatsinks :)

But that gives an idea. An alien craft posing as a regular Earth satellite, but with nonfunctional solar panels.

No idea what to do with these pics yet, but they are nice and could be quite useful.
Landscapes for Chtonite or Waspite homeworlds. Or lush deadly jungle of Dimention X.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Anon011 on July 24, 2018, 07:55:30 pm
Hey first of all let me say, excellent mod! Love it

Secondly recently i was thinking, what other games have sprites and fit the theme of somewhat wacky '90 conspiracy stuff, xfiles and Xcom.
And i came to the conclusion, Tesla technology of course! But the question is what game features that? And the answer is Red Alert 2, one of my favorite RTS games of all time. So since sprites from Diablo II are already included in this mod i though you might give this a shot too.

Here i attach: Tesla Trooper sprite from Red Alert 2, a gif of poses from all sides, a zip file with the gif deconstructed into PNG files so it could be easier to implement into the mod and a compassion i did between normal Xcom soldier sprite and enlarged Tesla Trooper sprite.

Dunno if this will be useful at all but i decided to suggest it anyway.
I think this could fit as a high end trooper for Red Dawn faction
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 24, 2018, 08:38:11 pm
Wow, that's nice! Thanks, Anon.
Making a real X-Com sprite from this won't be easy, since you would have to cut out and position all body parts. I'd probably ditch the legs and arms and use recoloured Power Suit instead, since it's pretty much impossible (well, no really, but close enough) to use everything. But the torso and head might work.
I will keep this around for later.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on September 10, 2018, 07:35:01 pm
I don't think I've seen this image in the game, and it would fit very well.

"Les Maitres" by Uno Moralez, the animated GIF version. There may be other resolutions available online.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 11, 2018, 07:57:28 pm
I don't think I've seen this image in the game, and it would fit very well.

"Les Maitres" by Uno Moralez, the animated GIF version. There may be other resolutions available online.

I actually have this pic on my HDD already, and indeed it is great. I would like to use it, but I need a good justification for using black and white graphics. :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on September 12, 2018, 12:10:02 am
I actually have this pic on my HDD already, and indeed it is great. I would like to use it, but I need a good justification for using black and white graphics. :)
I was thinking of a background for an Ufopaedia article. The image has to be scaled down to below 320x200 anyway, which means it'll be shades of gray rather than bi-level. And it's not limited to gray. I tried to make it sinister purple, for example.

Or do you want to make it an animated cutscene? That would be trickier and require colouring.

An unrelated question: do you still need those isometric tiles of machinery? I found a game "Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters" but so far haven't figured out how to extract graphics from the arcade ROM. The best I can do, is make screenshots like the attached one. Do you want them?

EDIT: Added darker, warmer and wider "Masters".
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 12, 2018, 11:45:34 am
Thanks for the graphics! I will think how to use them.
These machine tiles look nice and useful at a glance. Perhaps they are already available on Spriters Resource or somewhere else?
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on September 12, 2018, 01:40:01 pm
Thanks for the graphics! I will think how to use them.
These machine tiles look nice and useful at a glance. Perhaps they are already available on Spriters Resource or somewhere else?
No, the game isn't there.

Got a bit carried away, cut some some sprites of a sentinel robot from that game.

By the way, what is the exact size of Battlescape sprites? I haven't found exact numbers. Bounding box 28x32, Z height 26, X and Y axes 14x6? EPRoM sprites are 4 pixels wider.

A few sprites. Hope the size fits.

A few more. Note that 1st and 6th sprites from the left are double, formed from 2+3 and 4+5.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 18, 2018, 09:57:53 am
Thanks for the sprites!

X-Com tiles are 32x40, but of course it's more complicated than that due to the isometric view. Attaching a floor tile from the city terrain for comparison.

EDIT: Added some stuff converted from these sprites to the OXC format!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on September 19, 2018, 01:47:35 am
X-Com tiles are 32x40,
Damn. Knowing that would've saved me a lot of trouble. I went with the size of the red box that follows the mouse.

but of course it's more complicated than that due to the isometric view.
That's why I wrote that many numbers and words :) Note to self: bounding box 32x40, Z height 24, X and Y axes 16x8.

Anyway, here they are again, without "liquid rescaling", plus a few more. This time I didn't flip them.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 19, 2018, 01:57:34 am
Tiles are 16x16x24 voxels (x, y, z), and the particular isometric view we use (standard for a lot of pixel art) is that the x and y axis are on an angle so that they have a slope of 2 pixels left/right to every pixel up/down.  To make it more clear, here's a PNG I use for tilework when I'm not using MCDEdit to test out some stuff.  It also works for floorobs too.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 19, 2018, 01:00:43 pm
Thanks, these new red machine tiles are pretty rad.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on September 20, 2018, 01:46:29 am
Then get some more. This set has the advantage of being infinitely repeatable. The problem is, they are meant to be hollow, and I made them solid.

Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on September 20, 2018, 01:50:33 am
And 1 more device for today.

I'm afraid, even though those tiles are referred to as industrial machinery, most of them are based on 1970s computers. The (red) ventilation pipes being one of 2 exceptions.

Update: added the other exception too.

Tiles are 16x16x24 voxels (x, y, z), and the particular isometric view we use (standard for a lot of pixel art) is that the x and y axis are on an angle so that they have a slope of 2 pixels left/right to every pixel up/down.
Thanks, I already figured most of that. Except the number 24.

To make it more clear, here's a PNG I use for tilework when I'm not using MCDEdit to test out some stuff.  It also works for floorobs too.
I made one too. Thanks for confirming it.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 20, 2018, 03:26:17 pm
A very nice collection! Thanks!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on September 22, 2018, 10:35:17 pm
When you were talking of 2x2 objects, did you mean something like this?

Originally it was the big switch for the staircase. But I don't think it fits well in X-COM, so I replaced the switch with coloured buttons and lightbulbs. I couldn't think of anything to replace the word "STAIRS", but replacing it will not be much of a problem.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 22, 2018, 10:41:32 pm
Thank you, downloaded and converted.
These tiles really fit great with X-Com! Most of the time, no real work was required.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on September 22, 2018, 11:28:13 pm
Same as above, mirrored.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on September 23, 2018, 07:05:44 am
There were cloning facilities, but I don't remember seeing Hybrid Infiltrators being cloned. Here are some.

Image 2 has the blue swimsuit as on the screenshots, 3 is the green swimsuit infiltrators normally wear. The images are too high to use as a map block. 4 and 5 are the same tanks squeezed into 32x40 — I removed the bottom and shortened the glass cover. 6 and 7 are the tanks cut in two, with the same head for both.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 23, 2018, 04:57:40 pm
Great stuff.
I didn't like the two-level sprites, it will be very difficult to make them look correctly. So I went with the singular tile and adjusted its size.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on October 02, 2018, 01:17:09 am
Have you seen this list?

While many of them only apply to the remake, some will make great "staff input". I liked item 136 (slightly shortened):
RnD appreciates the number of intact corpses and live captures X-COM Agents are able to bring back from the field. They do not, however, appreciate these samples coming in crudely drawn mustaches, monocles and top hats being drawn onto them. Lipstick and other makeup products… do I really need to explain this to you?
Mutons are allergic to face paint and the itchiness causes them to recover consciousness more quickly than expected. Stop it.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 07, 2018, 02:00:09 pm
Have you seen this list?

While many of them only apply to the remake, some will make great "staff input". I liked item 136 (slightly shortened):
RnD appreciates the number of intact corpses and live captures X-COM Agents are able to bring back from the field. They do not, however, appreciate these samples coming in crudely drawn mustaches, monocles and top hats being drawn onto them. Lipstick and other makeup products… do I really need to explain this to you?
Mutons are allergic to face paint and the itchiness causes them to recover consciousness more quickly than expected. Stop it.

While indeed some entries from there would fit, this document has circulated the net for years and I don't think it would be okay to include it in X-Com Files. Even if the authors (whoever they are) were okay with it, many people in the community know it, so using it in the mod would produce an effect which is pretty sour, I think.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: BTAxis on October 15, 2018, 03:02:41 pm
Here's my attempt at adding a new Staff Input article.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 15, 2018, 03:30:28 pm
Here's my attempt at adding a new Staff Input article.

Good one! Taken! :)

(But I'll make it a bit more random; it will be available after laser weapons manufacturing, but from different sources.)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tkzv on December 03, 2018, 11:40:23 pm
Turns out, there already are some nice Arab/Bedouine inentory pictures in the Dune mod:,2957.0.html

Bedouin_1m1.png, Bedouin_1m2.png, FedaykinBedouin_1m1.png and FedaykinBedouin_1m2.png are samples of what the mod has (other 12 have wrong skin colours or uncovered heads).

Arab1.png, Arab2.png, Bedouin_warrior1.png, Bedouin_warrior2.png, Bedouin1.png and Bedouin2.png are my recolours to match your sprites.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 04, 2018, 03:18:42 pm
Very nice, but I just got a paperdoll from Augur.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Mind Flow on August 25, 2019, 12:02:15 pm
I think you can use some pictures / text from the game "Area 51 (2005)" for ufopedia.
Databank & screenshots:
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 27, 2019, 11:14:15 am
Thanks. Never heard of it, but I'll have a look.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Arcalane on October 11, 2019, 06:32:44 am
I don't know if you're taking music recommendations, but this seemed like the place to put it. Anyway - some of SWAT4's music might work well, e.g.;

Auto Center - Stealth

Depending on the tracks (and there are quite a few if you count all the stealth/action variants), could either work for early anti-cult/anti-hybrid missions, or more general ominous mystery stuff maybe.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 03, 2019, 01:53:53 pm
Thanks. I am not looking for new music right now, but suggestions never hurt.

EDIT: I have edited the initial list a little.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: The Martian on November 26, 2019, 12:17:41 pm
I was digging around inside The X-Com Files resource folder (As one does...) and noticed that your Multi-Launcher (White) FloorOb & HandOb were a bit different from that weapon's BigOb colour scheme so I took a crack at editing them.

Here is the original version:

Here is the recoloured version:

From my brief tests using these sprites I've found that it is a bit easier to visually identify whether a soldier is holding the white or gray incarnation of the Multi-Launcher.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 03, 2019, 08:36:16 pm
Wow, they do look much better! Appreciated. I'll use it and credit you appropriately.

In other news:
In response to the community's sudden interest in mapping I have created a short guide to help you guys start. You can find it here: (currently down as we're fixing things, should be back up later today).
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: X-Man on December 04, 2019, 06:07:21 am
Wow, they do look much better! Appreciated. I'll use it and credit you appropriately.

In other news:
In response to the community's sudden interest in mapping I have created a short guide to help you guys start. You can find it here: (currently down as we're fixing things, should be back up later today).

I cannot download it.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 04, 2019, 03:35:02 pm
I cannot download it.

Sorry, the portal was down for a few hours yesterday (early installment kinks). Should be fine now.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Mr. Mister on April 07, 2020, 05:07:35 pm
Do you mind if I post your new x-com mapping guide in the /r/xcom? I know most users there are only interested in the remakes, but you never know where someone talented and interested may lie.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 08, 2020, 07:55:48 pm
Do you mind if I post your new x-com mapping guide in the /r/xcom? I know most users there are only interested in the remakes, but you never know where someone talented and interested may lie.

Of course, go ahead! And if you don't mind, put the link here.

If there are any recurring questions, I can make an addendum.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Mr. Mister on April 09, 2020, 10:58:27 am
Of course, go ahead! And if you don't mind, put the link here.

Here are the links:
Title: Re: Want to help? (Hope these help.)
Post by: The Martian on June 24, 2020, 02:00:43 pm
I was messing around in The X-Com Files resource folder and noticed that the Taser Cannon's HandOb has a higher amount of detail than that weapon's FloorOb. So I was thinking that perhaps the front facing HandOb frame would make a better FloorOb in this case?

Also the dimensions for the FloorObs for both the Taser Cannon and its ammo were 32x48 instead of 32x40 causing most of the image to be cut off when rendered on the battlescape. I have attached resized versions to this post for convenience.

As an additional bonus a HandOb for the Taser Cannon Clip has also been fashioned from the item's FloorOb.

Original FloorOb / New FloorOb:

Resized FloorOb for Taser Cannon Clip:

HandOb for Taser Cannon Clip:
Title: Re: Want to help? (Hope these help.)
Post by: Finnik on October 27, 2020, 09:40:24 pm
I was messing around in The X-Com Files resource folder and noticed that the Taser Cannon's HandOb has a higher amount of detail than that weapon's FloorOb. So I was thinking that perhaps the front facing

Handcrafted artwork would be ever a lot better than generated  ;D
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: palmic on December 23, 2020, 12:05:02 pm
Hi guys, thank you for such a great modification, i am playing now for few days in row and i am having a blast :)

I have a few questions and i hope its not of topic here:
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Xenotrenium on December 23, 2020, 01:05:48 pm
Hi guys, thank you for such a great modification, i am playing now for few days in row and i am having a blast :)

I have a few questions and i hope its not of topic here:
  • What does the white dot at gun slot in combat mean (i can toggle it by right mouse button on the slot)
  • Can i block interrupts? I have a problem with it when the character has unspent points he sometimes interrupts and cause friendly fire. I would like to block it if i know i dont want him interrupting.

Probably wrong thread but:
1. I don't think that does anything at all, but take it from someone else if I am mistaken.
2. You can expend all time units to make reaction fire impossible. There is a hotkey (delete?) or you can right-click on the option (big tall button) that says so. It is next to the other buttons such as kneel or reserve TUs.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: palmic on December 23, 2020, 01:06:39 pm
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Meridian on December 23, 2020, 01:18:40 pm
1. I don't think that does anything at all, but take it from someone else if I am mistaken.

why would we do something that doesn't do anything??

it is an indicator of preferred reaction weapon
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: palmic on December 23, 2020, 05:42:34 pm
why would we do something that doesn't do anything??

it is an indicator of preferred reaction weapon

Yaee!! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 26, 2021, 08:40:00 pm
Guys, the time has come to add random sounds to environments, and you can be a part of that if you like.

The idea is to add some noises matching the environment which could be heard at random during a battle. For example a jungle could have birds singing or monkey screams, desert could have various wind whooshes, and city could have coming and going ambulance sirens or, I dunno, hobos hollering in the distance (okay maybe not, but you get the picture).

If you have some clean, usable sound files of this sort, I'd appreciate if you could share them.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: GRUNCHmitCH on April 27, 2021, 10:47:42 am
first thing come to my mind is the "tüdeldidü" from beginning of xfiles theme...when enemy is spotted or something. (like 1-2 seconds into theme...)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 27, 2021, 05:55:21 pm
OK, any real suggestions?
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Fomka on April 27, 2021, 06:56:32 pm
It is possible to find specific birds' voices over the internet. For example, I've found voices of 2 kinds of parrots that live in Australia.

PS. Why are you asking? The game has got new feature, "random sounds"?

PPS. Is it an attempt to bring some more details to different terrains, like American cactuses that do not grow in African deserts?
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: GRUNCHmitCH on April 27, 2021, 07:33:00 pm
rpg-maker community had great recources... I can´t seem to find much anymore though. Maybe this could help? (

(not sure about legal mumbojumbo ...gotta be some way I can contribute...)
                                                            ((no I can´t... not with sounds anyway. My mind goes to See 'n Say-toys for farm terrain next..."cow says moo"))
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 28, 2021, 10:41:57 am
It is possible to find specific birds' voices over the internet. For example, I've found voices of 2 kinds of parrots that live in Australia.

Indeed, I found quite a lot myself, but I thought reaching out to the community wouldn't hurt - people have all sorts of stuff on their drives.

Your files are pretty nice. Very clean (barring some cage noises), it should be easy to cut out a few samples from them, since I need a few seconds per sound at most.

PS. Why are you asking? The game has got new feature, "random sounds"?

Yes, precisely. Meridian kindly added it, I think it was even on my own request, so I feel doubly obliged to use it... ;)

PPS. Is it an attempt to bring some more details to different terrains, like American cactuses that do not grow in African deserts?

Yeah, that too, but I mostly wanted ambient sounds.

rpg-maker community had great recources... I can´t seem to find much anymore though. Maybe this could help?

Thanks, I know several such websites, but I appreciate this one too. Will check it out later. :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: GRUNCHmitCH on April 28, 2021, 12:04:17 pm
Thanks, I know several such websites, but I appreciate this one too. Will check it out later.

gotcha! ;)
Of course you know these. I was just too euphoric...just joined here after like 1 year lurking. Waaay cooler to use "our" own sounds and whatnot.

with the xf tüdeldi -  I still think it would go well with the mystery-atmo to have it play in the background here and there...X-com-FILES and all that.
                                (not really what you ask for but maybe kinda related?)

Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: scarf on May 01, 2021, 09:39:52 pm
EAS warning music that I made up by merging CC-BY sound effects together; (credits here (
I'll also release this with CC-BY.

currently using this for terror mission and base defense briefing music on my mod, hope it could make some use for X-COM files too

Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 02, 2021, 12:50:54 pm
EAS warning music that I made up by merging CC-BY sound effects together (...)

currently using this for terror mission and base defense briefing music on my mod, hope it could make some use for X-COM files too

Thanks! Sounds quite professional. Maybe I can use it for something.

@Eddie our convo became a tad too big for this thread, so I moved it to a new one:,9686.0.html
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: The Martian on June 06, 2021, 12:05:08 pm
While diving around in The X-Com File's art folders I noticed that both "jump.png" & "jump_H.png" have black sections between their leg sprites.

My guess is this was caused by a paint program's fill command not reaching the pixels isolated by the legs.

I've attached a version without these black patches to this post:


Here are the originals with the black patches for comparison:


I hope that helps save you some time.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 21, 2021, 12:06:07 pm
Many thanks, indeed the old files were botched. They were very old... :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: The Martian on July 27, 2021, 10:41:00 pm
Here are some additional images that may (or may not) be of interest.


I noticed that both the "Final Mod Pack (,2027.0.html)" and "The X-Com Files (,4595.0.html)" Muton Commander unit's death animation did not match its torso frames.

An edited version that adds the pauldron, orange hood ring and swaps the blood from purple to an orange to match the FloorOb can be found in the attached .zip (;topic=5215.0;attach=54595) file.

Pauldrons were imported from the "Xeno Operations (,2913.0.html)" MutonCommander.gif image created by XOps.


The various colours of the Snakeman's armor were not being displayed during the death animation or as BigOb, FloorOb or Inventory images.

Attached is a .zip (;topic=5215.0;attach=54595) containing edited Snakeman Inventory, BigOb, FloorOb & Unit sheets matched to their armor colour:


The Mummy unit sheet differed from the rest of the Mummy's images so I altered it to be more in line with the rest of the art.

Additionally the BigOb and death animation suggest that the unit was disrobed somehow.

With the new death animation bullets may not have much effect on the undead, but perhaps now this one has died of embarrassment.  ::)

I've included 12 variants of the unit sheet.
. 6 with a burn effect on the robe.
. 6 with a thin line effect on the robe. (This is not as pronounced a visual effect if you find the burn effect to be out of place.)
. 6 with Short Hair.
. 6 with Long Hair.
. 3 Colours for the death animation effect Green, Blue & Orange.

To get some of the frames for the death animation I used an edited version of Dioxine's PIR_500.png from the XPiratez (,3626.msg44450.html#msg44450) mod.

Usage notes:
. deathFrames: 9
. forcedTorso: 1 (Do not try to use the second torso, those frames are now used by the new deathFrames: animation.)

Snake, Muton and Mummy (;topic=5215.0;attach=54595)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: The Martian on July 28, 2021, 06:02:23 pm
I've attached an edit of the "STRIX" unit's sprite sheet that makes it visually similar to its BigOb, FloorOb & Inventory images.


Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: The Martian on July 28, 2021, 08:16:43 pm
I was digging through your .rul files and didn't see "inventory_GHOUL_STINKER.png" or "inventory__GHOUL_STINKER.png" being used.

However since there were only BigOb, FloorOb & Unit sheets for the normal Ghoul in your "ZombieRace" folder, sprite editing ensues...

Here is a .zip containing an altered BigOb, FloorOb & Unit sprite sheet:
Ghoul (;topic=5215.0;attach=54618)

The BigOb has had purple veins added to it and the FloorOb & Unit now have red eyes to match the inventory image along with some purple highlights.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 16, 2021, 05:53:34 pm
Hey The Martian, awesome stuff! Many thanks for the help.

I have added your work to both XCF and FMP.

I haven't done anything yet with the mummy and other zombie units, because I don't exactly get the idea - to me, the colours already look fine:


So I'll hold on with these until it's clarified. But the disrobing effect is certainly interesting... ^^

BTW what the heck is a ghoul stinker? :o
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: The Martian on August 17, 2021, 06:52:13 am
BTW what the heck is a ghoul stinker? :o

The inventory image files for a unit called "GHOUL_STINKER" already exist (Twice) inside The X-Com Files (V1-9)'s /ZombieRace/ folder. (And as far back as at least V1-4)

Code: [Select]

Neither of the images appear to be loaded via extraSprites_XCOMFILES.rul. If you do not recognize this undead perhaps these inventory images are currently unused?

I haven't done anything yet with the mummy and other zombie units, because I don't exactly get the idea - to me, the colours already look fine:

Sorry about that, I feel really silly now.   ::)

I'm guessing you are using the ability to shift specific colours to change the hair and skin tone of the undead to match the expected colours via code in the armors_XCOMFILES.rul files.

Code: [Select]
    spriteFaceGroup: 6
    spriteFaceColor: [83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83]
    spriteHairGroup: 9
    spriteHairColor: [246, 246, 246, 246, 246, 246, 246, 246]

I saw the standard human skin tone on the sprite sheet and mistakenly thought it would render that way when I encountered the units ingame.

That ghoulish green you are using is way more distinct for the Strix. (
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 17, 2021, 02:25:02 pm
The inventory image files for a unit called "GHOUL_STINKER" already exist (Twice) inside The X-Com Files (V1-9)'s /ZombieRace/ folder. (And as far back as at least V1-4)

OMG, you're right. I have absolutely no idea what these files are and how they got there. Must be some forgotten idea... I'll remove them, at least for now.

Sorry about that, I feel really silly now.   ::)

I'm guessing you are using the ability to shift specific colours to change the hair and skin tone of the undead to match the expected colours via code in the armors_XCOMFILES.rul files.

Yes, it's exactly as you say.

I'd still like the better animation. Say, would you perhaps have the animation in unaltered colours? I could experiment with the conversion, but maybe it's unnecessary.

That ghoulish green you are using is way more distinct for the Strix. (

Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: The Martian on August 20, 2021, 04:42:22 am
I'd still like the better animation. Say, would you perhaps have the animation in unaltered colours? I could experiment with the conversion, but maybe it's unnecessary.

I've edited the sprite sheets with the longer death animation back to their original skin and hair colours.

Here are the files:
Mummy (;topic=5215.0;attach=54774)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 20, 2021, 03:38:59 pm
Thanks, everything works perfectly. Added!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Mrvex on September 01, 2021, 11:35:43 pm
Solarius, while this post isnt related to coding/making stuff in game. Would you like a steam guide, for this mod in particular ? This mod can be extremely confusing at times and tips and tricks or whatever you need to do to get your boots of the ground could be appreciated for some new players.

Steam guide does have more tools than posting here on the forums and i am sure it would be more convinient to access too.
Like here is what i would envision the guide would contain
Guide would assume the player has successfuly installed it
- The standard jargon that this guide is from a fan and not from the official team and bunch of disclaimers and... that kind of stuff to cover our asses.
- Major differences from vanilla XCOM and a vague description of them, things like Close quater combat, surrendering, rewards etc...
- Advanced settings and possible alterations you can do as player.
- Starting the game, difficulty and recomended starting location
- Some basic tips for research to get the ball rolling, recommended guns to grab.
- Explanation of how promotion works and all the possible ways to archive them
- General combat tips and tricks, how to best utilize certain weapons.

Tons of stuff will be hidden as spoilers with a thick text mentioning that there is a magic in to discovering stuff yourself and that this guide is only if you are desperate or just need to get unstuck ASAP.
Guide wont contain like all enemy types and mission types or any of this stuff, frankly, i lost count how many mission types and enemy types there are but my guess that its more than the entire XCOM serie combined.

It wont contain weapons and toys either, too much and its just better for the player to discover them as he goes. Only certain starting weapons might be highlighted as useful or notable.
It wont contain factions and their arsenal or lore, only what is absolutely nessesary so the player can make it to 1999 and have decent odds.

Before i would publish it, i would present it to you first so you can dismantle it and tell me what should be changed etc... so it would be.... presentable with some honor.
That is, if you would like such thing in the first place, your call.

Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on September 02, 2021, 12:35:33 am
Steam guide does have more tools than posting here on the forums
I'm genuinely curious, what are these? Headings? Proper hyperlinks? Embedded videos? In my experience, a generic Steam Guide is just a long forum post with maybe some headings.

and i am sure it would be more convinient to access too.
Not so sure about that. I for one am not looking for guides to mods on Steam, and even less to ones that originate in another corner of the web.

Plus, it will call some attention to the rampant piracy. I'm not sure Solarius wants to duke it out with the remnants of Blizzard who exactly can or cannot use Diablo 1 sprites, or with the copyright holders of the Thing soundtrack... :-X
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Mrvex on September 02, 2021, 07:50:58 pm

Plus, it will call some attention to the rampant piracy. I'm not sure Solarius wants to duke it out with the remnants of Blizzard who exactly can or cannot use Diablo 1 sprites, or with the copyright holders of the Thing soundtrack... :-X

This is... a fair concern, you got me there.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: GRUNCHmitCH on January 12, 2022, 07:13:58 pm
Öi :)
playing this on german I often come across some "unclear" translations (the word is right but not quite...). Sometimes takes some thinking to really understand what is meant.
I don´t exactly have an example right now but there´s quite a bit of that.
If you´re interested I´d like to help out there if I can...
Would you be so kind as to point me to where I could give it a try? Like is there a place where I can see the english texts and the german translations to compare?

Not saying I´m professional translator or anything, I just think maybe I could do something..? ;)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 13, 2022, 01:18:00 pm
Öi :)
playing this on german I often come across some "unclear" translations (the word is right but not quite...). Sometimes takes some thinking to really understand what is meant.
I don´t exactly have an example right now but there´s quite a bit of that.
If you´re interested I´d like to help out there if I can...
Would you be so kind as to point me to where I could give it a try? Like is there a place where I can see the english texts and the german translations to compare?

Not saying I´m professional translator or anything, I just think maybe I could do something..? ;)

You're very much welcome to help!
But you'll need to create an account on Transifex:
Just select German and do any improvements you think suitable. Also, there's like 2% of strings completely untranslated.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: GRUNCHmitCH on January 13, 2022, 09:02:47 pm
You're very much welcome to help!

On it...
(but man... this is a little over my head at first look. I will have to check that Transifex a bit first)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: GRUNCHmitCH on January 13, 2022, 09:14:22 pm
honestly I think I would be more effective if I played another round Xcom Files and take schreenshots to edit^^ ...because context.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 15, 2022, 02:44:02 pm
honestly I think I would be more effective if I played another round Xcom Files and take schreenshots to edit^^ ...because context.

Sure, whatever suits you best.

You could also send me a file with translations, so I could upload it to Transifex manually... But it's not the best idea, because if someone else tries to translate at the same time, it would cause issues (my manual uploads would destroy their work, if they touched the same strings). So I don't recommend it.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: GRUNCHmitCH on January 16, 2022, 02:11:18 am
It's actually very good, just needed to get a good look first. Hardest thing for me would be matching tones with previous texts....
I will try  my best when times allowes it.
 (man... this is really really a lot of work...respect for the one guy who done this almost by him self)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Finnik on January 16, 2022, 02:30:11 am
Solarius, while this post isnt related to coding/making stuff in game. Would you like a steam guide, for this mod in particular ? This mod can be extremely confusing at times and tips and tricks or whatever you need to do to get your boots of the ground could be appreciated for some new players.

Steam guide does have more tools than posting here on the forums and i am sure it would be more convinient to access too.
Like here is what i would envision the guide would contain
Guide would assume the player has successfuly installed it
- The standard jargon that this guide is from a fan and not from the official team and bunch of disclaimers and... that kind of stuff to cover our asses.
- Major differences from vanilla XCOM and a vague description of them, things like Close quater combat, surrendering, rewards etc...
- Advanced settings and possible alterations you can do as player.
- Starting the game, difficulty and recomended starting location
- Some basic tips for research to get the ball rolling, recommended guns to grab.
- Explanation of how promotion works and all the possible ways to archive them
- General combat tips and tricks, how to best utilize certain weapons.

Tons of stuff will be hidden as spoilers with a thick text mentioning that there is a magic in to discovering stuff yourself and that this guide is only if you are desperate or just need to get unstuck ASAP.
Guide wont contain like all enemy types and mission types or any of this stuff, frankly, i lost count how many mission types and enemy types there are but my guess that its more than the entire XCOM serie combined.

It wont contain weapons and toys either, too much and its just better for the player to discover them as he goes. Only certain starting weapons might be highlighted as useful or notable.
It wont contain factions and their arsenal or lore, only what is absolutely nessesary so the player can make it to 1999 and have decent odds.

Before i would publish it, i would present it to you first so you can dismantle it and tell me what should be changed etc... so it would be.... presentable with some honor.
That is, if you would like such thing in the first place, your call.

Not actually what you are looking, but I do stream modding process, so you can jumps in and ask any questions online (
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on June 07, 2022, 08:03:10 pm
Solarius, do you want to play around with some bigger Geoscape icons? I expanded/made these a long while ago, and while I can't exactly claim credit for things like 5x5 crosses in six different colours ;D, I guess the vehicles may be of some interest.

I spent a while putting these into 2.5 UFOs and deployments. If you want, I can share the files so you have a draft to start with.

Certainly spices up the globe some.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 08, 2022, 04:33:52 pm
Solarius, do you want to play around with some bigger Geoscape icons? I expanded/made these a long while ago, and while I can't exactly claim credit for things like 5x5 crosses in six different colours ;D, I guess the vehicles may be of some interest.

I spent a while putting these into 2.5 UFOs and deployments. If you want, I can share the files so you have a draft to start with.

Certainly spices up the globe some.

I think the current set is sufficient fro the mod's needs, and I'd personally prefer to keep these markers simple. Nevertheless, I like your icons, they're pretty nice. Maybe as a submod?
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on June 08, 2022, 06:45:37 pm
Yeah, I see your point.

As to making a submod, done.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on June 10, 2022, 11:06:11 am
Would you be interested in a shinier X-Com Liquidator paperdoll? I combined the original with the current all-black version, and like the new shiny armour much better. That's what a proper black ops soldier looks like! 8)

It does need some finangling to use the old sprite for Ufopedia, because the armor entry doesn't play nice with these colours.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 10, 2022, 12:47:54 pm
Unfortunately, looks too close to alien alloy. I know it's not the same, but just too close.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on June 10, 2022, 01:13:03 pm
The Liquidators themselves and the battlefield sprites for either seem to have no problems being 'alloyed', though. :-\

How about replacing the alloy vest, then? Sans the shades, I guess. I never liked that blue colour which kinda looks like it's painted on. Although since I play without the custom palette, maybe it's better with that.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 13, 2022, 05:54:48 pm
The Liquidators themselves and the battlefield sprites for either seem to have no problems being 'alloyed', though. :-\

How about replacing the alloy vest, then? Sans the shades, I guess. I never liked that blue colour which kinda looks like it's painted on. Although since I play without the custom palette, maybe it's better with that.

Hmm, I'd rather make some tiny alteration to your design, making it less blueish. I'm not sure if it's even possible, but maybe?

Still, I kinda like the black version. I like black clothes, okay? #edgecom #gothhusbando
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on June 13, 2022, 06:20:53 pm
Eh, I like black as much as the next tactical nerd. I just appreciate this particular paperdoll so much that I made two versions for myself, one for MiB (all black, incl. the sprite), and one for EXALT and X-Com (that bluish tint).

If you don't think it fits the mod, that's fine, leave it be. All I did was take the original Piratez paperdoll and backfill it to your X-Com standard (because all 'Commies have manly shoulders 8) ).
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 13, 2022, 07:27:33 pm
All right, appreciated. :)

I honestly keep having to pick one option over another all the time, and I hate it.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on June 14, 2022, 07:20:44 pm
Hmm, should I make a 'random offerings' thread to keep this one more focused?

I have another combo image proposal, because I never liked how Black Lotus doesn't have a mid-level sensei/sifu.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: tarkalak on June 16, 2022, 03:41:25 pm
Hmm, should I make a 'random offerings' thread to keep this one more focused?

I have another combo image proposal, because I never liked how Black Lotus doesn't have a mid-level sensei/sifu.

Mid level? This man counted to infinity. Twice.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on June 16, 2022, 03:47:44 pm
I mean, right now there's the Assassins and then there's Lo Wo, with nothing in-between.

Even if this guy managed to count up to some ethereal cardinal (twice!) and has fists of fury, he's still a dude in white pajamas.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 17, 2022, 11:28:49 am
Raynerd eh? :)
Not planning to add more Black Lotus ranks, there is no place for it. Also, would need to be some cool concept.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on June 17, 2022, 01:32:11 pm
How is a guy with Fists of Fury™ who has seen beyond infinity not cool? :o

Also, what do you mean by a martial arts group without teachers/technical leaders (as in technique) having no place for them? Does Lo Wo teach everyone? ???

Alternatively, something along the lines of the Goddess getting stronger/better at possessing humans over time, so after X months the Avatars are accompanied by these guys who either punch X-Com really hard, go Liu Kang on us, shoot lasers out of their eyes, stuff like that.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: AndyFox on June 21, 2022, 04:17:19 pm
Please tell me if there is any solution to find the last alien?
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on June 21, 2022, 04:57:22 pm
Yes. But this is not the thread for it. Make a new one or post in the main XCF thread.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on October 02, 2022, 12:36:58 am
Hmm, how about this fella? The Chosen sprites always looked kinda bad to me.

You will hate him in the jungle, though!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 02, 2022, 12:22:23 pm
Hmm, how about this fella? The Chosen sprites always looked kinda bad to me.

You will hate him in the jungle, though!

It's a solid work and better than the original, but the original's colours are more watery with these shades of blue, whereas yours is more "wood elf green". So apologies, but I think conceptually the old one fits better.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on October 02, 2022, 12:33:21 pm
"wood elf green"
And I was hoping it looked like 'nauseating eldritch green'. :-\

I kinda like the green theme for the Dagonites. Disciples, Gilldogs, Gillmen Deep Ones. I even made Deep Ones Gillmen and Deep Ones a darker green and used a modified TWoTS Freak recolour for the Sorcerers. Makes jungle missions a real pain, heh.

But if you want 'watery' guys, this one indeed doesn't work.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 02, 2022, 04:19:22 pm
BTW, they look kinda like Ethereal Keepers... Just with different scaling.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on October 02, 2022, 04:53:39 pm
Yeah, true. :-[ I tried to get a sort of nauseating colour, but clearly failed. Although the sprites themselves are considerably darker than the Ethereals.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on February 12, 2023, 07:02:35 pm
Some more offerings. Never liked the Canister Gun sprite because to me it looks like a WWII pistol trying to mate with a grenade launcher. :(

Supersoldier is Robin's plus recolour&head swap, Canister gun is also a recolour of his Apoc plasma rifle, the clip is just a recolour to replace greys with 'alloy blue' and the Machete is Mikkol's contribution to Piratez plus a few dark pixels.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 13, 2023, 02:38:52 pm
Thank you, I'll use the machete, it's cleaner.

I happen to like the canister gun as it is, so not going to change it, but yours isn't too bad either... But to be perfectly honest I don't like the lightning shape of the stock, it looks like a tram ran over it.

The supersoldier looks more like a UAC guy. Maybe I'll find him a home, but is there a battlesprite and the rest?
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on February 13, 2023, 03:18:32 pm
But to be perfectly honest I don't like the lightning shape of the stock, it looks like a tram ran over it.
The aliens who came up with that one have weird body shapes? :) I find it kinda appealing that it looks weird, it's not meant for humans.

I also have slightly more 'alien-coloured' versions of the current Canister Gun, without the very human-looking pistol grip.

The supersoldier looks more like a UAC guy. Maybe I'll find him a home, but is there a battlesprite and the rest?
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: krautbernd on February 13, 2023, 05:29:09 pm
No offense, but...


I don't think "Hey, do you need help with that flat tire?" is really what the Syndicate is going for  ::)

What's wrong with the existing sprite? I think it fit's the supersoldier look just fine.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on February 13, 2023, 05:36:43 pm
I mean, you people need to criticise Robin if you find the sprites silly. I just recoloured them. :)

That having been said, the idea is that Supersoldiers are also on a supersoldier serum and/or have a lot of synthmuscles. Unlike Mutons, they wear external armour, but since they're bulky, it's bulky armour. And there's a reason for the Michelin Man look - less vulnerability in the joints.

But really, the real reason is that it's a cool sprite and pretty close to the black armour of other Syndicate goons. I like this sprite so much I use the original 'Apoc hybrid' version for my own troops' Synthsuits.

And IMO current supersoldiers look incongruent with Syndicate Security, the guys usually right next to them. The first time I saw one, I wondered if they're some other faction fighting against... okay, it's an enemy so with the Syndicate? They look less like a classic comic supersoldier and more like a spec ops caricature. Which is fine if that's what you're looking for. Me, I like a more colourful and heavily armoured version of Syndicate Security, bald and with an evil grin.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 14, 2023, 02:59:57 pm
The aliens who came up with that one have weird body shapes? :) I find it kinda appealing that it looks weird, it's not meant for humans.

Fair enough. :) I still like the current one too much. But it's a nice bigob.

I also have slightly more 'alien-coloured' versions of the current Canister Gun, without the very human-looking pistol grip.


As for graphic consistency: maybe the supersoldiers aren't best at it, but this one isn't any closer. Also this bald head is very overused (but it's a very minor thing, as it can be easily replaced).

As for Robin's desing, it was made for the Apocalypse setting, which has a very different style.

EDIT: Nice work on the canister gun. I'll include it, but recoloured back to black, at least for now. I thought about it hard and it simply looks best.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: sudtrap on July 20, 2023, 11:35:19 am
I do spriting periodically. Is there anything you'd like to have made? I'm not inclined to make a bunch of stuff but I'd be happy to sprite up some enemies or whatever. I can touch up sprites as well. I've done a fair amount of spriting over the years; if you need to I can get you some examples. (I've done spriting for MKFusion, Metroid Prime 2D, several pokemon fan games, and a bunch of my own stuff)

I was offering in the other thread to make ya some ghost sprites since it seems like you dont have very many of them.

I know some of the paper dolls of various units and such could use some touching up.

Finally, if you decide you don't like the sprites I make you can always discard them. Not even really interested in credit; I just like the xcom files and wanna contribute a lil.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Juku121 on July 20, 2023, 11:50:03 am
I think Space Shield and Powered Dogs from the very first post are still wanted?
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 20, 2023, 12:30:10 pm
@sudtrap Thank you for the offer, much appreciated. I have some spriting needs, sure!
Some examples:
- Autopsy pictures. 37 still missing, I can provide a list.
- Scout Drone with a Taser Cannon.
- Hybrid catsuits (with psi circuitry).
- X-Com crew (civilians) in Dimension X base.
- Samurai Suit (Synthsuit Plus).
- Powered Suit for dogs, mentioned by Juku.
- A shield for Powered Suit, mentioned by Juku.
If you're interested in trying any of these, feel free to contact me by PM or Matrix (or Discord, if necessary).
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: sudtrap on September 25, 2023, 10:56:01 pm
@Juku + Solarius

Can I get some more details about the dogs? If the design is different from the human power suits, do you have any concept art I can reference?

Also, I think you were joking before but you mentioned a dog mech; a big one.
How big are these suits?
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 26, 2023, 01:36:25 pm
@Juku + Solarius

Can I get some more details about the dogs? If the design is different from the human power suits, do you have any concept art I can reference?

Also, I think you were joking before but you mentioned a dog mech; a big one.
How big are these suits?

I've been thinking something like:
Except, you know, not dieselpunk.

Yeah, I'm mostly serious. :P
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: sudtrap on September 27, 2023, 10:29:48 am
Hahaha! I haven't seen those things in AGES. Like 20 years!

Okay, that gives me an idea; so something that's very metallic and robotic. Probably just needs a lil' sci-fi sprinkled on top.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 27, 2023, 01:30:39 pm
Hahaha! I haven't seen those things in AGES. Like 20 years!

Okay, that gives me an idea; so something that's very metallic and robotic. Probably just needs a lil' sci-fi sprinkled on top.

Exactly! :D

Making such a sprite would be a huge pain, at least to me. But it's an interesting challenge.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: ImpMontezuma on November 22, 2023, 10:38:42 am
Sorry, the colors and position of the last pics were wrong ^^" Here is the fixed version and more pics for Fenrir too 😁
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: 0xEBJC on December 09, 2023, 03:48:53 am
@sudtrap Thank you for the offer, much appreciated. I have some spriting needs, sure!
Some examples:
- Autopsy pictures. 37 still missing, I can provide a list.
- Scout Drone with a Taser Cannon.
- Hybrid catsuits (with psi circuitry).
- X-Com crew (civilians) in Dimension X base.
- Samurai Suit (Synthsuit Plus).
- Powered Suit for dogs, mentioned by Juku.
- A shield for Powered Suit, mentioned by Juku.
If you're interested in trying any of these, feel free to contact me by PM or Matrix (or Discord, if necessary).

Hi Solarius Scorch,

X-Com Files is great, thank you for all the work over the years. 

I was wondering if you know if graphics can have transparency in the battlescape, something if possible would look cool for the ghost type enemies?  Or like how some objects in the map can be animated at rest like the hospital IV drips, could enemy sprites be animated?

I made some new sprites for the automobiles, van, humvee, tried to model them more closely to spy hunter graphics: :)

You're welcome to use them or not, they'er modeled the colors based of your UFOPedia graphics.

Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 11, 2023, 01:45:46 pm
Hi Solarius Scorch,

X-Com Files is great, thank you for all the work over the years.

Thank you very much!

I was wondering if you know if graphics can have transparency in the battlescape, something if possible would look cool for the ghost type enemies?  Or like how some objects in the map can be animated at rest like the hospital IV drips, could enemy sprites be animated?

Transparency as in semi-transparency? No, these are just 256 colours sprites, nothing else.

I made some new sprites for the automobiles, van, humvee, tried to model them more closely to spy hunter graphics: :)

You're welcome to use them or not, they'er modeled the colors based of your UFOPedia graphics.

Great, thank you! I will use some of them (both personal cars and the van). The other two look too different from their battlescape representation, and I consider it more important than the Pedia.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: 0xEBJC on December 11, 2023, 07:11:18 pm
Thank you very much!

Transparency as in semi-transparency? No, these are just 256 colours sprites, nothing else.

What I had in mind for example is looking at one of the ghost sprites in battlescape, the ones that are simple a white outline.  Could you make them, like how other aliens flash glow purple, but instead flash glow white, pale green white, etc. color to your liking? And then remove their pixels completely so they are invisible and only flash glow?

Great, thank you! I will use some of them (both personal cars and the van). The other two look too different from their battlescape representation, and I consider it more important than the Pedia.

Ok, I'll look more closely at the other battlescape vehicle designs and see if I can model the graphics more closely to them.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: 0xEBJC on December 11, 2023, 07:17:31 pm
For the "public car" I was modeling the graphic after the classic car in the MiB movie :)

Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 11, 2023, 08:00:51 pm
What I had in mind for example is looking at one of the ghost sprites in battlescape, the ones that are simple a white outline.  Could you make them, like how other aliens flash glow purple, but instead flash glow white, pale green white, etc. color to your liking? And then remove their pixels completely so they are invisible and only flash glow?

Uhh, maybe with script magic? I'm not sure, such effects are beyond my expertise.

For the "public car" I was modeling the graphic after the classic car in the MiB movie :)

It's a pretty good rendition! :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: 0xEBJC on December 12, 2023, 12:20:36 am
Would you be open to modifying the battlescape public car to something similar to the ford crown victoria? It was the vehicle of X-Files for the first 2 seasons... then possibly use the public car sprite I made or somethign similar that would match the Crown Victoria?

I can't promise anything, but I could look at making the updates, but don't want to spend the time if it's something you aren't interested in. Also, I'm just starting to dive into the modding tools on the forms and haven't done battlescape work yet, so...learning curve ahead, but looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 12, 2023, 11:13:52 am
Would you be open to modifying the battlescape public car to something similar to the ford crown victoria? It was the vehicle of X-Files for the first 2 seasons... then possibly use the public car sprite I made or somethign similar that would match the Crown Victoria?

I'm not against it. Not going to make it myself, though - there are more pressing priorities.

But I think it would look nice.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Barghum on February 09, 2024, 03:41:20 pm
Some examples:
- Autopsy pictures. 37 still missing, I can provide a list.
- Scout Drone with a Taser Cannon.
- Hybrid catsuits (with psi circuitry).
- X-Com crew (civilians) in Dimension X base.
- Samurai Suit (Synthsuit Plus).
- Powered Suit for dogs, mentioned by Juku.
- A shield for Powered Suit, mentioned by Juku.

A sprite for the scout drone taser cannon (looks more like an electro-laser / accelerated rifle lol) hope it helps :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 11, 2024, 12:46:59 pm
A sprite for the scout drone taser cannon (looks more like an electro-laser / accelerated rifle lol) hope it helps :)

Oh yeah, this looks very promising! I'll try to do something with it.
Thank you!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: sudtrap on March 04, 2024, 11:56:27 pm
What breed of dog are the XCOM dogs? The closest I could find was the Peruvian Hairless Dog.

Also, I've been working on the power suit for dogs. I'm working on a different dog pose to go with it. Is that acceptable? (see attached picture 4 the pose)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 07, 2024, 11:21:39 am
What breed of dog are the XCOM dogs? The closest I could find was the Peruvian Hairless Dog.

It's a good example. I never had any particular breed in mind, but I was aiming for something like the Australian dingo, which is pretty similar to the Peruvian. (That's mostly because this is supposed to be the most "default" form of a dog, so I went with that. I could use a German shepherd, but well, I'm not a very good artist and what I got was something different.)

Also, I've been working on the power suit for dogs. I'm working on a different dog pose to go with it. Is that acceptable? (see attached picture 4 the pose)

The pose as such is fine, but for consistency, it's better if all variants have the same pose.
However, by "better" I mean better, not that it's the only acceptable way. So if there's a good reason to use a different pose, then sure, we can do that.


A sprite for the scout drone taser cannon (looks more like an electro-laser / accelerated rifle lol) hope it helps :)

I have implemented it in the mod, with credits. Many thanks, Barghum!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: HinterDemGlas on April 08, 2024, 09:27:01 am
I present a craft menu preview picture for the Medical Drone. Just a recolor of the scout one really. I hope it's useful
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 08, 2024, 12:37:53 pm
I present a craft menu preview picture for the Medical Drone. Just a recolor of the scout one really. I hope it's useful

Thanks! It is very nice and fancy. Added!
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: HinterDemGlas on April 08, 2024, 03:30:49 pm
Neat! I'm happy to hear that.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on August 16, 2024, 08:19:27 pm
While making my submod I've made a couple of block changes that you might have use of:

- Removed the exterior floor in SKI_XCOM.MAP so it uses the terrain provided by the 'landing blocks'
- I've sliced up the FOREST_HIGHWAY.MAP into 4 smaller blocks and provided the ruleset to use these new blocks. This will allow the spawn point of the vehicles to be random along the road instead of a fixed position. The road segments are visually identical, but use different node placements to imitate the original.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 22, 2024, 04:35:52 pm
Thank you, good point on the house. I think it was a relic from some older method of generation.

As for the forest highway, I appreciate the effort, but I'm not sure it's worth the extra code, as this mission can only happen once per campaign.
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Raptor29a on October 22, 2024, 10:11:50 am
For the last three months on and off I tried to Make Shredder from TMNT as a joke character for XCF. I only got as far as a static model (As in no animations, and I used a Muton as a template). Doing a sprite sheet is hard stuff. I have a lot of respect for anyone that can do it. I have a lot of concept art, but like I said for some reason it's harder for me to do tiny than it is to do big.
Anyways I am submitting my unfinished work, because I just can't drag myself to animate it.
If anyone wants to finish it be my guest. It's beyond my expertise
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 22, 2024, 01:08:23 pm
For the last three months on and off I tried to Make Shredder from TMNT as a joke character for XCF. I only got as far as a static model (As in no animations, and I used a Muton as a template). Doing a sprite sheet is hard stuff. I have a lot of respect for anyone that can do it. I have a lot of concept art, but like I said for some reason it's harder for me to do tiny than it is to do big.
Anyways I am submitting my unfinished work, because I just can't drag myself to animate it.
If anyone wants to finish it be my guest. It's beyond my expertise

It's a cool concept, and not even TMTD exclusive; the design works well as a generic Kabuto-like armour.
Thanks, I might use it at some point, though not necessarily in the intended form. :)
Title: Re: Want to help?
Post by: Ace The Brave on March 12, 2025, 12:21:46 pm
I've sent @Solarius a private message with some ideas. I can work on some new sprites to better identify enemies and also different agents with transformations